"You two, get in the car quickly!"

The trip to Wugong City has ended. At this time, Jiang Rufeng, who was beside the gorgeous carriage outside the city, urged the two people who had been saying goodbye to Long Fu for a long time.


It was finally over over there, which made Jiang Rufeng wait for a while.

"Are you moving so fast?"

Regarding Jiang Rufeng who wanted to distribute money to those hundreds of people, Meng Fei did not expect that he would do so so quickly.

"Well, I don't need to do these things..." Jiang Rufeng replied a little awkwardly.

This made Meng Fei feel a little embarrassed. Only then did he remember that it was such a big thing that Young Master Jiang, the son of Ningguo's rich man, had to do it.

"My God, a carriage with eight first-rate horses!"

On the other side, Gu Liu was dumbfounded when he saw this huge and gorgeous carriage pulled by eight first-class horses.

Jiang Rufeng didn't know what to say, after all, he had brought this one casually.

"I feel like someone is following us?" Meng Fei suddenly said before getting in the car.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Gu Liu pointed at the yellow dog behind Meng Fei with a puzzled look.

"It's definitely not it!" Meng Fei said in a bad voice. After all, how could he not know that the yellow dog was following him.

And Gu Liu didn't see any other people or anything else.

Of course, it goes without saying that Meng Fei's perception is even more powerful.

"Come out! If you have anything to say, tell me face to face!"

Meng Fei firmly believed in his feelings, and after being tempered by the Wugong City team, he became stronger.

Then, someone actually appeared.

She was dressed in purple, with a slim nose and watery eyes that made people recognize her at a glance.

Zi Yuexi!

"It's you...what's wrong?" When Meng Fei saw it was her, his guard that he wanted to put down immediately rose again.

But Zi Yuexi ignored Meng Fei and instead focused on Jiang Rufeng.

"Mr. Jiang, can you do me a favor? I'm willing to do anything."

These words came so unexpectedly that even Jiang Rufeng himself was stunned, let alone Meng Fei and the others.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Meng Fei's eyes even squinted. Isn't this woman a snobbery?

However, after Zi Yuexi told her life experience, several people finally understood her.

It turns out that the Hanyue Prefecture where she is located is covered with ice and snow no matter what the season. Thinking back to the beginning, Hanyue Prefecture was not like this, and for some unknown reason, it suddenly became like this two years ago.

In such an environment, wanting a normal life is nothing more than wishful thinking.

As a result, the people of Hanyue State began to flee to the outside world.

However, just when everyone thought that everything would be solved as long as they left here, strange things happened frequently.

That is, as long as anyone escapes, he will find corpses on the way to escape within a day.

This made everyone start to get scared and no longer dared to flee.

But how long can we last in this life of ice and snow?

As for Zi Yuexi, she was lucky. She was sent away by her parents to practice martial arts when she was a child, so she was not trapped when that strange thing happened.

It was also at that time that because they knew Zi Yuexi would go home once a year, her parents sent a letter to her early. Fortunately, no other living creatures except humans were affected in Hanyue State, and the carrier pigeon successfully delivered the letter to Ziyue. Xi's hand.

So, before winter came, that is, before it was time for her to go home, Zi Yuexi planned to go back to find out.

However, just when she reached the hill where she could see Hanyue State, Zi Yuexi discovered that Hanyue State was actually a land of ice and snow. You must know that it was the end of summer!

As a result, Zi Yuexi did not move forward, and Zi Yuexi, who thought something had happened to her family, believed what her parents said in their letter, and she also understood that if she didn't do something, her parents would sooner or later die in such a cold and snowy world. He died of hunger and cold.

Therefore, she began to look around the world for solutions to problems, but for so long, she had nothing useful to gain.

She wanted to try every method, magical weapons, or money?

To be honest, she didn't know what to do.

She had always believed that money could not solve this kind of problem, but today she changed her mind, or it could be said that she really had no other choice, so she approached Jiang Rufeng.

"This... what can I do?" Jiang Rufeng was also troubled and couldn't express his pain. He didn't know what he thought about this kind of thing, but he actually came to him.

It has been two years since that strange thing happened, and one and a half years since Zi Yuexi found out about it and traveled around the world.

This long aimless search made her desperate.

After hearing that there was nothing Jiang Rufeng could do, her inner defenses almost collapsed, and she knelt down on the ground, covering her face and crying.

She worked hard for too long, but every time she failed, she didn't even know if her parents were still alive after so long.

Meng Fei also understood her difficulty. Remembering that Zi Yuexi told her where she was from when she fought with her before, Meng Fei also understood her intention.

Firstly, she wants to not forget her purpose, and secondly, she hopes that someone can understand her and help her.

After her narration, an idea flashed through Gu Liu's head.

So, he said to everyone, especially Zi Yuexi:

"I have seen similar things like this when I was studying in Xuanzhen, so Miss Zi Yuexi never thought that it was caused by a monster?"

"Of course I have thought about it, but when I found the Taoist priests, they all said they had nothing to do with it." Zi Yuexi calmed down and answered Gu Liu.

"Can't control it?" Gu Liu thought seriously about why this was the case, and then his eyes widened. He thought of it!

"This kind of writing is rare. The monster behind the similar weird thing I saw in the book is extremely powerful. I'm afraid it's a big monster who wants to become a monster star!"

Demon Star, this is a terrifying existence that is almost as powerful as the Yaksha among ghosts.

But the difference between demons and ghosts is that demons have very powerful regeneration capabilities and have almost nothing to fear.

The same point is that whether they are demons or ghosts, most of the limits among demons are demon stars, and most of the limits among ghosts lie in earth yaksha.

So it is extremely difficult to become stronger again.

So there are ghost-serving villages and demon-serving villages, but these two can only reach the level of yaksha and great demons, and cannot go any further.

If you want to go further, you can only use a larger and more terrifying formation.

That is almost what Hanyue State is facing now - the Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Formation.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Array only targets people, and people who live in a very good environment, because their blood will be more precious.

The previous Hanyue State was a blessed place, so it became the current scene.

But to be specific, you have to go there in person.

This is Gu Liu's guess.

Gu Liu's words once again gave Zi Yuexi hope, so she faced Gu Liu longingly, and even knelt down and begged: "Please, Taoist Priest, save my parents! Save Hanyue State! As long as you speak, Zi Yuexi is willing to do anything!”

"Well... Well, although we are Taoist priests who have killed countless demons, we still have important matters to attend to..." Gu Liu actually shied away.

Meng Fei saw that he was obviously bragging and scared, and couldn't help but laugh again. Then he helped Zi Yuexi up and said to Zi Yuexi: "Get up, we will take over this matter!"

"But..." Gu Liu stepped forward and whispered to Meng Fei: "Are you sure you want a hero to save the beauty?"

Meng Fei stared at him angrily and said, "You sound like what a Taoist priest said? Have you ever thought about a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Ever since I got the yellow paper, I've been thinking, is there still a 'yellow paper' that can control demons? Or, can yellow paper also control demons?"

Although there are yellow dogs following him, Meng Fei feels that the current yellow dogs have lost their spiritual energy, so they have no reference value.

In addition, if it is said to be the work of a monster, maybe we can also deal with the yellow dog thing.

"So you want to give it a try?" Gu Liu's eyes also lit up.

"Yes, let's see if we can deal with this thing."

Meng Fei was seen holding the yellow dog's head with a helpless expression on his face, and the yellow dog immediately wagged its tail crazily towards him.

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