"The first round of the competition is over!"

Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums that quickly disappeared, the first round of the competition ended.

Next, it was Meng Fei's duel with the dog demon, and each round of the re-examination was basically under the attention of the public, after all, these re-examinations would determine the final winner.

At the East Test Center, Gou Rihua, the human incarnation of the dog demon, rushed into the air with the powerful and huge jumping power of his animal instinct.

Then, under the shining sun, first his shadow fell, and then his body fell on the ring, instantly stirring up dust all over the sky.

This appearance with such momentum instantly ignited the whole audience, especially the people at the East Test Center, who were boiling like ignited firecrackers.

"Gou Rihua!"

"Gou Rihua!"


Maybe because this was the first person from the East Test Center to appear, the people of the East Test Center were so enthusiastic.

"We must win, and take the first prize of the East Pilot!"

"Hit the opponent so hard that he can't get up!"

"This can be said to be the strongest of our pilot this time. I think it should be fine if we don't encounter those monsters from the North and South Pilot!"


Various voices rose and fell in the East Pilot, as if they were particularly concerned about the outcome of this game.

"Here we come!"

With a cry of surprise, Meng Fei finally appeared under the gaze of everyone.


His appearance did not seem so amazing.

He simply walked up the stairs on one side slowly.


"What is this?"

"Does this mean that you don't take Gou Rihua seriously?"


Various voices rose and fell.

However, most of them were boos for Meng Fei's ordinary way of coming on stage.

For Meng Fei, this was not important.

Ring, ring, ring...

The bell rang, symbolizing the start of the competition. The man in official uniform on the high stand said loudly to the people below:

"The second competition officially begins! Meng Fei from the West Test Center will fight Gou Rihua from the East Test Center!"

"What? The West Test Center?!"

"That's boring."

"Indeed, there are no strong people in the West Test Center. I didn't expect that there would be people going to this test center!"

"I really don't know what people who go to the West Test Center think, hahaha!"

"Needless to say, it's naturally to get unnecessary face for the retest!"

"This kind of trash should be taught a lesson! Wait for Gou Rihua to teach him a lesson!"


On the stage, the words below can be heard by the people above.

Meng Fei didn't feel comfortable listening to such a shabby word.

What else could he do? In order to get here, he could only choose the shortest way, and who knew that the shortest way was to the West Test Center, which was the most despised and looked down upon.

Meng Fei also remembered his previous experience and found that people in the West Test Center did have a common problem, that is, their mouths were harder than their fists.

Even the weakest Jiang Rufeng is considered a more realistic person. If he can't win, he will think of other ways. At least he won't say that he could have done it.

"That's enough." Meng Fei was speechless.

"People from Xipi Test? I'm too lazy to fight such a weakling. I'll give you a chance. It's not too late to fall now!"

On the opposite side, the dog demon Gou Rihua heard that Meng Fei was from Xipi Test, and he lost interest in an instant, and even spoke nonsense.

"You talk too much nonsense, come on, big yellow dog!"

Who would have thought that when Meng Fei said this, Gou Rihua and all the people in the audience were almost boiling.

"Big yellow dog? Who is he talking about?"

"Isn't it..."

"No way, a scum from Xipi Test dares to be so arrogant?"


The audience was talking.

On the stage, Gou Rihua's expression was even more complicated, and he only noticed at this moment that Meng Fei's clothes were those of a Taoist priest.

"Could it be..." Gou Rihua was in a complicated mood. His true identity might have been seen by the Taoist priest in front of him.

So, in the blink of an eye, he came to Meng Fei. The two were very close at this time, which was especially suitable for whispering something.

"Taoist? It seems that you recognized me. Lord Gou will give you one last chance. It's not too late to beg for mercy now!"

"I should say this. You are a monster who came to participate in the human race's competition. I think it is not fair to win by using magic. In addition, although I am wearing Taoist clothes, I am not a Taoist."

"You are so arrogant, you will be in trouble later!"

"I really am talking to a dog!"

A man and a monster were talking quietly at this time, and no one else knew the specific content.

But what can be known is that from the changes in the faces of the two people that were distorted at the same time, it can be known that it must be a conversation full of gunpowder.


At this time, the two finally started to fight.

First, Gou Rihua stepped hard on the surface of the ring as a demonstration, and then he pushed the ground with both feet, with such great force that part of his soles were directly embedded in the surface of the ring.

Then, Gou Rihua shot towards Meng Fei like a bullet.

Even Meng Fei couldn't completely avoid the full force attack of a great demon in great condition.

Meng Fei's iron-like body was directly lifted up by Gou Rihua. Meng Fei even had to grab the surface of the ring with both hands to buffer the strong force, and the surface along the way was directly overturned by him.

In the end, Meng Fei stopped at the edge of the ring, just in time.

Meng Fei naturally couldn't just keep getting beaten like this, so he stood up immediately. The blow just now didn't hurt him too much.

After brushing off the dust on his body, Meng Fei moved to the side of Gou Rihua as fast as teleporting, and swung his leg horizontally like a broadsword.

Meng Fei's kick even made a sound of breaking through the air, and the powerful force was a bit unimaginable. Gou Rihua couldn't dodge in time and was also kicked out by this kick.

He also stopped at the edge, at the critical moment, but Gou Rihua's mouth showed traces of blood.

"Good fight!"

"How is this possible?!"

"Did Gou Rihua get injured in the previous preliminary test? This is impossible?"

"I told you to say that the West Test Test is not good! Bastard! Go eat shit!"


The sharp contrast between these two immediately ignited the people watching the game off the court.

People in the West Test Test and the East Test Test even had different voices.


Gou Rihua spat out the blood in his mouth, with surprise in his eyes and a reversal of his seriousness at that time.

He began to re-examine the man in front of him. He had completely underestimated him before.

However, he was not an ordinary person.

This was nothing!

So, he stood up again and faced Meng Fei.

Gou Rihua made a breathing motion, one in and one out, one in and one out.

Then, a phantom of a yellow dog's head appeared on his head. Others didn't know, but Meng Fei knew that this was his real body. Obviously, he was going to take real action.

"Heavenly dog!"

After adjusting his breathing, Gou Rihua roared.

Then, the phantom of the yellow dog's head suddenly became as big as a whole person, and then opened a terrifying mouth.

Suddenly, Meng Fei saw that everything around him seemed to be flying towards that big mouth, and then was swallowed up directly.

The tabletop was lifted up, and the dust was all over the sky...

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