"Mr. Meng, did I lose?"

Zi Yuexi, who was still in Meng Fei's arms, suddenly looked up and asked Meng Fei with a flushed face.

This question also broke the awkward atmosphere, and Meng Fei loosened his hands, then shook his head and said: "Not yet, continue!"

However, Zi Yuexi shook her head, and a dagger fell from her hand. Meng Fei was shocked. It turned out that she had taken out this thing when she was in his arms just now.

Is she going to kill herself?

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Meng Fei touched his head and said embarrassedly. It was an accident just now.

However, Zi Yuexi's face showed a kind of giving up something very important, and the helpless sense of relief made people feel inexplicably moved.

"No need, Mr. Meng, I have already lost..."

She clearly understood when she was dragged by Meng Fei that once she got close, she would no longer have any hope of winning the powerful man in front of her.

Unless she used some dirty tricks, of course, she did think about it at that time, and even had the dagger in her hand, but she finally gave up this malicious idea.

Although she really needed to win the final victory, it was impossible to reach the end like this. She understood this truth, so she had to choose to give up.

She might be the one who needed the final victory the most among all the people in the audience, but she also recognized herself and the reality, and it was impossible to do it.

In the end, this game ended with Meng Fei's victory without a doubt.

When Meng Fei saw Zi Yuexi's sad and desperate eyes when she stepped down, he recalled some things before and put them in his heart.

After seeing Meng Fei injured, even though they all knew that he was not an easy existence to mess with, there were still other people who went on stage to fight him.

But they all ended up being solved almost instantly, and they couldn't even compare with Zi Yuexi.

At this time, Meng Fei discovered something that made him both happy and unhappy.

That is, he found that the wound on his body that was injured by Zi Yuexi was actually healing very quickly!

Although it didn't heal instantly, the wound healed halfway as time went by.

This seems good, but it's not good news for Meng Fei. Once this ability becomes strong, it will cause a terrible consequence-it will be difficult for him to die!

Then it will be difficult to trigger the system and continue to become stronger.

Although it doesn't have a big impact now, it will be a big hidden danger in the future when he encounters a bottleneck period of strength.

But, we'll talk about it later.

Now Meng Fei must be 200% alert.

Because his last opponent finally appeared.

Long Fu!

Under the almost thunderous cheers, the ultimate showdown that everyone is looking forward to is finally here.

"Meng Fei, you are injured, do you want to continue fighting?" Long Fu asked.

"It doesn't matter, Taoist Long Fu, it will be my honor to fight with you! It will also be a growth for me!" Meng Fei said excitedly.

In fact, because of self-healing, his injury actually has little impact.

"Well said!" Long Fu was very satisfied with Meng Fei's performance.

He also knew the gap between the two of them, and there was no point in fighting directly, so Long Fu planned to do something more interesting.

"Come on, young lion, let me see your potential!"

As Long Fu's voice fell, he stomped on the ring.

The wooden table was immediately shaken up by him, and countless wooden fragments flew in front of him.

This powerful kick shook the ground nearby, and those with weak strength even fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"What does he want to do?"

The people in the audience were puzzled by Long Fu's actions. To be honest, the duel between these two people should be a fist-to-fist and leg-to-leg melee!

However, Long Fu destroyed the table, and countless wooden fragments were stirred up by him. Then he waved his hand and instantly brought a gust of wind.

And those wooden fragments were blown away by his palm wind, and at the same time flew towards Meng Fei.

Those countless wood fragments were like sharp arrows shot from a bow. They were so dense that they made people feel desperate from the bottom of their hearts.

Meng Fei was also like this. This scene was like Long Fu facing countless needle rain before, but the difference was that Meng Fei did not have the ability to peek into the future like Long Fu.

Therefore, Meng Fei could only dodge. If he couldn't dodge, he would use his fists and legs to beat them away. If that didn't work, he could only watch those wood fragments with spikes pierce his body.


Meng Fei had to scream in pain.

Although the wood fragments were not powerful weapons, under the impetus of Long Fu's powerful force, the damage they caused was unimaginable.

Even a body like Meng Fei could only dodge.

But facing the wood fragments all over the sky, which kept shooting at him like a rain of arrows, Meng Fei began to feel a little desperate.

Waves of stinging pain shot into his body, and Meng Fei's heart became more and more anxious. He was eager to think of a solution, but the more anxious he was, the emptier his mind became.

At this time, the gray clouds in the sky finally turned into dark clouds, and raindrops fell, hitting Meng Fei's face.

The rain was getting heavier, but it couldn't buffer the wood fragments that were shooting towards Meng Fei.

But the rain calmed Meng Fei down, just like a person who was about to collapse was suddenly cured.

"Summer rain, there's nothing I can do about it."

It turned out that this was the sweet rain in the hot summer, no wonder it could change people's minds.

So, Meng Fei was awake at this moment, and his state of mind was as clear and peaceful as water at this moment.

This is an excellent state.

At that moment, Meng Fei seemed to have entered another time and space.

Here, everything no longer exists.

There was only darkness, only himself.

When he opened his eyes, the space was shining with a little light, allowing him to face everything.

Countless wood fragments stopped in front of him, and even Long Fu stopped motionlessly not far from him.

Meng Fei didn't understand what was going on, but he could feel that he seemed to be able to do what he wanted to do here.

So, he moved to a place where there were no wood fragments.

And after moving, he suddenly found that there was a shadow of him left there.

That was the afterimage!

Meng Fei seemed to understand a little bit. He might have entered a special state with a very small probability in an extreme state.

The speed was so fast that time was infinitely close to stopping, but what about the power?

At this time, everything around began to break.

Meng Fei returned to reality again, but in reality, he found that he had indeed moved to a safe place.

And Long Fu was looking at him with a look of relief.

The next moment, Long Fu actually raised his head with a comfortable look. He took a deep breath, his face full of satisfaction, and said: "Well, I feel that you have entered a magical realm. It seems that I must go all out!"

Meng Fei was shocked by his words. He felt the specialness of his body now. It seemed that there was really a kind of endless power in his body that wanted to erupt like boiling water.

And this feeling was the strongest in the dark space. Although it felt much weaker when he returned to reality, it was also far more powerful than he usually was!

So, watching Long Fu accumulating his strength and about to launch a shocking blow, Meng Fei also took a stance. The injury on his right fist was almost healed, so he also accumulated his strength.

At this time, Meng Fei was surprised to find that the magical state seemed to fade away at a very fast speed.

But this did not affect Meng Fei's continued accumulation of strength in his fist.


At this time, thunder and lightning struck.

The huge lightning directly illuminated the entire gloomy sky, and bean-sized raindrops began to fall like a bombardment below!

And everyone's eyes were on the broken ring. The air there seemed to have been condensed by the two monstrous momentums, and everyone's breathing also stopped briefly.


On the stage, two angry roars suddenly broke out, and two terrifying fists carrying explosions had already blasted towards each other!


The two fists blasted towards each other, but the fists of the two were far apart. Between the two fists was a strong airflow that was even steaming!

The airflows met, and the strong friction turned them into steaming white hot air. Then, the white hot air became larger and larger.

It even directly covered the bodies of the two people.


There was another deafening noise.

People only saw the white hot air rising directly into the sky, heading straight up to the sky like a dragon sucking water!

The clouds in the sky were even scattered by the long dragon-like hot air at this time, and finally eroded completely.

At this time, the duel on the stage was over.

Long Fu half-knelt, supporting himself with his hands with difficulty, but with a very satisfied smile on his face, while Meng Fei lay directly on the ground gasping for air.

Looking up at the clear and cloudless sky, Meng Fei smiled immediately.

The people in the audience had a blank mind.

They didn't know anything now, they only knew that the rain had stopped.

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