Relying on the memory in his head.

Li Yi judged the possible location of the Demon King, and finally he found the Demon King after a period of time.

As the saying goes, enemies are jealous when they meet.

As soon as Li Yi met the Demon King, both of them could feel the other's breath that made their blood restless.

It was as if every pore on their bodies was telling them that they must kill the enemy in front of them.

The battle between the two broke out soon.

Regarding the strength of Li Yi in front of him, the Demon King could also sense that this man's strength was not weaker than his father.

But the Demon King also had his own confidence. He thought that with his current strength, fighting against Li Yi should not be so painful.

However, fantasy is beautiful, but reality is extremely cruel.

The fact is that the Demon King's current strength is still not enough.

Li Yi's strength exceeded his imagination.

And like his father, at this time, Li Yi was more cautious, because the man in front of him made him feel oppressive for the first time.

So, Li Yi also used all his skills at once.

In the end, the demon king was knocked to the ground in one go, and half of his body could not move.

But this time, the demon king did not intend to break and escape. Perhaps he was too aggrieved and could not bear it. He silently waited for his death to come.

However, Li Yi did not kill him, just like his father would "hold back", although he did not know what was going on.

Then, Li Yi asked him to let the demon king control all the demons.

At this moment, the demon king understood what he wanted to do.

But doing so was equivalent to cutting off the fire of the demons.

Because the demon king also understood that he must have solved the other demons, so he finally found him again to solve the last guys.

The demon king was helpless. If so, he would become a sinner of the demons.

Originally a king, how could he accept himself to do such a thing?

The demon king was naturally unwilling, and even preferred death to obey.

So, Li Yi used the art of time and space to directly control the demon king on the flat ground.

The demon king entered an infinite loop. Whether it was space or time, he was controlled. He was controlled at a fixed time and a fixed place. He couldn't escape.

And the demon king was always accompanied by Li Yi's desperate question, "Have you thought about it? If you have, I will let you go."

Such a question has been lingering in this inescapable space, and the demon king's spirit has been collapsing with time.

Finally, the demon king couldn't hold on any longer, and he chose to compromise.

The demon king finally did what Li Yi said.

The last few demons.

In addition to the magic, there are two more. If Hua Ye who was already there is counted, then there are exactly four demons.

In the end, including the demon king, there are a total of five, which just overlaps with the fifth floor of the Alien Blood Tower.

Li Yi was very satisfied, and finally he directly imprisoned them in the Alien Blood Tower.

Although this was not considered letting the Demon King go, the Blood Tower and the magic he set up were naturally better than the Blood Tower. No matter how much torture he had, it was still not as good as Li Yi's torture. Moreover, Li Yi did not need to do what he said to the Demon King, after all, the other party wanted to kill him.

In this way, the Demon Age can be said to have been completely declared over. Li Yi truly fulfilled his father's wish and helped the people of the world to eliminate the hidden dangers of the Demons.

Since then, Li Yi began to destroy everything about the Demons, their treasures, their scriptures, and everything related to them.

That process lasted for about two years, that is, Li Yi spent a total of about four years to accomplish the great act of completely eliminating the special group of Demons.

Of course, Li Yi did not think that this was mainly his own credit. On the contrary, he believed that all this must be attributed to his father, Li Huaitian.

If it were not for his father Li Huaitian, then all this would not have gone so smoothly. He believed that he relied on his father's power to do all this.

Afterwards, Li Yi, like his father, finally became an ordinary person and lived in the world. The times really began to change from then on. Family culture gradually ceased to be dominant, and sect culture began to rise vigorously...

Those practitioners no longer looked at their offspring based on whether they were the descendants of a strong person, but looked at their overall talent. From then on, the times really changed...

The story ends here.

Meng Fei also stretched his body, as if he had spent a long time.

The Mi Mo once went to learn about Li Huaitian, and they were from the same era, so he knew so much.

It can be regarded as answering a lot of questions for Meng Fei.

How much Meng Fei can gain from it depends on himself.

But Meng Fei didn't say much, but looked up lightly.

He pointed his finger upward and said, "I understand, I should go there directly."

"Boy, go if you want to, don't blame me for not reminding you." Mi Mo emphasized again and again, but Meng Fei didn't listen, so he couldn't control it.

Watching Meng Fei leaving, Mi Mo sighed.

He could roughly feel that it was unlikely for the Heavenly Demon to stop Meng Fei, but the one at the top was not certain.

The demon didn't know what Meng Fei was thinking, but he couldn't care.


Meng Fei was in full swing, and he vowed to fight to the top floor in his strongest form. After all, he had heard all the stories he should hear, and he thought there was no need to waste time with the other demons.

So, he immediately opened the passage to the top floor and kept moving upwards.

Soon, he came to the top floor without wasting any time.

Arriving at the top floor, it was finally different from other places.

The difference was that the chaotic energy here was not only more turbid, but also darker overall, and the whole space was extremely dim.

Meng Fei stretched out his hand and guided the chaotic energy to fall on his palm.

When the chaotic energy touched his palm, he immediately felt extremely heavy.

"The chaotic energy here has been strengthened."

Meng Fei didn't seem very surprised after understanding it.

After all, this is the last floor, where the strongest demon is imprisoned.

"I didn't expect that someone would come here by himself. It seems that guy has really thought of everything."

Just as Meng Fei had just entered, a deep and powerful voice suddenly echoed throughout the space.

Meng Fei looked around, and his powerful eyesight kept searching in the dim world.

However, he saw nothing.

Until that person appeared in front of him by himself.

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