The game on the field is still in full swing.

As for Jiang Rufeng, fortunately, there was no problem. According to their previous methods, they did not leave the stage lying down.

Although doubts are inevitable, this is enough for Jiang Rufeng, and at this time he also came to Meng Fei and his party.

Gu Liu had told Long Fu a lot before, so there was no doubt about his arrival.

Because the other people who were bribed by Jiang Rufeng were not a big deal, but Meng Fei and the other two were different. Jiang Rufeng had the idea of ​​inviting the two to Ningguo after the end.

Jiang Rufeng also told the two of them about this request after arriving, and he didn't mind Long Fu coming together. Obviously, Long Fu didn't care about these things.

Then it was Meng Fei and Gu Liu. Their purpose was also very clear, that is, to collect yellow paper. Anyway, they had no other clues except Wugong City.

So it didn't matter where they went. It was okay to go to Ningguo. If there were other discoveries, it would be worth the trip.

The two also agreed and didn't refuse him.

At this time, the few people who were still chatting stopped talking instantly.

"The eighth match, Long Fu vs. Gu Yueping! Please ask the two contestants to come to the ring!"

During the chat, Meng Fei had not asked Long Fu some questions. After all, he believed that Long Fu could win the competition and enter the final test.

There will be a gap of rest time in between, and it will be better to communicate then.

And now, for Meng Fei, even Gu Liu and Jiang Rufeng, they are more concerned about Long Fu who is about to appear.

They all want to see how terrifying Long Fu's strength is. After all, many years ago, this was the absolute main force that could crush Yaksha, and as the absolute main force against the Yaksha, his current strength is naturally unimaginable.

On the field, Long Fu and his opponent Gu Yueping have already stood on the field at the same time. The two saluted each other and waited for the man on the high stand to announce the start order.

This competition has attracted much attention.

At this time, whether it is the high stand or the people under the ring, their blood is boiling.

Because this competition will be a peak showdown between the southern and northern pilots. You know, the southern and northern pilots are the two strongest pilots, and the two people who appear as the finale are naturally specially arranged by Wugong City.

The strongest in the southern pilot against the strongest in the northern pilot!

What surprised everyone even more was Long Fu's extraordinary body, with a perfect upper body exposed, as if it was carefully carved by a master craftsman, and a pair of highly recognizable eyes, his pupils are exactly the same as Binghua's!

And a tit-for-tat battle is about to begin. With the announcement of the man on the high stand, the people off the field immediately boiled like a tsunami!

Similarly, Meng Fei was also very excited. He wanted to see what kind of upper limit the physical body could reach.

Gu Liu was excited. He really wanted to know what kind of strength the fourth brother, who was second only to the eldest brother, had reached now as a genius.

And for Jiang Rufeng, this was another opportunity to broaden his horizons.


With a bang, the duel finally began on the field.

The one who made the move was Gu Yueping. His figure was ghostly at this time. He held a folding fan in his hand. As he opened and closed it, countless needle rains as thin as cow hairs flew towards Long Fu.

Some people off the court couldn't even see what was happening, even Gu Liu.

Only Meng Fei could see clearly. The needle rain was so dense that it seemed to devour Long Fu. Meng Fei was surprised to see a strange light flashing in Long Fu's eyes that were different from ordinary people.

In the ice flower pupil, the ice flower seemed to be rotating clockwise at this time. Everything in the world seemed to be reflected on it. Whether it was real or false, it seemed that it could not escape the capture of those eyes.

"What do you mean?! Could it be that the landing point of the needle rain...?!"

Seeing this situation, Meng Fei had a bold idea in his mind.

Long Fu made such a move. Could it be that he sensed something?

And on the stands, facing the needle rain, Long Fu was not in a hurry.

At this time, the rain of needles in the sky was so numerous that everyone could see it clearly. Looking at the depressing rain of needles, everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Just when everyone thought that Long Fu couldn't avoid this attack, Long Fu moved, and then stood on a position on the ring and didn't move.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Countless needles fell and directly penetrated the ring. The powerful destructive power made everyone dare not open their eyes to see.

In an instant, countless needle holes appeared on the ring, densely packed, making people feel very uncomfortable.


When everyone opened their eyes, they couldn't believe what they saw.

They saw that Long Fu was standing there intact!

Those needles seemed to have deliberately avoided him and fell somewhere else.

Gu Liu also expressed such doubts, but was denied by Meng Fei.

"No, it's not that the needles avoided him, nor that he avoided the needles, he just knew a fact long ago!"

"What fact?"

"No needles will fall in that place!"

Meng Fei pointed to where Long Fu was standing.

Gu Liu was shocked. This meant that Senior Brother Long Fu had foreseen a corner of the future, so he knew long ago which place would not be rained with needles!

What was even more surprising was Gu Yueping on the stage. His move of rain showers could be said to have failed, but in front of this person, it was like a child's trick.

Long Fu looked relaxed, but still did not take the initiative to attack, but stood there stupidly, as if to let him continue to attack him.

Gu Yueping could not stand such a despised behavior, so he threw away his folding fan, took out a long sword and danced with it in his hand.

The long sword followed his figure, and then it turned into a phantom like the yellow dog monster.

However, this was a sword shape, so it was not a monster's method, but the ability of a real warrior.

Then, Gu Yueping's long sword swam, and a spirit snake was directly brought out with its dancing movement.

A stab!

The spirit snake pounced on Long Fu like crazy, spitting out a terrifying tongue and opening a terrifying fang mouth.

This attack brought a confident smile to Gu Yueping's face.

However, the next moment, the scene that made him despair happened again.

Long Fu turned his body to the side and gently tapped the seven-inch position of the spirit snake with two fingers. The spirit snake instantly turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Come again." There was still no emotional fluctuation in Long Fu's voice.

"Damn it!"

Gu Yueping's teeth were chattering. The man in front of him didn't seem to take him seriously at all.

No, it was just like an old man playing with a naughty boy. His skills were like a child's trick in front of him.

He roared, and then his figure disappeared from the spot, as if he had evaporated from the earth.

The people in the audience were puzzled. Is this the art of invisibility?

"Well, is it invisible? That's quite tricky."

After the words fell, Long Fu closed his eyes directly.

Such a move once again aroused doubts from the audience. Did he give up observing directly?

Since he couldn't see it, he didn't look at it.

Then, a strand of hair moved beside Long Fu's ear, so he raised the corner of his mouth and reached out to grab the side.

Suddenly, a body was held in place by Long Fu's hand. It was Gu Yueping. He had already revealed himself and was still struggling to break free from Long Fu's hand.

But the big hand trapped him like a cage, and its power was beyond his imagination.

At this time, accompanied by the incredible eyes of the people in the audience, Long Fu actually began to talk to Gu Yueping,

"Whether it is invisibility or hiding something else, it is just a trick. You have to understand that as long as a person really exists in this world, then he can't make himself disappear completely. Only the dead disappear completely."

Then, he cast his eyes to the audience. It seems that this is not for Gu Yueping, but for the kid in the audience who is wearing a Taoist robe but not a Taoist priest - Meng Fei.

Hearing his words, Meng Fei nodded as if he had suddenly realized it. After all, he is a strong person with a physical body like Long Fu. Long Fu said this to tell Meng Fei.

Strengthening the body is a way to become stronger that requires hard work and perseverance. If you always want to learn some other weird skills, you will never become a strong person.

And Long Fu's various actions made the people in the audience gasp.

The gap in strength is too big!

What a peak showdown between the North and South pilot projects, this is clearly an absolute suppression!

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