"You are... the devil..."

Looking at the man who slowly appeared in front of him, Meng Fei was a little surprised.

Because it was not what he thought at the beginning. The devil should be a guy with a burly figure and extremely violent momentum.

However, it was not the case.

The devil looked like an extremely refined person. He was obviously a bloodthirsty devil, but he did not have that kind of devilish aura. On the contrary, his aura was extremely stable, giving people a very natural feeling.

It felt like meeting an ordinary person.

But if you think about it carefully, this is the most terrifying, because not only ordinary people will let down their guard against the devil, even those practitioners may be framed by the devil because of this. These are all completely possible.

After all, the more normal things look, the most abnormal they are.

And when he saw Meng Fei, he didn't seem so excited. Instead of being so hungry that he wanted to eat Meng Fei, he sat cross-legged in front of Meng Fei, motionless.

Meng Fei held his breath. Although the devil looked very peaceful, he was like a tiger squatting in front of an ordinary person to drink water.

Who knows if the beast's next target will be himself?

The sense of oppression is even more due to the lack of strength.

"You are very strong and very young."

Suddenly, the devil said this to Meng Fei.

His expression was indifferent, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

And a person like him, saying such words, Meng Fei naturally understood that the devil's words were still hidden.

He could hear that the devil seemed not very satisfied with himself.

"You..." Meng Fei wanted to speak, but was stopped by the devil.

The devil said to Meng Fei again, "Do you know? Oh, no, looking at your appearance, you should know. The guy in the past, no, no, it was those two guys, both very young and very strong, especially the latter one, but the one that impressed me the most was the first guy."

Talking about the past, the devil's face became more vicissitudes.

Then, he sighed for a long time.

He sat there, motionless and stunned.

It was as if his thoughts were pulled back to the past, when he was still very strong, and Li Huaitian had not appeared yet.

Until the man showed up, all of this was broken.

"To be honest, I used to doubt myself very much."

He suddenly said again, as if he was talking to himself.

"What do you mean?" Meng Fei said puzzledly.

"Haha, of course it was after that guy showed up..." He said self-deprecatingly.

Then, he glanced at Meng Fei, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "If it was in the past, a person like you, with such a body, I should have defeated you immediately and then devoured you."

He said this, which made Meng Fei nervous, and then shook his shoulders, as if ready for battle.

"No, no, no, you don't have to be so nervous." He said to Meng Fei, his face very peaceful.

Although Meng Fei calmed down a little, he was silently preparing to fight in his heart.

The devil was indifferent. After all, with Meng Fei's current strength, there was no threat to him.

Even Meng Fei, who is now in full swing, is the same.

"I've said it all, I only knew it before, but now my state of mind is completely different." The devil said with great emotion.

But Meng Fei didn't dare to let down his guard. Although he behaved very normally now, he was always on guard in his heart.

At this time, the devil suddenly stood up and walked towards Meng Fei.

"What do you want to do?!" Meng Fei immediately questioned him.

The devil shook his head, and then came behind Meng Fei at a speed that Meng Fei didn't even react.

"I've said it all."

The devil's voice sounded behind Meng Fei.

Meng Fei turned around, and the devil's body appeared behind Meng Fei again like a ghost.

"Calm down!"


Meng Fei was surprised, but when he turned around again, he felt a sudden tap on his head.

Then, his body sank and he sat on the ground suddenly. All kinds of guards on his body were lifted at once, and his state was also lifted. Now he was just an ordinary state.

In this state, Meng Fei could no longer compete with the devil, and he had to listen to the devil honestly.

At this time, the devil did not continue to attack Meng Fei or do anything to him, but sat on the ground again.

Meng Fei was finally honest now, and he could continue to talk to Meng Fei.

"I said, I would eat you before, but not now." Then, he seemed to want to spit out a lot of words.

Meng Fei understood that for the devil, after reaching the top level of strength, the devil's belief in being killed in seconds had collapsed.

So much so that after so many years, the devil has even forgotten a lot of things, and the only thing he has figured out is his understanding of this world.

"Once, I only cared about my own strength and destroyed the lives of other lives in various ways. Such actions were still punished in the end. Now I understand that every life has the right to live. This is the right given to every life by heaven and earth. Once someone violates this right of heaven and earth, then he will definitely be punished by heaven and earth, and those two guys are sent down to the world by heaven to deal with us." The devil's eyes seemed to be full of stories, and his sighs were a regretful self-mockery to his past self.

But regret is useless.

Then, he looked at Meng Fei and said doubtfully: "You have a very strange smell, but it doesn't belong to you. It's a smell I have never smelled in the world. What is that? It seems to be left after fighting with you."

This question made Meng Fei think for a while, and then he realized what this guy was talking about.

"You don't want to talk about ghosts and monsters, right?" Meng Fei thought about it and felt that the devil could only refer to these.

"Monsters and monsters? What are those?" The devil looked confused, and these names seemed a little strange to him.

Meng Fei then remembered that these guys had not appeared in the devil's era, and this was all later.

So, Meng Fei roughly explained to him what monsters and monsters were.

After listening to Meng Fei's story, the Demon King sighed and said, "I never thought that the world would face such a disaster again."

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly said, "Why, are you willing to protect the human race this time?"

The Demon King was stunned for a moment, and the flesh on his face wrinkled. This seemed to make him feel uncomfortable all over.

But he did not refuse, and said self-deprecatingly, "I can't leave here, and everything else is just fantasy!"

Then, he looked at Meng Fei again and said meaningfully, "Do you know what Li Huaitian and his son were called before?"


"Human King."

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