After Meng Fei's comfort, they felt relieved.

Then Meng Fei turned around and left here by the way he came.

"Follow me."

Meng Fei said to them.

Gu Liu nodded and followed Meng Fei.

At this time, Gu Liu suddenly said to Meng Fei: "Meng Fei, be careful. Although we can't deal with this space, we can still feel that there are things hidden in it."

This reminded Meng Fei all of a sudden. He slowed down and said to Gu Liu: "This is indeed a problem... I almost forgot it. So, you go first and meet up with Gou Zi. I still need to take a look here..."

After that, Gu Liu agreed with Meng Fei's words and walked forward. Meng Fei followed behind and kept controlling the space he created for them so that they could leave here better and faster.

Soon they reached the border of the rippling space. Meng Fei pierced through the edge of the space and opened a passage. Under his guidance, Gu Liu and the others quickly left here. After going out, they reunited with the big yellow dog.

Seeing that there was nothing else going on there, Meng Fei felt relieved and gave the big yellow dog a look from a distance, which was like an instruction and explanation, reminding the big yellow dog not to forget what he should have done and what they should do now.

In fact, it is very convenient for Meng Fei to do something in it now.

Similarly, there should be no problem with the three of them together outside. Meng Fei believes that they can still deal with the sudden situation.

At that time, as long as Meng Fei is given space and time, there will be no problem. Meng Fei can basically react and deal with all the situations that may occur.

At this time.

They are outside, Meng Fei is in the rippling space, he is wandering around in this space, although this space looks distorted, but it is not difficult for him, he can move in it very easily.

However, although his actions were indeed fine, he could not see everything clearly. It was not easy to find something strange under such circumstances.

He came around and looked at the distorted images around him. He really didn't know how to find the weird existence.

"No way."

In desperation, Meng Fei had to lie down and touch the ground. Then he frowned and looked very anxious.

"Just destroy this place completely!"

So, after a while of thinking, Meng Fei decided to destroy it completely.

Meng Fei stood up suddenly, then looked around, and then opened the power of smelling spirits. After making sure that he was the only one in the whole space, he was about to destroy it.

Then, Meng Fei waved his hand, and then the open space wrapped around him shrank, and finally became something like a piece of clothing wrapped around Meng Fei's body.

This allowed Meng Fei to take better actions.

Afterwards, you can see Meng Fei immediately clenched his fist as big as a sandbag. After a burst of extremely violent accumulation of power, his muscles were tense, like a meteor about to explode, but this time he did not point his fist at the ground, but punched his fist directly above his head.

A punch was thrown out, just like a meteor rocket rising from the ground, straight into the sky. Although it was only in this twisted space, its speed and power were still extremely violent, as if it wanted to tear the entire space into pieces.

The power of Meng Fei's punch was like a meteor spark rushing straight into the sky, and then it bloomed like fireworks, the same beautiful and gorgeous, but the difference was that Meng Fei's would gradually decompose this space with unparalleled power.

Just as those sparks were falling, it could be clearly seen that those sparks were all turbid, and were tearing this space apart bit by bit as they fell.

In the twisted rippling space, terrifying cracks gradually began to appear. The cracks continued to spread, like a river that was opened up. The river was constantly moving and opening up roads. They were like trees with scattered branches and trunks, but it was still the same sentence. This was different. Although the analogies were all beautiful things, what was happening at this moment was extremely destructive.

If this were to happen in the ordinary world, it would undoubtedly be a devastating disaster.

And this was exactly what Meng Fei wanted, to destroy this space.

"So is there anyone who can stop me?"

Saying this, Meng Fei's expression was indifferent, like a cold killer. Watching the world around him collapse, his mood did not fluctuate at all.

As if all this should be like this, Meng Fei watched all this quietly, and what he was thinking now was that he hoped someone would come out and stop him from doing this.

However, as of now, there is almost no room for salvation for what Meng Fei has done. The collapse of this space is already something that cannot be stopped.

"Looks like there's no one left?"

Even Meng Fei himself couldn't believe it.

Because if nothing strange happened, it meant that his previous guess was wrong.

Because as he thought before, things shouldn't happen like this.

After all, according to Meng Fei's previous guess, things should happen like this.

That is, when he was about to destroy this place, a guy appeared in front of him and stopped him directly, and it would be like the little monster that ate time before, which was also the ability separated from the guy like the lion, and the person himself didn't know it at all.

Then after the little monster was solved, Meng Fei would face a guy like the lion, and then after solving the character like the lion, he could continue to do the following things.

"What is behind this?"

Thinking about it, Meng Fei couldn't help feeling a little cold on his back. After all, he thought, if only the first lion was so powerful, then the next two, no, no, it should be three.

Because in addition to the three subordinates of Meng Fei's guess plus the lion, then counting the so-called "king" in the lion's mouth, that is to say, after the lion, plus the king, there should be three monsters in total.

"If one of the guys is that strong, then what kind of strength is the 'king' behind him?"

Meng Fei didn't dare to think about it. After all, he guessed that if one of the guys later was a "king" level, then what kind of existence was the "king" behind these guys?

"Could it be..." Meng Fei didn't say that word. He held it in his throat and didn't say it at once, because he knew how terrifying that word represented.

The existence of such a thing would mean that this world would surpass all horrors. Just one king could almost plunge the whole world into the dark ages, let alone that existence?

Meng Fei is now more urgent. He must become stronger.


Now he feels that he is still far away, and he needs to work harder and become stronger.

He looked at the sky and silently encouraged himself, "The sky is not the limit!"

Meng Fei muttered in his heart, and then cast his eyes around.

Now the twisted rippling space around him has almost been disintegrated by his punch.

He now took a long breath, and then prepared to open the open space wrapped around him.

However, the next second, Meng Fei looked at his waist, lost in thought, his brows knitted, looking at the cracks on his waist, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"What's going on..."

Meng Fei's face was solemn, and he couldn't believe that a crack had been opened in the space wrapping around his waist, and now a hole had been directly broken.

You know, Meng Fei would naturally not hurt himself, and how could the attack he launched fly to his own body?

And he still controlled all these, so it shouldn't be this problem.

Then the question is, what on earth opened a hole in his space wrapping?

This made Meng Fei puzzled.

He frowned, and immediately thought of various situations in his head.

"Those guys? Are they finally here?"

Meng Fei was confused and a little excited.

The excitement was that he had waited for so long, and finally some guys would show up to verify his idea, so he would naturally be a little excited.

If this was true, then his trip would not be in vain.

"From this point of view, there must be something hidden near me..."

Meng Fei looked at his waist again, and then checked other parts of his body, and found that there was nothing abnormal.

It was just that one place, and it seemed that nothing could be seen.


Meng Fei was suddenly a little disappointed again. He looked around, and now it was empty, like a ruin that had been ruined for a long time, with no people, no vegetation, and no living things.

He shook his head at this scene, and then turned around and was about to leave here.

But at this moment, Meng Fei felt an abnormal feeling in his waist again.

"What is it?!"

It was like a mosquito biting Meng Fei's waist, and a tingling feeling immediately surged up.

He couldn't help scratching the skin around his waist, and then the strong sense of touch made him feel a strange thing, and it seemed to have been deeply inserted into his skin.

Meng Fei's self-healing ability took effect immediately, and then he directly forced the thing out alive.

Meng Fei pinched it with two fingers, and then pinched it in front of his eyes. Meng Fei carefully looked at the thing in front of him.

It was like a needle, an extremely thin and long needle, with a reflective silver on it. Meng Fei had come into contact with such a thing before, and this thing was probably poisonous.

Fortunately, this thing didn't seem to be very strong, and Meng Fei's self-healing ability made him feel almost nothing. In this way, Meng Fei guessed that it was probably the little monster, and it finally appeared.

Meng Fei began to observe the surroundings and found that the surroundings were still the same as before and there was no abnormality.

"Is it hiding?" Meng Fei guessed.

In this case, Meng Fei couldn't help but guess that the guy was probably like a lurking sniper, hiding in an inconspicuous place.

With this in mind, Meng Fei went to search carefully.

But he looked everywhere, almost turning the place upside down, but he found nothing.

He couldn't help but feel confused, and Meng Fei didn't even want to look anymore, so he went in the direction of Gu Liu and the others.

"Look! What is that?!"

"What what?"

"It's right there!"

"Isn't that just a piece of grass? Zhengyi, are you crazy? Or stupid?!"

"No, no, there is definitely something wrong with that piece of grass! I'm definitely not seeing it wrong!"

Gu Liu and the others were arguing.

"What's wrong?!"

Meng Fei hurried to them and asked them what happened.

Gu Liu and the others shook their heads, and then they all looked at Xu Zhengyi.

Xu Zhengyi looked at Meng Fei with a worried and expectant expression.

"Go ahead, Zhengyi, I'm listening." Meng Fei said to him.

Xu Zhengyi immediately became excited and explained to Meng Fei, and even added body language and said: "Brother Meng Fei, look over there!"

Meng Fei then looked over there, and it was a pile of grass, which looked thick. Looking at the pile of grass, Meng Fei couldn't help but frown.

"Because of the elemental breathing sword technique, I am very sensitive to such things. This pile of grass looks different to me, and the main difference is that it seems to look like two piles of grass overlapping. I know it sounds strange, but this is indeed what I think in my heart..."

After Xu Zhengyi explained to Meng Fei, he made a somewhat embarrassed expression at the end, as if he was afraid that Meng Fei would blame him for saying some nonsense.

Who made Meng Fei's expression complicated now?

However, what Xu Zhengyi didn't know was that Meng Fei's expression looked complicated now just because he was in deep thought.

He walked slowly towards the haystack, and kept muttering, "The feeling of overlap... The feeling of overlap... overlap..."

He kept repeating it, and finally imagined a lot of things in his mind.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the haystack.

He leaned over and picked up the haystack with his hands. Suddenly, a very strange and subtle feeling arose.

It spread from the palm of his hand to his whole body.

"What is this feeling?!"

Meng Fei was shocked, and then he stood up and stretched out a palm, with chaotic air flowing in the palm of his palm, and then he chopped it down with a palm.

The haystack immediately showed a turbid color.

Seeing this, Meng Fei immediately said with great joy: "Finally caught you!"

He reached into the haystack again, and then stirred it for a while. Finally, Meng Fei had a palm-sized empty shell monster in his hand.

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