"What the hell is this?"

At this time, Meng Fei was holding an unknown monster in his hand.

This monster was very small, about the size of Meng Fei's palm, maybe a little bigger.

It had no limbs, no head, and looked like a heart. This "heart" was not beating, and was quietly in Meng Fei's hand.

"Are you sure it's this thing?"

Gu Liu and the others were shocked.

Because from Meng Fei's performance just now, he obviously said that this should be the so-called little monster.

And about this matter, Da Huang Gou had already told Gu Liu and the others, so now they basically knew what was going on.

As for the little monster that ate time before, and now, the thing in front of them, it should be a monster related to space ability in theory.

But what is this "heart" that doesn't seem to have any fluctuations?

Meng Fei and his group couldn't help but fall into confusion.

Then, Meng Fei suddenly had an idea, and he squeezed the heart with his hand. The heart was compressed immediately. Meng Fei opened and closed his hand, squeezing the heart constantly. The heart now looked like a normal heart that was working normally.

At this moment, near the heart, that is, near Meng Fei's palm, strange things happened again.

"What is this?!"

I saw something swallowing his arm near Meng Fei's palm.

"Not good!"

Meng Fei shouted that it was not good, and then threw the heart. The heart immediately fell to the ground, and it was slightly concave when it hit the ground. That was normal, because it was just a slight deformation after falling to the ground.

"Meng Fei! Look!"

At this time, Gu Liu suddenly shouted at Meng Fei and looked at the ground in panic.

Meng Fei looked and saw that the heart on the ground actually began to move, and it was still sinking into the ground.

"Stop him! There's something wrong with this thing!" The big yellow dog also shouted in a hurry, but he was almost the same as Gu Liu and the others. In this situation, they didn't know what to do.

However, Meng Fei was very calm at this time and stood there motionless.

"What are you doing? Meng Fei! Stop him!"

"Brother Meng Fei! Hurry up, we really have no way!"

Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi were all helpless and had to urge Meng Fei again and again.

"Don't panic, don't panic..." However, Meng Fei answered them calmly and stood there with a confident smile on his face. His confident look surprised everyone.

"Could it be..."

Seeing Meng Fei's performance, Gu Liu and the others calmed down.

They thought that it was very likely that Meng Fei had already made all preparations, so he was so calm.

"Look..." After saying that, Meng Fei pointed his finger at the place where the heart escaped.

There, it was the place where the heart sank into the ground.

However, although the heart was no longer visible on the ground, there were still waves of tiny fluctuations on the surface of the earth, as if something was moving inside.

"What is this?"

Gu Liu and the others were puzzled.

Then, Meng Fei said to them, "Why don't you try to dig up the soil here?"

"Uh... OK!"

They did it right away.

Gu Liu and the others immediately started to act, but it was mainly the big yellow dog. After all, it was a dog, so it was naturally good at digging the soil.

The big yellow dog dug up the soil on the surface in two moves, and a small pit immediately appeared in front of everyone.

They could now clearly see that in that small pit, the heart was constantly squirming there, as if it wanted to escape from the original place, but it was blocked by an invisible force.


Gu Liu and the others couldn't help but look at Meng Fei in unison.

Meng Fei smiled confidently, and then came to the heart and said, "Don't struggle. I have already sealed this place with the space technique. Do you think you are the only one who can do this?"

At this time, the heart seemed to have heard Meng Fei's words and stopped moving all of a sudden.

And it was still rotating in a direction, as if it was looking for a new direction to escape.

"Still want to run? It seems that you are not very smart?"

Meng Fei stepped forward and then pointed a finger at the guy.

At this moment, everyone still didn't understand what Meng Fei wanted to do. Meng Fei poked a finger directly at the heart, and the heart was undoubtedly pierced.

"Ah?! This little guy is?!"

Gu Liu and the others couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because after the heart was broken, they could see very clearly that the heart was not only hollow, but also had a black little thing hidden inside.

Although this guy was small, he exuded an extremely evil and violent aura.

"Little monster! You have no way to retreat!"

After saying that, Meng Fei stretched out his palm and smashed the little monster to pieces.

This thing was finally solved.

At this moment, they couldn't help but hold their breath, because this meant that the guy was about to appear.

As they had expected before, they were about to face a very powerful opponent.

What was even more embarrassing was that they seemed to be waiting for the guy to appear.

But before that, they would not wait in vain.

They decided to make some preparations.

They still had to fight in the best condition.

And they soon divided the work again.

And because of the special nature of this time, they could not know those things in advance after all. If they could not know what would happen in advance, they could not make the best response.

What they could do was to do their best within their ability.

On the premise of everything they could prevent, they took the best prevention.

First, they surrounded the surrounding area, that is, Meng Fei used the space technique to directly surround their nearby area. After all, who knows how destructive that guy is.

It is necessary to prepare in advance. Like before, they almost let the lion guy destroy the entire Ningguo, so this obviously gave them a warning.

So they made such a defense.

The purpose is naturally to prevent the situation like the lion almost destroyed the country before.

And Gu Liu and the others tried the power of the blessing talisman again.

The good thing is that Gu Liu’s blessing talisman is still effective for everyone.

Meng Fei was also surprised to find that Gu Liu seemed to know the problem of the strength enhancement technique, that is, the stronger the strength, the negative impact of the enhancement technique.

But fortunately, the blessing talisman can still be used well now, and there will be no problem. They can still get more powerful abilities with the help of the blessing talisman.

In this way, their strength is almost guaranteed.

And Meng Fei has also benefited more.

After all, now he has added the blessing talisman, and he also has his own super-limit state and the god-looking technique. With the addition of the three at the same time, Meng Fei's strength will be a terrifying surge.

"Three-element state..."

Meng Fei almost secretly ran the three states first, and in his body, quietly, his strength surged in an instant, and the powerful power kept soaring.

Meng Fei now even feels that he can blow up the sky with one punch. The endless power is like a rising wave, hitting everything strongly, and the waves are surging, covering the sky with darkness.

It can be seen how terrifying Meng Fei's current strength is.

If he was able to challenge the king in his full state before, then now he can barely kill a newly-become-king, and it seems that there is no problem.

Meng Fei quickly retracted his power. Although he only tried it a little, Meng Fei still felt an extremely huge power from it. The majestic feeling made him feel at ease, because it meant that he should have no problem in the subsequent duel.

Meng Fei was also very pleased to have such a power bonus. He glanced at his hands, and it seemed as if he had a huge power.


"What's going on?!"

"What the hell?!"

"Look! The sky! It's dark again! And with lightning!"

"What's wrong, is that guy? Is he finally here?!"


A sudden loud noise in the sky instantly attracted everyone's attention.

I saw that the sky, which had just faded from darkness and cleared the clouds, was once again dim.

And it was coming from the north, and the black clouds were moving like a huge tide towards the sky above where Meng Fei and the others were.

"A monster from the sky?"

Meng Fei stepped forward and looked quietly in front of him. Because the black cloud was really like a pile of dark clouds, but this was actually where the monster was. Thinking of the strength of that guy, Meng Fei naturally did not dare to neglect it.

Meng Fei immediately held his breath and his muscles tensed up.

He jumped high into the sky, ready to welcome the arrival of the enemy.


Another sound exploded not far from Meng Fei, and by the way, a gust of cold wind also attacked Meng Fei.

The person had not appeared yet, but the wind he brought had arrived in front of Meng Fei first.

The wind was full of the breath related to that guy, and the strong odor immediately made Meng Fei's face black.

"Quick, enter the hidden space... Wait! Something is wrong?!"

However, Meng Fei's words were choked all of a sudden.

After feeling the violent aura, he thought it would be devastating to Gu Liu and the others, but when that guy almost came to him.

A huge black cloud was placed directly in front of Meng Fei.

At this moment, Meng Fei felt more clearly that what was in front of him was a huge monster.

Meng Fei punched in front of him.

Then, Gu Liu and the others' questions came from below.

"What's wrong? What should we do?!"

"Do you need our help?"


Meng Fei heard their voices, and then frowned tightly.

He looked down and shouted to everyone:

"Let's go together! Hurry up and blow it up!!!"

Meng Fei's voice resounded through the sky and the earth.

At the same time, Gu Liu and the others were a little surprised.

Meng Fei actually asked them to go together? !

This is an extremely rare thing. You know, in the past, Meng Fei always asked them to hide first, and then he almost solved it alone.

But today, Meng Fei went against the norm and asked them to attack together.

I saw above, high in the sky, Meng Fei punching him.

But there was no reaction.

The black cloud in front of him was like a huge mountain covering the sky, and the sense of oppression could be said to have reached its extreme.

At this time, Meng Fei took a deep breath, and then he immediately turned on his full energy.

Coupled with Gu Liu's blessing talisman that he had prepared earlier, Meng Fei's strength suddenly skyrocketed.

He first lifted up the people below, using the space technique to allow them to fight wantonly at high altitudes.

As well as a suit of space armor, which was also given to them by Meng Fei.

"Guys, I need your power!"

Meng Fei said to them, and then they faced the huge mountain-like black cloud together.

"So what the hell is inside this black lump?!"

The big yellow dog had a confused look on his face, and was in a trance just looking at the huge black bump.

"It's a monster, a very huge monster, but because the heart was separated, something went wrong."

While Meng Fei was explaining to them, he stepped forward and gently brushed his palm horizontally. Then the big black lump in front of him immediately dispersed, and the true nature of the monster was finally revealed.

"Is this?! Ugh!!!"

"It's so disgusting!"

"What the hell is this disgusting thing?!"

As soon as the true nature of the thing was revealed, Meng Fei and the others were dumbfounded.

Meng Fei was a little better, after all, he had seen more than just one or two disgusting things.

But even though Gu Liu and the others had seen nothing before, this was the first time they had seen something so disgusting.

A huge meat ball!

It was as big as a mountain, scary and disgusting.

There is even an extremely viscous liquid flowing slowly like raw oil on it, and there is even a foul smell all over the body, which makes people feel sick after smelling it.

Meng Fei was okay on his side. He stood there calmly and looked at the big meatball in front of him quietly.

He frowned, naturally compared to the huge meat ball, this disgusting thing, what this thing was about to do worried Meng Fei even more.

At this time, the meat ball suddenly started to squirm.

The flesh on the entire body is constantly being rubbed, like a pile of rotten meat that is constantly moving.

At this time, the slime was even more aroused by this movement, and the powerful force directly caused the slime to splash.

"Get out of the way!"

Meng Fei quickly shouted to several people.

After all, every part of a guy of this strength is like a deadly weapon, so he must be extremely careful.

Gu Liu and the others were certainly not stupid. They immediately ducked and dodged the slime droplet attack at extremely fast speeds.

The droplets broke through the clouds and hit the land, which suddenly sunk.

"This guy……"

Meng Fei looked down, and then shook his head. He came back to his senses immediately, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

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