The scene was cold instantly.

Under such a gap, the competition suddenly became boring.

Although everyone was also amazed at Long Fu's super strength, this meant that the subsequent competitions suddenly lost their interest.

Meng Fei could understand this situation. He remembered that when he watched football games before, he liked the suspense of who might be the champion. As a result, a certain team suddenly gathered a bunch of giants, which made the game suspenseless, and he lost interest.

And now, Gu Yueping finally gave up struggling, and Long Fu still won in the end.

At this time, before the sound of the end came from the high stands, the people in the audience had almost dispersed.

What everyone discussed the most along the way was the competition between Meng Fei and the dog demon.

Of course, this was naturally not something Long Fu cared about. After all, he didn't have many opponents in his eyes. The only one he was interested in was Meng Fei.

At this time, everyone was also looking forward to the duel between the two. After all, at present, the only one who showed a little bit of strength close to Long Fu was Meng Fei.

After all, Meng Fei was one of the ones who almost killed a demon in front of everyone, so his strength should not be underestimated.

But in fact, only Meng Fei and the others knew that even Meng Fei was far behind Long Fu.

From Gu Liu's observation, Senior Brother Long Fu should have no problem killing a Yaksha alone, while Meng Fei was only slightly stronger than an ordinary Yaksha.

Of course, there was a close relationship between the few people, so it was hard to say what the situation would be at that time.

At this time, Meng Fei, Gu Liu, Long Fu, Jiang Rufeng, and even the toothless yellow dog who followed Meng Fei, all arrived at the inn for rest.

Meng Fei finally had the opportunity to have a free talk with Long Fu.

In the house.

Meng Fei asked: "Master Long Fu, you and I are both people who pursue a strong body, but I am still a little confused now. Is this really a path worth sticking to?"

In fact, it was not that he pursued a strong body, but the ability given by his system was strong in this aspect, based on the various strengthening of the body and the granting of various abilities.

As for these questions, Long Fu was naturally the person with the most say, so he told Meng Fei everything he knew.

After all, Meng Fei was someone he admired and a friend of his junior brother, so he had nothing to hide, and basically told him everything he could.

And the way Long Fu told Meng Fei was from his own experience.

"I remember about two years ago..."

About two years ago, after the battle with the Earth Yaksha, he decided to leave the mountain gate and travel around the world in order to make himself stronger faster.

In these years, in addition to the most basic physical training such as strength and speed, with some battle experiences of beheading demons and exorcising ghosts, he discovered and successfully opened up more mysteries of the body.

Once, he encountered a monster that was so fast that even he couldn't catch it.

The monster relied on its speed advantage to make Long Fu helpless. If it weren't for its body as hard as steel, I'm afraid he would have fallen there directly.

What's more tricky is that the monster has multiple tentacles, which keep attacking him, and there is no time to dodge.

In that situation, he could not do anything but hide, and seeing more and more wounds on his body, he was a little bit exhausted.

In the emergency, he could only understand one truth, that is, he could not fight the tentacle monster unless he could predict its movements.

So he stood quietly in place, enduring the severe pain to feel every attack of the tentacle monster.

Even if he was knocked to the ground, he did not stop feeling all the information brought to him by the piercing pain.

Afterwards, he felt that he seemed to have reached his limit, so he opened his eyes and found that everything in the world seemed to have double images.

He thought it was an illusion after being seriously injured, but then he saw something wrong.

The world in front of him was full of double images, and the three tentacles of the tentacle monster turned into six.

What changed his mind was that in the next period of time, three of the six tentacles moved to the other three, and they overlapped together, and then hit him in the form of the last three.

What is this?

What's going on?

Long Fu was puzzled, and the same thing happened again, but this time he did not choose to take it directly, but dodged it in the same way as before the overlap.

Then, the tentacles overlapped, and he actually dodged the attack directly!

He was not overjoyed or affected by his emotions, but let himself completely enter that state, feeling every attack of the tentacle monster.

Then, he approached the body of the tentacle monster step by step, and he did not suffer any damage on the way!

Finally, Long Fu, who was in front of the tentacle monster, finally showed an excited look, and the excitement gave him enough power to blow it up with one punch.

After that, Long Fu mastered this ability to predict the short future, and he believed more that this was the wonderful ability brought by the mystery of the flesh.

After that, he continued his journey.

His strength also reached a bottleneck again.

At this time, he met a tricky monster again.

If you say that traveling around the world, the easiest thing to meet is still various monsters.

But this time, he came to a mountain full of miasma. After his search, he found that the miasma was also caused by the excretion of monsters.

Entering the mountain, he soon encountered the miasma demon.

And this monster's method was even more vicious. It used the toxicity of the miasma to not only directly poison Long Fu and cause hallucinations.

It even affected Long Fu's senses.

His eyes couldn't see, his nose couldn't smell, and his ears couldn't even hear.

In such a situation, he was as helpless as a fish at the mercy of others, and the miasma demon almost forced him to a desperate situation.

At this moment, Long Fu could only be beaten. He wanted to fight back but didn't know how to fight back.

The feeling of powerlessness actually made Long Fu feel hopeless and even wanted to give up for the first time in his life.

Without the eyes, nose, and ears, what else can a person do?


Suddenly, such a concept came to his mind.

Although he can't see, smell, or even hear.

However, this does not mean that the miasma demon has disappeared from this world. The miasma demon has always existed in this world!

Feel it!

Long Fu calmed down and tried hard to perceive everything around him.

Suddenly, he caught it!

There was a feeling of being brushed by something on his arm. He immediately made a move, and another fist blasted through his arm in an instant.

This punch almost exploded all the strength he had left at that time. This was the punch that blocked everything!

Fortunately, the punch was successful.

He regained great strength and at the same time felt the magic of the physical body that was unimaginable.

These were the two most profound influences on him that he had ever encountered, and he told Meng Fei all of them.

Finally, he said to Meng Fei: "The upper limit of the physical body is actually the upper limit of human beings. You, me and even them must understand that there is no limit to human upper limit."

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