Both of them were conscious.

So who would be the final winner?

This is a question.

However, everyone saw that one of them was lying on the ring and the other was half-kneeling on the ground.


The final winner could only belong to that man!

Long Fu!

On the high stand, a man dressed gorgeously but not exaggerated appeared. He was a middle-aged man, and as soon as he appeared, the people around him acted extremely respectful.

When the people below saw him, they also became serious and saluted the man above:

"Welcome to the Lord of Wugong City!"

The Lord waved to them, with a simple smile on his face, and asked the subordinates around to retreat first. It can be seen that he is a person who cares about the soldiers and is deeply popular.

Then, he announced loudly to the people below:

"I now announce that this Wugong City Martial Arts Competition is over, and the final winner is the contestant Long Fu!"

Thunderous applause and cheers immediately broke out below.

Although Long Fu's appearance made everything a little dull, what surprised them was that in this final battle, Meng Fei suddenly burst out with incredible power far beyond the usual.

He actually forced Long Fu to attack with almost all his strength, and Meng Fei also deserves everyone's respect.

After everything was over, after resting and recovering.

Something they didn't expect happened.

The city lord found Long Fu, and everyone naturally understood that he was going to take them to the town treasure house in person.

However, just when Gu Liu was about to ask about that matter, the city lord said to them like this.

He said: "To be honest, in fact, since the re-examination, I have been observing in secret, especially Taoist Long Fu and little brother Meng Fei, I pay special attention to them, and the two of them also lived up to expectations and carried out the final competition. The magnificent scene of stopping the wind and rain with one punch really added a fire to my boring life in the past fifty years, so I plan to make an exception this time and plan to let the two of you go with me into the town treasure house!"

Letting two people go together at the same time, this is really the first time since the first martial arts competition was held in Wugong City.

For Meng Fei and his companions who had come with a purpose, this was naturally not an unnecessary matter.

So, neither of them refused. For Long Fu, he needed something that could increase his body load and promote his cultivation, while for Meng Fei, Meng Fei hoped to find a weapon that could suppress his self-healing ability so that he would be difficult to die in the future with his strong self-healing ability.

But at this time, it was also the time for Gu Liu and Meng Fei to ask some questions.

Gu Liu asked him about his senior brother Li Changfeng.

The city lord was also a kind person, and he thought about it seriously after hearing this question.

After that, he looked at Gu Liu and Long Fu with excitement and said, "I didn't expect that the two of you were actually brothers from the same school with that peerless strong man! No wonder Taoist Long Fu is so powerful!"

"That is to say, you were indeed there at the time." Seeing him behave like this, Gu Liu was also excited.

The city lord nodded, and said with a bit of pity on his face: "Are you two here to take him back? Alas, even if that's the case, we can't say anything..."

His words surprised Long Fu a little, that is, these guys even used some method to keep the body of the eldest brother...

These guys are really crazy!

They really cherish and respect the strong to the extreme.

And it can be seen that these guys respect the strong to cover the people close to the strong, and Gu Liu is a living example now.

But generally speaking, it's not a bad thing.

For them, this is good news.

After all, this means that the body of the eldest brother should not have been searched by them. If it is there intact, then it means that the yellow paper is very likely there.

Gu Liu and Long Fu also told him to rest assured that the body of the eldest brother might be better here than anywhere else. They just want to find a very important thing.

And once that thing is found, it will be the best explanation for Li Changfeng's sacrifice of his life.

Hearing this, the city lord immediately took Meng Fei, Gu Liu, and Long Fu to the treasure house.

What on earth could make a peerless strong man want to get it even at the cost of his life?

This was also a question that had troubled him for a long time.

As for Long Fu, Gu Liu also told him a lot of things. Long Fu also wanted to see it in person and wanted to see the man who was always the strongest in his eyes again.


The group came to an underground space.

There was a small path here, and there was light near the path, so it was still clear along the way.

Then, several people came to an iron gate.

The city lord stepped forward and opened the iron gate.

After entering.

The spectacular scene stunned several people.

Various weapons and even some strange mechanical devices were also listed among them.

And when you get closer, you will find that these things are not ordinary things.

Of course, the most important thing for them is to find the yellow paper.

So, the city lord took them to the deepest part, where there was a stone door with a mechanism. The stone door turned around, and inside was a white wall with a dazzling light.

After several people entered together, they saw the ice coffin in the middle of the light room.

I didn't expect that they had spent so much effort to preserve their intact bodies.

Opening the ice coffin with anxiety, the face that was so familiar to Long Fu burst out from his memory again. He didn't say anything before, but now he was the most moved one.

This senior brother who once lived like a legend has now ended up like this.

Although Gu Liu had very few interactions with his senior brother, his connection with the same lineage was unbroken. Remembering the words of his third senior brother, Taoist Baixiao, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

Meng Fei looked at the gentle face that was still smiling after death, and remembered what happened at Taoist Baixiao's place, and he also sighed.

"Found it! It really exists!"

When he came back to his senses, he discovered that the city lord had found a piece of yellow paper on the body.

Gu Liu took the piece of yellow paper with trembling hands. Meng Fei immediately took out the yellow paper on his body and found that except for the evil ghost pattern on it, there was no other difference.

And, just a moment after Meng Fei took out the yellow paper and compared it, an astonishing phenomenon happened.

The two pieces of yellow paper actually flew up on their own and then merged together!

This is an amazing discovery!

Both of them became excited. It could almost be said that what Master Baixiao said had begun to come true. The yellow paper might really come from a book.

At this time, everyone became happy, and even had tears in their eyes. They all paid the highest respect to the man in the ice coffin.


Suddenly, a burst of gentle laughter sounded right above the ice coffin.

Everyone was shocked, and then they actually looked up and saw a shadow similar to Li Changfeng in the ice coffin floating in the sky.

Then, the phantom smiled towards Meng Fei and Gu Liu. The smile was very warm, the warmth of satisfaction and relief.

After that, wrapped in the golden light, the phantom finally turned into nothing and disappeared...

"What is that?" the city lord asked puzzledly.

Here, Gu Liu's eyes filled with tears, and then he explained: "It's the remnant soul of Senior Brother, which was created to protect the yellow paper from being taken away by bad people. He hopes that the yellow paper can be taken away by the right person. , so after seeing that we were the ones who took away the yellow paper, this obsession disappeared, and he recognized us. "

"Don't let him down!" Long Fu patted Gu Liu on the shoulder and looked at Meng Fei at the same time.

They both nodded at the same time.

Things here are probably over.

Almost everyone got what they wanted.

In addition to the yellow paper, Meng Fei also got one more thing he wanted.

A demon-slaying sword.

This demon-slaying sword can target the powerful regeneration ability of monsters. At the same time, it should be taboo to use it on people, because it will inhibit people's self-healing ability even more.

However, Meng Fei just wanted to use it on himself.

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