"Do you understand?!"

The big yellow dog who could still speak relatively normally asked quickly.

After all, this horrible situation really made them confused, and they didn't know what was going on.

They were also shocked that it suddenly became like this, which no one expected.

"Do you remember what I said before? This is what we are encountering now! The monster of reality I mentioned before is the problem we are encountering now!" Meng Fei explained to them.

"Oh! I remembered that there are three forces, time, space, and reality. Now it is the power of reality that is causing trouble!" The big yellow dog also said as if he was enlightened.

Meng Fei nodded, and then looked at Gu Liu and the others. They could still respond to Meng Fei's words, which further illustrated the truth.

That is, the ability to influence reality seems to only remain on the surface. In other words, it has only changed the appearance of things, and its true appearance has not changed.

"Fortunately so!"

Meng Fei said happily, after all, if this were not the case, they would be in huge trouble. After all, the ability to affect reality is quite terrifying.

"Then how to solve it?!" Big Yellow Dog quickly asked Meng Fei.

Regarding this issue, Meng Fei also frowned and fell into deep thought. After a while, he said: "Let me try it first."

There was no way, it was the first time for Meng Fei to see such power. If he didn't let him feel or try this power first, there would be no solution at all.

Therefore, Meng Fei adjusted his state and concentrated on the perception of his body.

He tried hard to feel his own veins, and the main thing he wanted to observe naturally came from the changed part of himself, that is, Meng Fei's lower body.

At this time, his lower body has been transformed into a sculpture-like appearance. Now he needs more things to perceive, so that his feelings can be connected to his lower body.

Because his lower body seemed to be blocked and cut off at the moment, and he couldn't communicate at all, so he could only try to find a way to communicate first.

At this time, Meng Fei entered the thinking space.

A passage appeared in front of him at this moment. He moved slowly on the passage, step by step. Finally, a high wall suddenly appeared, blocking his way.

Meng Fei understood that this was the part leading to his lower body, which was currently blocked by a mysterious force.

Moreover, Meng Fei stepped forward and reached out to touch the wall. The wall immediately conveyed an extremely strange feeling to Meng Fei. It was completely different from the feeling when Meng Fei was walking on the passage. When he was walking on the passage, Meng Fei would feel very familiar. However, the feeling transmitted to this wall made Meng Fei strange for a while, as if this did not belong to him.

But Meng Fei held firm to his belief and firmly believed that he could break through all this. It was the power of reality that changed everything in this passage, and even gave Meng Fei the illusion that his body did not belong to him.

Fortunately, Meng Fei has a firm belief, otherwise he would really be driven crazy by this power and control his spiritual world.

His thoughts have been forcibly stabilized to avoid being affected by the power of reality again.

"This wall cannot be broken..."

Meng Fei reached out and touched the wall for a long time before he said this, because he clearly understood that although the wall was madly conveying to him that it did not belong to him, he could not think so, let alone break the wall. .

Because the wall clearly belonged to him, and was not as foreign as he perceived it, as if it were a foreign object.

But the fact is that this belongs to Meng Fei, and Meng Fei naturally has to control himself not to destroy it.

"Then what should we do in this case?!"

Meng Fei couldn't help being dumbfounded. Now he could be said to be at a loss and couldn't figure out the situation.

As a result, he even collapsed on the ground, holding his head in one hand, thinking about the problem, and various ways of thinking and consideration flashed in his mind.

After an unknown amount of time, Meng Fei thought of a lot of ways to solve the problem, but in the end, he was basically killed by the rationality in his mind, because those were not the best methods. No, I can’t say that, because those methods Finally, Meng Fei thought about it again and found that it simply didn't work.

And at the end, Meng Fei suddenly thought of the Demon King in the Different Blood Tower. After all, according to Gu Liu, this formation probably came from the hands of the queen, but Meng Fei thought that in their previous judgment, there was another incomparable The important question is that although it will be that guy in the end, now, they should be facing only one - the king.

Therefore, Meng Fei understood that at this time, he should find a way to communicate with the Demon King in the Different Blood Tower, and there should be a possibility of solving the problem.

Then, Meng Fei exited the thinking space and returned to reality.

Here, he can't move his legs, almost unable to move. He wants to cut himself in half and finally let his self-healing ability grow back, but because the power of reality only affects the appearance, it has not yet changed the essence. , which resulted in the lower body of Meng Fei's "sculpture" having extremely powerful self-healing ability. He couldn't cut himself in half even if he wanted to.

In other words, he is almost unable to move now.

However, Meng Fei wanted to communicate with the Demon King.

"Damn it, can't you just want to communicate?"

Meng Fei also became a little anxious.

He took the alien blood tower out of the space ring, but was worried because he couldn't enter it.

Meng Fei doesn't have any means of soul leaving the body, so it is obviously not easy to enter the strange blood tower.

"Try it……"

In desperation, Meng Fei had no choice but to use this unreasonable method.

That means he wants to call him the Demon King.

This may sound like nonsense.

"What do you want to do?"

The big yellow dog couldn't help but be confused when he saw Meng Fei's movements.

Meng Fei was seen shouting at a small tower in his hand.

"Are you demented? If you shout at a tower, can it reply to you or something?"

The big yellow dog looked confused, but looking at Meng Fei's persistence, he could only shake his head helplessly.

We can only let Meng Fei do it. No matter what, this guy should be fine anyway and there is no need to worry. After all, even his own head is fine now.

Naturally, the more powerful Meng Fei has no problem, so just leave it to him. Maybe that guy is looking for a way now.

"what happened?"

On the side, the voices of Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi sounded in unison.

The change in half of their bodies caused them to fall directly to the ground. Although they still had sense, they had no idea what happened and could only hear vague sounds.

Big Yellow Dog roughly explained this to them, and everyone chose to believe Meng Fei. After all, if they didn't believe Meng Fei now, there was no other way.

Meng Fei's side.

I saw that he was calling the Demon King over and over again. Facing the small tower, Meng Fei did not shout loudly, but still used some means to keep sending his voice towards the strange blood tower.

If it was just shouting with his mouth, it would definitely not be possible, and it was impossible for Meng Fei to do something brainless like that.

Therefore, Meng Fei also found a way to use black mist, mixed with the power of space, and then continued to convey his voice towards the strange blood tower.

Black fog.

For Meng Fei, this thing has a better use, that is, its powerful carrying capacity. The most terrifying thing is that it can carry other abilities.

And now Meng Fei is carrying his own space technique on it, and then he can convey his voice into the strange blood tower.

In the strange blood tower.

Meng Fei's voice kept passing on.


Finally, he entered the first floor directly.

"What is this sound?"

On the first floor, Hua Ye suddenly stood up.

The sudden voice sounded extremely familiar to him.

"Meng Fei?" He said with a tone of disbelief.

Then, he came to the "loophole" in the strange blood tower that he had discovered, and then opened a passage again. Above the passage, he could see Meng Fei's big head, especially his mouth, constantly moving towards There is a message inside.

"Hey! Meng Fei!"

The sudden sound surprised Meng Fei, but when he lowered his head, what he saw was Hua Ye standing on the surface of the Strange Blood Tower. Meng Fei's face turned dark instantly.

Then he ignored Hua Ye and continued to call the Demon King.

"Hey! You guy?! Can you be so snobbish?!" Meng Fei's attitude obviously made Hua Ye unhappy for a while.

Hua Ye quickly expressed his dissatisfaction to Meng Fei.

But unfortunately, Meng Fei still didn't want to talk to him. After all, he thought talking to him was a waste of time.

"You...ahem...don't you want to find the Demon King? Maybe I have a way...ahem..."


"Alas! What a pity, someone doesn't seem to care?!"

"Stop pretending to me!"

Who would have thought that Meng Fei would not pay any attention to him and directly grabbed Hua Ye, controlling Hua Ye in one fell swoop.

"Holy crap! This guy! He's become stronger again! What kind of monster are you?!"

Hua Ye was shocked. He only had a very small form like this because he was still subject to the influence of the Alien Blood Tower, but in this form, Meng Fei could actually control it all at once.

That shows that this guy's strength is already very terrifying, equivalent to directly controlling Hua Ye across space. How can Hua Ye not be surprised by this?

It seemed that not long had passed. Meng Fei had really become stronger. The speed of his growth was what surprised Hua Ye and made him feel even more frightened.

But Meng Fei didn't care about his things and thoughts at this time, he just wanted him to do a favor.

"Then you should let me down first!" Hua Ye was really in trouble and couldn't tell.

"No, what if I let you run away?" Meng Fei also firmly disagreed.

"Then you keep holding on to me, and I can't help you?!" Hua Ye was also speechless. Meng Fei looked so irrational and unforgiving, and he was helpless for a while.

Meng Fei looked at Hua Ye in his hand, and he couldn't help but frown, as if he thought of something.

Then, he asked Hua Ye very strangely, "Tell me, can I control you directly?"

"What do you mean?" Hua Ye couldn't help but widen his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

At this time, Meng Fei was seen controlling Hua Ye with one hand, while he was still running the black mist power all over his body.

"What are you going to do? No?!!!"

Hua Ye roared in pain, but it had no effect. His body was invaded by black mist.

In the end, Meng Fei's black mist directly surrounded his whole body, and then it directly adhered to the surface of his body like a piece of clothing.

"What is this? Do I still have consciousness?"

Hua Ye stared at his hands in disbelief, and then stared at Meng Fei with a confused expression, which almost meant that he didn't quite understand what happened.

"Don't worry, I didn't completely control you, I just did some tricks..." Meng Fei explained to Hua Ye, and then he continued: "With the blessing of my power, you can go straight to the top and see the old man. After the Demon King, he will naturally understand, go! Oh, by the way, if you don’t go, the black mist will explode!”

"What?! You're too cruel!" Hua Ye gritted his teeth and expressed his dissatisfaction, but it was like incompetent rage and had no effect at all.

Therefore, Hua Ye had no choice but to follow Meng Fei's instructions and enter the strange blood tower.

Then, as Meng Fei said, relying on Meng Fei's strength, he reached the top.

When he came here, the strong pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

The old devil also appeared in front of Hua Ye like a ghost.

Hua Ye was even frightened to the point of irritation, and his legs were trembling constantly. This kind of fear from deep in his heart was really too terrifying and exaggerated.

"The guy at the bottom? What are you doing here?"

Unexpectedly, the old devil immediately recognized where Hua Ye was from, and he was also surprised as to why Hua Ye came here.

"That...that...no, it's not what I wanted to...think about...I was...forced..." Hua Ye couldn't even speak properly, in front of the old devil.

"It's really weird."

The old devil also had no interest in him. On the contrary, after hearing that it was not his own thinking, he thought there must be something going on and wanted to continue listening.

So, the old devil approached Hua Ye again. At this time, the old devil seemed to see something was wrong.

He stretched out his hand, put it on Hua Ye's shoulder, and said: "Don't be afraid! I have long since lost the desire to eat people. Besides, the things on your body feel very familiar to me..."

After saying that, the Demon King touched Hua Ye's body lightly, and then a string of black mist was directly grasped in his hand.

"Oh, that's it."

Looking at the black mist in his hand, the old devil couldn't help but smile knowingly.

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