The most surprised person was Jiang Rufeng.

The worries he had always had before disappeared at this moment, and what shocked him even more was Meng Fei's strength. Unexpectedly, he stood at the end with an absolutely crushing situation.

After a while, the other people finally ended the battle, and the last four people finally competed out.

At this time, Gu Liu had also entered the trap pit on his own, and Jiang Rufeng became one of the four people as he wished, and became the four people who entered the re-examination in the West pilot pilot.

And the last four people are.

Meng Fei versus the broadsword bandit, Meng Fei wins.

The horse-faced monk versus the scar-faced butcher, the horse-faced monk wins.

A man in light clothing versus a woman in purple, the woman in purple wins.

Gu Liu and Jiang Rufeng, Jiang Rufeng won.

At this time, the four of them stood together on the ring. The strong wind stirred up the yellow sand in the sky, and almost all the four of them, except Jiang Rufeng, stood still in it.


A melodious and melodious drumbeat sounded.

This time the drum sound was no longer as exciting as it was at the beginning, but filled with a sense of tranquility that touched the soul, like a gently plucked string, and everyone's hearts were like a calm pond with ripples.

This melodious drumbeat represents the end, but it is just the end of this first trial, not the end of everything.

High above the stands, the man in official uniform spoke again, announcing the name of the final winner.

On the stage, there were still people who were awake, watching and listening to those names, some were happy and some were worried.

Wait until it's all over.

The four of them, like everyone else, were arranged to a place similar to an inn.

Here, those who want to rest, those who are injured recuperate, and time is tight. They have to rush to the sub-peripheral recovery point the next day.

Meng Fei, Gu Liu and Jiang Rufeng gathered together again. All three of them were not injured, so they started chatting.

Now that the work is done, Jiang Rufeng was naturally the first to speak, "Thank you two Taoist priests for your help. I will give you both a lot when everything is over. In addition, I hope to make friends with the two Taoist priests. If one day When you come to Ningguo, Ru Feng will definitely treat you well!"

"Well, no problem, just make friends." Meng Fei said straightforwardly.

"Oh, by the way, Jiang Rufeng, you have to pay attention to one issue. How should you deal with it during the retest? Although you are just going through the process, you can't fall down as soon as you get up, right?" Gu Liu thought of an important question.

After hearing this, the two of them thought it made sense.

After all, almost no one who can enter the re-examination will accept his bribe. Those people are here to compete for results and will not be swayed by a little money.

Therefore, after Jiang Rufeng came on the stage, he had to receive a slap or something. The key is that the people who enter the re-examination are not ordinary people. Can Jiang Rufeng bear this?

The answer is naturally no.

"Then what should I do?" Jiang Rufeng asked extremely worriedly.

Meng Fei thought about it and thought of a way: "I think this is the only way. After all, time is tight, and the rules of the competition cannot involve human life, so I think you can pretend to be seriously injured and have not recovered, and it will be more obvious when the time comes. , then the opponent will naturally not use their full strength after seeing you like this, that’s it.”

After Jiang Rufeng and Gu Liu heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Meng Fei still felt that it was a little unsafe, so he asked Gu Liu to use some methods on Jiang Rufeng, and then he would look very weak.

There is no way they can do this, mainly because the rules of the re-examination are battles between pilots, which means that people from the same pilot will not face off in the re-examination.

The three of them only came up with this last resort. In fact, the main consideration was Jiang Rufeng.

After everything was explained, the day passed quickly.

Since everyone must wait until all competitions are over before leaving the martial arts city, even those who are eliminated can choose to go to the next point together. Although they cannot fight, they can watch the battle.

Generally speaking, there are many people who are willing to come and watch the battle. After all, you can learn more from the battle between strong men. This is a rare opportunity.

When it comes to the resumption point, it is already close to the center.

This time, there were only sixteen contestants in total.

So venue size is no longer an issue.

Sixteen people, eight groups competing.

This time they came in groups, no more random battles.

This will also allow people watching under the ring to learn and observe better.

And this time, there were finally many more people under the ring than above.

This time it is no longer a yellow sand arena, but a competition arena built with fine wood, and there are spare arenas ready around it.

"Here, I announce that the people participating in this duel are..."

On the high stand, another man in official uniform began to read out the list of the duel.

The other people were not interested in Meng Fei or the others.

They only get very excited when they hear those two words.

"The eighth group, Long Fu versus Gu Yueping."

"It's Fourth Senior Brother, he's really here!"

Gu Liu below the ring looked very excited.

"Well, since he's here, and it's the last group to compete, you can go to the group in the south pilot to find him first. I'm in the second group, and I'll be there soon, so I won't go there yet!"

Meng Fei greeted Gu Liu, and then Gu Liu nodded, and then walked towards the crowd in the south pilot.

Meng Fei then turned his attention to the battle between the first group in the ring.

In the battle between the pilots in the four directions, Meng Fei was from the west pilot, so he had to compete with the people from the east pilot, but Longfu happened to be from the south pilot, and he was competing with the north pilot, and the two happened to be staggered.

What was going on in the ring was of no interest to him, so Meng Fei turned his attention to Dong Xiantian again.

Because they were in relative positions, Meng Fei could see quite clearly, and since the people taking the retest were all standing at the front of the crowd, Meng Fei began to examine the four people.

Suddenly, Meng Fei's eyes glazed over.

Among the four people who were piloted by Nadong, there was a man in yellow who looked extremely wrong.

Under Meng Fei's blind eyes, the man in yellow immediately revealed his true form - a big yellow dog!

"This guy is a monster! Are monsters also coming to join in the fun?" Meng Fei was a little dumbfounded.

Then, he suddenly remembered the name of the person he was fighting - Gou Rihua? !

"No, it turns out to be Gou Riva!"

Meng Fei's eyes were as big as copper bells at this moment, his opponent was actually that dog monster!

And judging from this camouflage ability, it is naturally not comparable to the little demon in Fenggui Village before.

"It's still a big monster!" After some observation, Meng Fei came to a conclusion that surprised himself.

The great demon is a powerful being on the same level as the ghost yaksha.

I didn't expect to appear here.

Moreover, he is actually Meng Fei’s opponent.

With a pop, one person in the ring fell to the ground, declaring defeat.

Meng Fei stretched out his muscles, and as he was about to face the big demon, he understood that this was no longer a simple duel.

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