The mysteries of the human body are always the most amazing.

Just like the wonders of Chinese medicine, Meng Fei finally let go of his doubts about the physical body getting stronger at this moment.

He must continue to become stronger and find all the yellow paper at the same time, because currently there are only two methods that have the possibility of returning him to the earth and his hometown.

Putting aside all thoughts, Meng Fei and his party also fell asleep, waiting for the arrival of the next day.

That will also be the day of the final trial.

The final winner will be personally greeted by the city lord and taken to the treasure house of the martial arts town to choose the final reward.

To this group of people, it doesn't matter who wins, whether it's Meng Fei or Long Fu.

As a result, the group of people didn't think about anything anymore. As night fell, they had already rested early.

Soon, the curtain of night was torn apart by the sun, and the next day arrived again.

But today's sun is not as strong as in the past, and there are thick clouds gathering around it.

Even the entire sky was almost covered by thick cumulus clouds, like huge cotton wool covering the sky.

The color of the clouds is not bright white under the sunlight, but gray.

Everyone knows that the rain is coming.

But this will not have any impact on the competition in Wugong City.

Here, what needs to be done will still be done.

The sound of gongs and drums in the final test was more intense than usual, and the first thing was to announce the method of the test.

In order to make the last time more fair and just, everyone can even have a voluntary competition.

Therefore, the final test will be a challenge system.

The so-called challenge system means that among the last eight people, any one person goes on stage first as the challenger, and then the other seven people go up to challenge him one by one.

If the challenger loses, then the challenged person who came to power first remains to wait for the challenger; if the challenger wins, then the challenger takes over from the challenged person to meet the challenge of the rest.

Normally, someone would have already been on stage by this time, but today it was completely different.

Several people actually stood calmly in the audience, seeming to be the ones who stood out for others.

At this time, people watching will naturally be unhappy.

"What are you doing? Do you still want to fight?"

"It's not because there is Long Fu... who dares to fight him..."

"That's right, I wouldn't dare if it were me!"

"Then why doesn't Long Fu come? He shouldn't have any worries, right?"

"You are stupid. He is giving others a chance. If you think about it, if he goes up first, the others will probably want to go home!"

"Yes, if you look at it this way, Long Fu probably won't show up early."

"It's really difficult to do it. Others don't dare to go to Longfu, and others feel guilty..."

Although this extremely embarrassing situation occurred, everyone still understood the situation very well.

And at this moment when the whole place was about to freeze, a voice completely broke the frozen scene like a hot flame.

"Those who practice martial arts should be fearless, only then can they be strong!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place boiled like freshly boiled water.

"Well said! I'm afraid he's not a martial arts practitioner!"

"What are you doing! Come on! If you don't do it, I will!"


Meng Feigu Liu was even more shocked because this was not said by anyone else.

The voice was not far away from them. When they turned around, they found that it was Jiang Rufeng who was beside them!

Both of them looked at Jiang Rufeng in disbelief, as if there was no chance that these words would come out of his mouth.

Jiang Rufeng felt uncomfortable being stared at by them, and quickly explained to the two of them: "This is just what I heard after hearing Taoist Longfu's story last night! Don't think too much about it."


The two of them immediately looked like they were suddenly enlightened.


Long Fu was also amused by this scene, and then said to Jiang Rufeng with admiration: "Master Jiang, if you understand this truth, then you will definitely be successful if you learn martial arts!"

"No, no, no, no, Taoist Priest, I'm just saying it..." Jiang Rufeng said with great embarrassment.

The cheers here and the excitement of the crowd.

It seemed like a bomb that completely shattered the psychological defenses of the remaining people.

"Then come on, little girl!"

The soft voice fell and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Their eyes were all cast towards the ring, and they saw a bright purple color falling directly on the ring like a butterfly.

Immediately, the graceful figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

The slender figure, the bright long hair is tied up for fighting, the delicate face, especially the delicate and pretty nose that is like a carefully carved one, is very recognizable, the watery eyes seem to have stars twinkling, and the graceful figure is even more beautiful in purple. There are shadows and shadows under the silk and satin.

She stood quietly on it, like a natural beauty.

Woman in purple!

This was the purple-clothed woman whom Xi piloted. Both Meng Fei and Gu Liu recognized her.

But they didn't expect that she would actually make it to the final exam. They only knew that she had indeed passed the first exam, but they didn't expect that she would make it this far.

This is really shocking.

But at this time, an embarrassing situation occurred again.

When those people saw that she was a woman, they were unwilling to fight her.

But for Long Fu, no matter men or women or even demons and monsters, to him, there is only the difference between strong and weak, good and bad.

And now he still does not plan to go on the stage, he just wants to wait quietly for a fight with Meng Fei.

And at this time, in the situation where no one wants to fight with this woman, except Long Fu, they may say "I don't hit women".

So, at this time, Meng Fei patted his head and said helplessly: "Let me do it!"

After that, Meng Fei jumped onto the ring under the contemptuous eyes of everyone.

Maybe because of Yu Yulu, Meng Fei now directly abandoned that idea.

In the face of the contemptuous voices from the audience, Meng Fei replied viciously: "Shut up! I am also a warrior, and I don't need your "care" that doesn't respect me at all!"

The people in the audience were dumbfounded and even speechless.

The purple-clothed woman smiled from the bottom of her heart after seeing Meng Fei's words and deeds. That smile was very sincere and moving. Then she said to Meng Fei: "Thank you for your respect, sir. I am very grateful, but this will not affect our subsequent duel. I hope you will be careful."

Meng Fei saluted her, and then reported his name, pretending to be ready to fight.

The purple-clothed woman also reported her name. Her name was Zi Yuexi. Although Meng Fei did not ask her other questions, she told Meng Fei that she came from a place where it was almost snowy all year round - Hanyuezhou.

Without saying anything more, the duel between the two finally started.

The audience immediately burst into amazing cheers, and no one had any objections because Meng Fei and Zi Yuexi were a man against a woman.

On the stage.

Zi Yuexi was dancing with her graceful body, which made people fall in love with her, and at this time, bursts of strange purple smoke rose around her.

The purple smoke was like a dream, and with its fascinating dance, it actually gave people a sense of hallucination.

Suddenly, when everyone's attention was on the wonderful scene, a long purple transparent silk came from behind Meng Fei!

Faced with this sudden move, Meng Fei did not react. Just now, he was staring at the dance in front of him and forgot the upcoming danger.

Even though Meng Fei had a very fast speed, he suddenly twisted when he saw that the attack had reached his abdomen, and the long silk still passed through Meng Fei's abdomen.

With a sound of snap.

A terrifying cut appeared on Meng Fei's abdomen.

This attack worked!

However, it did not work completely. After all, Meng Fei's physique was particularly strong, and this injury was not painful and had no great impact.

So, Meng Fei quickly stepped forward, dodging the attack of the long silk while moving towards Zi Yuexi.


Meng Fei finally arrived in front of Zi Yuexi, but his punch went straight through her body.

"It's a phantom!"

Meng Fei looked at Zi Yuexi's body, which was disappearing along with the purple smoke.

He realized that Zi Yuexi, who was deceiving people with her dancing posture, was just a phantom generated by the purple smoke!

So, this missed punch also caused Meng Fei to be hit hard by Chang Ling again.

Chang Ling passed through Meng Fei's palm, and Meng Fei screamed in pain. Then he gritted his teeth and grabbed Chang Ling, who wanted to escape after passing through his palm, with his bloody palm.

Looking at the purple and transparent Chang Ling in his hand, Meng Fei suddenly understood everything, and then he used his feet to stabilize his body, and then grabbed Chang Ling and pulled it towards him.

On Chang Ling's side, it was Zi Yuexi who covered herself with white smoke. How could her strength be compared with Meng Fei's.

The huge force directly broke Zi Yuexi's invisibility technique, and then she was pulled to Meng Fei.

However, perhaps because Meng Fei used too much force, Zi Yuexi actually flew directly into Meng Fei's arms.

At this moment, it seemed as if the air condensed, and the two looked at each other. Zi Yuexi's cheeks turned red, and Meng Fei's face suddenly turned red as if he had forgotten the pain in his body.

The audience was silent...

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