The force was getting stronger and stronger, and even Meng Fei's body was a little unstable. The people in the audience were united and supported each other to avoid being sucked away. Only a few strong ones could stand safely.

Tengu Tengu, the so-called Tengu eats the moon, this Tengu's ability is probably to devour!

"Damn it!" Meng Fei shouted angrily.

He can still stand, but the clothes on his body that have been sucked are not so lucky. The clothes are constantly being torn into pieces under the huge suction force.

It is estimated that before long, Meng Fei will even have to fight naked.

After a while, Meng Fei's upper body had been torn into pieces, and his entire strong, perfect figure with full lines was immediately revealed in front of everyone.

Meng Fei's mind went blank. He was really at a loss as to how to break this move.

Attacking the main body is naturally the solution, but if Meng Fei were to go in front of him, he would probably be sucked into the huge mouth instantly.

Stuff him with stuff?

But looking at the bottomless mouth like a black hole, filling it up doesn't seem to be a good idea.

Seeing that his body was already shaky and he was about to lose his balance, Meng Fei suddenly calmed down in such extreme urgency.

At this moment, he remembered the Kung Fu movies he had watched when he was on Earth.

How can a weak person defeat a strong person?

There is only one answer, and that is to use your strength to fight!

With four taels you can make a thousand catties!


Meng Feihao said loudly, and then directly shook off the fragments of clothes on his upper body.

The pieces of clothes that fell down immediately flew towards the dog demon's huge mouth, and Meng Fei also let go of his body, letting himself fly towards the huge mouth.

"Is he crazy?"

It was Gu Liu who was speaking at the audience. At this time, he was under the protection of his fourth senior brother Long Fu, so he was not affected at all.

And his eyes turned to Long Fu. This was a man whose upper body was already naked. His body, which was even more exaggerated and perfect than Meng Fei's, was just there. He also had a pair of strange pupils shaped like ice flowers, which were impossible to see no matter how hard he looked. They are ordinary people.

At this time, he also saw Meng Fei's strange behavior, but he did not say anything to doubt Meng Fei. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth, looked at Meng Fei with appreciation and said:

"No, he is not crazy, nor has he given up. Instead, he wants to use this huge suction force to deliver a terrifying blow at the moment he is close to Gou Rihua to defeat this difficult Tengu move. This method is quite bold, haha, it's really An interesting guy, I hope he can succeed and let me fight him!"

After saying that, his face showed unconcealable admiration and expectation.

"So that's it..." Gu Liu on the side nodded in understanding, and then returned his gaze to the stage.

On the stage.

The power of the Tengu has not yet disappeared, and Meng Fei's body is also getting closer to the giant mouth.

As he got closer to the giant mouth, the suction force became stronger and stronger, making it difficult for Meng Fei to use the angle of the attack well.

Therefore, Meng Fei had to forcefully slow down his flying speed.


Thinking again of the skill of lifting a thousand pounds with four ounces, Meng Fei began to spin his body.

At this time, he was floating in mid-air like a weightless person, and then he was still spinning.

During the rotation, a stream of power was brought into the fist of his right hand, and all the power was concentrated here!

"No way? Is he going to lose?!"

"do not!"

"Meng Fei!"

"Meng Fei!"

"Meng Fei!"

This voice of support did not come from one party, but from almost the entire crowd in the stands. They were all in despair due to the power of the Tengu, and some were even exhausted and loosened their hands that were supporting their whole body.

Under such circumstances, everyone turned to Meng Fei's side, hoping that he could quickly deal with that guy.

And after seeing Meng Fei's strange operation that was like sending someone to death, they became even more desperate.

He still had the energy to glance at almost everyone on the stage. Meng Fei's body was already in front of the giant mouth. After the tragic scene of being sucked into it, he closed his eyes directly, as if doing so would prevent anything from happening. generally.

However, the next second, except for Long Fu, the eyes of the people who had been watching were almost as motionless as if they were painted on.


The huge explosion was as terrifying as the columnar thunder and lightning coming to the world. After this loud noise, the tengu's suction power also disappeared. Everyone was finally able to stand stably on the spot, and then their eyes widened. .


"I clearly saw that he was about to be sucked in. What happened?"

"How did you win?!"


The crowd's voices were not filled with excitement, but disbelief.

On the ring, a shirtless Meng Fei was gasping for air. This was not due to fatigue, but was caused by the thrill just now.

Thinking back to just now, at the critical moment, Meng Fei finally punched that earth-shattering punch when his body was already a little bit inside the Tengu's mouth.

Of course, this is also because of his psychic body, so he can hit the shadow of Tengu without any worries, because he can directly hit the main body with his psychic body!

At this time, the dog demon Gou Rihua had been beaten half to death by that terrifying punch, especially his face. Since Meng Fei hit his jaw directly, his whole face was now squeezed together like it was flattened, and the teeth in his mouth were shaken into powder. There was even a little powder seeping out of the squeezed face.

"Meng Fei!"

"Meng Fei!"


The cheers belonging to him rang out again from below the ring. Although it was not clear how he did it, it was all done by being awesome!

After all, if the whole world is respected by the strong, then in Wugong City, the strong are respected and respected above all.

At this time, the man in official uniform on the high stand also announced Meng Fei's victory very excitedly.

The cheers like waves rang out again from below. Such a competition is the biggest and best wealth in Wugong City!

However, something happened that no one expected.

Gou Rihua, who was fainting on the ring, had a huge change in his body at this moment.

His body shrank and was deformed for a while, and finally turned into a little yellow dog.

The little yellow dog was conscious, and at this time he opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and wagged his tail to show his goodwill to Meng Fei.

If it weren't for the toothless mouth, Meng Fei probably wouldn't have believed that this was Gou Rihua's original form.

The toothless yellow dog ran to Meng Fei, wagging his tail crazily, and licking Meng Fei's feet with his tongue, making Meng Fei itch.

These behaviors were like treating Meng Fei as his master.

Meng Fei was embarrassed and wanted to kick it away, but this guy seemed to be stuck to him and couldn't be shaken off.

However, this yellow dog instantly ignited the anger of the people in the audience.

"What's wrong with Wugong City?! Why did they let monsters in?!"

"Yeah, what if something happens?!"

"What are the guards of Wugong City for?!"

"Give me an explanation!!"


This is indeed the negligence of Wugong City. The people of Wugong City are also ashamed and can't say anything. The man on the high stand can only apologize to everyone and then be scolded.

Meng Fei is even more troubled. He touches his forehead and feels helpless.

"What can I do? I have to deal with such a thing."

Meng Fei came to Gu Liu and complained, but he still didn't forget to say hello to Long Fu.

Although he had many questions to ask Long Fu, what he wanted to ask most now was what to do with this damn yellow dog.

After all, although this guy is a monster, there are also different monsters. Gu Liu and Long Fu also found that although this guy came to the human race to make trouble,

But the aura on his body is very pure, which means that this yellow dog has been practicing hard by his own efforts and has never harmed anyone. He came to practice after seeing the competition of the human race.

If they still want to kill this kind of monster, it would be heartless for them.

"Hey, I got it!"

Gu Liu had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way.

He continued: "You see, this guy was quite arrogant at the beginning, but now he is entangled with you because he was beaten back to his original form and his own master-recognizing personality, so I think if we find a way to make him recover, he should not entangle you anymore!"

"Well, this is the only way now..."

Meng Fei looked helpless.

How could he have thought that the guy who was originally a dog to him suddenly became a dog licker...

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