Old well.

This old well is located in a remote place in the middle of Ningguo, in a deserted and dilapidated place. This old well also looks old and dilapidated.

There seems to be nothing unusual about it, but just such a thing hides a huge secret.

The dream formation that controls the entire Ning Kingdom seems to be hiding here.

Meng Fei and the others came here again in the blink of an eye. Although Meng Fei and Big Yellow Dog had been here before, it was also the first time for Gu Liu and the others.

"Gu Liu, I still have to rely on you to break the formation!"

Meng Fei said to Gu Liu.

Gu Liu also nodded in response.

After all, he is the only one in their group who knows this thing.

Meng Fei knew nothing about formations and the like.

We still have to rely on Gu Liu.

And this well was directly transformed into a huge pit because of Meng Fei.

This also provides convenience for them, because then they can go down together.

If only one or two people always go out, they will also lose mutual care, which is obviously better.

So, a group of them jumped into the well together.

The bottom of the well is surrounded by mud. After Meng Fei opened it, the place could only accommodate one person, but now it can accommodate all of them.

Their actions have also become simpler, but this is only a two-step effort. It is naturally not that simple to solve the problem here.


Meng Fei slapped his palm towards the ground, and then bursts of golden lines immediately appeared on the ground.

These lines are scattered and arranged, as if someone has done it deliberately. It is obvious that these are the formation lines.

"Array?" Although Gu Liu had already thought about it, he still couldn't help being shocked after seeing it with his own eyes.

"Golden lines..."

Gu Liu couldn't help but lie down on the ground, and then his eyes were glued to the ground, observing the veins and patterns on the ground.

"Maybe you don't know..." At this time, Gu Liu began to explain to everyone: "The level of a formation is basically judged from the color of its lines, and the gold you see now, That’s the top one!”

"The best?!" Meng Fei and the others were extremely surprised.

"Yes, that's right, and I can tell you clearly that the person who can make such a formation is at least as strong as a king!" Gu Liu continued to explain.

"Above the King?!"

Meng Fei and the others were stunned when they heard this description.

"Wait, you mean above the king? Isn't the king the top existence?" The big yellow dog looked even more puzzled.

Even Meng Fei was dumbfounded. He remembered the conversation with the Demon King in the Different Blood Tower. The Demon King had raised the issue of the Queen. As far as the discussion at that time was concerned, the Demon King seemed to think that the Queen still existed. The stronger ones.

Now, I didn't expect Gu Liu to say such words.

"Speak more clearly." Meng Fei quickly urged Gu Liu to explain. It felt like Gu Liu was joking with them.

However, Gu Liu shook his head and said: "I wish I was joking, but the truth is that I am not, because a formation with golden lines like this is so pure that even a king who is proficient in formations cannot do it. Come out, so there is only one reason, and that is that this is the hand of a stronger person who surpasses the king level!"


Hearing Gu Liu say this, Meng Fei and the others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Queen? !

What three terrible words!

At this time, Gu Liu frowned and said: "But have you ever thought about it, if it is really that kind of strength, it should not only target one country, but only target one country. Is it hidden from it?" So, I think its current condition shouldn’t be too good..."

Gu Liu's words made Meng Fei and the others interested and thought again.

The main problem is that the meaning of Gu Liu's words points to the fact that they are extremely interested in.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Gu Liu.

Gu Liu also looked a little unnatural at this time, so he continued: "Actually, it is just a guess... but it will probably be such a situation, and it probably won't be too different..."

Seeing everyone's dissatisfaction, it seemed that they felt Gu Liu's perfunctory explanation to them, so Gu Liu had no choice but to continue, "Actually, speaking of it, that guy should be in some kind of strange state. ,Could it be that……"

Because he thought about dogs more deeply, Gu Liu also had a slightly more precise idea.

Therefore, Gu Liu also said extremely seriously, "Could it be that that guy is in a state of breaking out of his cocoon, and then he may still lack the feeling of a final kick, and Ning Guo seems to be his target. …”

Having said this, Gu Liu couldn't help but look serious.

Before anyone else could speak, Gu Liu said to the others with extremely complicated emotions: "Friends, do you know the destructive power of the Sky Demon Star?"

"It can probably destroy a country's life with all its strength in an instant."

Regarding this issue, Meng Fei obviously has the most say.

"Yes..." Gu Liu nodded, and then he asked, "Then do you know the destructive power of the Demon King?"

"Uh... what about this?" Meng Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought. This question really made him think about it for a while.

After all, although he had come into contact with the king level, and even that was a very close contact, Meng Fei had never really fought with the king level.

Even with the Demon King, it was difficult to see what kind of destructive power that guy could have in such a space.

At this time, Meng Fei couldn't help but think of the two men related to the Demon King.

That was Li Huaitian and his son. The strength of these two men was so strong that they could suppress the Demon King, but they could not be called the existence of the King's Queen.

Because those two guys were only equivalent to the peak of the King, and had not yet reached the level of the King's Queen.

It can only be said that it was a devastating suppression for the Demon King with the strength of the middle level of the King.

If they can't reach the level of the King's Queen, then what kind of strength will the King's Queen have.

At this time, no one could answer.

Gu Liu also roughly calculated, and finally he said to everyone: "If the whole world is divided into tens of millions of pieces, Ningguo may occupy one piece, then the strength of Tianyaoxing is that of a country, that is to say, Tianyaoxing can destroy one of the tens of millions of pieces of the world, and if the world is divided into tens of thousands of pieces, then the demon king can destroy one of them! But if this world is unique, then the higher existence after the king can directly destroy the world!"

The gap between strengths is huge. This is inevitable between each level. The span of strength is generally like a world of difference.

As the existence after the king, it is inevitable that the world can be destroyed in one go.

But the existence of such a life is naturally not a good thing. It is undoubtedly a great hidden danger for the whole world.

What's more, they also clearly know that the guy is a monster, a monster whose strength may have been infinitely critical to that extreme. In this case, they naturally have to be on guard.

"Meng Fei, Zhengyi, Gouzi, I think this matter may be more serious than we thought, and we may have to give up some things..." Gu Liu suddenly became unusually serious. After all, how could he calm down when thinking of such things?

Meng Fei nodded knowingly and said, "Can it destroy the whole world? It seems that such things really cannot appear in this world! Whether it is yellow paper or rune bamboo sticks, they are far less important than the problem in front of us. We are on the way to attack it, so let's solve it together!"

Although Meng Fei's words sounded very concise, even like something that was not so serious.

But in fact, this matter is beyond everyone's imagination, and the severity of the situation is needless to say.

And Xu Zhengyi and others can obviously understand the truth.

"The task is really scary, everyone, for the future of this world, let's work together!"

Meng Fei immediately became very energetic this time, and encouraged everyone with passionate words.

"No problem!"

Everyone responded to Meng Fei together.

This trip must be extremely dangerous, and everyone must be very careful.

Not only that, it is possible that the strength of all of them is once again inadequate, including Meng Fei.

After all, although the enemy they are facing has not yet met, with Meng Fei's current strength, he probably can't beat that guy even if he uses a bunch of strengthening techniques.

Now even if a slightly stronger king comes, Meng Fei will be beaten directly.

But they still plan to take it step by step, one step at a time.

"Break the formation."

Meng Fei said to Gu Liu.

These three short words also directly brought everyone back to their senses.

So Gu Liu continued to break the formation.

This time, he took out a lot of Taoist tools, constantly fiddling with the golden lines here and there, and looked very busy.

The main thing is that no one can help, because they are afraid that there will be problems.

So he still has to do it himself.

Gu Liu was soon exhausted and sweating. Meng Fei wanted to ask him a few questions every time, but he was suppressed. After thinking carefully, it would be better not to disturb Gu Liu, so as not to do more harm than good.

Gu Liu was so busy that his face twitched, which was exactly the pain in his waist.

Everyone was quietly waiting for Gu Liu to break the formation.

After all, this formation was set up by the top existence. According to Gu Liu, facing such a thing, he could only solve it according to the methods he saw in various books.

And he used the methods he saw in the book one after another. After all, it was almost impossible to do it with his ability alone.

And he was doing his best to do it.

Time passed by little by little, and Meng Fei and others around him held their breath, because from Gu Liu's expression, they could probably see what the situation was.

Just now, when Gu Liu's brows, which had been locked for a long time, were gradually untied, Meng Fei and others also cheered up and became slightly excited.

Everyone focused their attention on Gu Liu again.

Gu Liu's brows were so tightly furrowed that they were almost straight, but then gradually relaxed, and now they even moved slightly upwards.

From this point of view, it should be almost done.

Everyone also held their breath instantly, waiting for Gu Liu's response.

However, at this time, Gu Liu's brows suddenly knitted together again.

"What's going on?!" Everyone couldn't help but despair.

However, Gu Liu stood up all of a sudden, and then packed up everything, but his brows were still furrowed. He didn't know the reason. Of course, Gu Liu had to answer it himself.

"Strange, really strange!"

After Gu Liu packed up everything, Meng Fei and the others were even more confused by his completed actions, and Gu Liu kept saying "weird" one after another.

"Strange? What's so strange?" Meng Fei couldn't help but ask Gu Liu.

Gu Liu shook his head, and then explained to Meng Fei and the others with the same confusion: "According to my observation, this formation seems to be... alive!"


"You said this formation is alive?!"

"Wait?! How is it possible that a formation can still have life?!"

"Are you sure you got it right?!"

Everyone was confused for a while and looked at Gu Liu in confusion. In his eyes, it was obvious that he wanted a definite answer.

Gu Liu nodded, very confident in his judgment.

After observing the method so many times that he didn't even know it, he finally figured out the key to this formation.

That is the source of judging the power of the formation.

What surprised him was that after some observations, he found that the source of the power of this formation was actually a very clear life form.

"Life form……"

Just when Meng Fei was confused, a scream suddenly startled Meng Fei.

"Ah!!! Meng Fei! What happened to you riding on the horse?!"

That was the voice of the big yellow dog. The big yellow dog was staring at Meng Fei's body with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with me?!"

Meng Fei looked at the big yellow dog in confusion, and then his eyes suddenly widened, and he was stunned and said: "Damn dog! Your body!!!"

"Me?! Oh my god! Why don't I?!"

The big yellow dog looked at himself, only to find that his four feet were directly connected to the earth, as if they were made of nature.

"I'm going?! What's wrong with me?!" Only then did Meng Fei realize that his lower body had actually become a stone pier.


Meng Fei couldn't help but look at Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi.

Xu Zhengyi, who had been silent for a long time, turned into a paper man.

As for Gu Liu, half of his body turned directly into liquid.

"Gu Liu! Justice!"

Meng Fei quickly called their names.

"Here I am!"

However, both Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi responded to Meng Fei like normal people.

Meng Fei couldn't help but be stunned. He clearly saw that their appearance had changed into something else, but they could still answer his questions like normal people.

"I see!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but slap it with his hands that could only move. At this moment, he finally understood.

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