"I already know what happened, you go back."

After saying that, the old demon king waved his hand, and Hua Ye's body moved involuntarily, and moved crazily, flying in the direction from which he came, and finally returned to the bottom floor.

At this time, the old demon king also stretched out his hands, and broke his hands hard towards the bottom, and then a passage immediately appeared. He immediately walked on this passage, and soon came to the bottom floor where Hua Ye was.

Hua Ye, who had just returned to the bottom floor and thought that everything was over, saw the old demon king at this moment, and immediately became nervous again. He quickly clamped his tongue and said nervously: "Demon, Lord Demon, you..."

However, he had not finished speaking, and the old demon king stepped forward, first looked around the entire bottom floor, and finally saw a special corner, then he nodded and walked there.

"Where is it?"

Looking at that corner, no one knows it better than Hua Ye, because that is the "loophole" of the tower he found. Although he can go out from there to get some fresh air, he is still under the control of the entire tower, so he can only go out to get some fresh air, but he can't do anything he wants to do. He will be discovered by the Blood Tower sooner or later and taken back immediately.

The Demon King here was just going forward at this time. He just made a palm and waved his hand gently in that corner. A passage immediately appeared in front of him. He stepped on it at once, and finally, a huge figure appeared in front of him.

That was Meng Fei.

As soon as he came out, the old demon king saw Meng Fei's current state. Half of his body had become a sculpture. This made the old demon king a little surprised. Such a strong guy actually encountered such a thing. This was inevitably beyond his imagination.

But after thinking about it, I think it still makes sense. After all, the enemies faced by a guy like Meng Fei are naturally not ordinary enemies, so this situation is indeed reasonable.

"Boy! Boy!" The old devil called Meng Fei's name.

"Old devil?!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but get excited when he heard the old devil's voice. Then he immediately shook his head and looked for the old devil.

Finally, he was still at the place where Hua Ye had just appeared. He saw that the old devil was also the same size and appeared here in the same way.

But after confirming that it was the old devil, Meng Fei smiled happily. He said to the old devil: "Great, you are finally here. I have a problem now and need your help!"

"Well... I received your message. Let me think about it. You probably encountered the power of reality."

After that, the old devil jumped and came to the ground. He suddenly became the size of a normal person.

At this time, the big yellow dog on the side couldn't sit still.

"Who is this?! Such a big evil! Such a terrifying and powerful breath!!!" The big yellow dog couldn't help but be a little scared by the breath of the old devil.

"Who is talking?!"

The confused old demon king also looked directly at the big yellow dog, and this look almost made the big yellow dog faint on the ground.

Fortunately, Meng Fei stopped the old demon king in time and explained to him that the big yellow dog was his partner.

"Partner?" Hearing this word, the old demon king couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he briefly fell into a deep feeling of memory.

Meng Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this word would evoke the old demon king's memories. He didn't know, and he was a little worried about what kind of advice the old demon king would give him after hearing this word.

"Boy..." At this time, the old demon king came back from his memories, and he said meaningfully: "Your road is destined to be lonely. If it's not today, then it will be tomorrow, but everything you encounter will be meaningful, perhaps... It's all for your strength... Know how to choose!"

After that, he stepped forward and patted Meng Fei on the shoulder.

Then, he didn't pay attention to these things anymore, but put his energy into the problem of Meng Fei in front of him.

It put a finger on Meng Fei's thigh, which had become a sculpture, and then closed its eyes, quietly feeling the fluctuations of the mysterious power inside.

"Who is this...?!"

Just when the old demon king felt a clear fluctuation, a strange feeling of harassment made him feel that something was playing tricks around him.

"What's wrong?!" Even Meng Fei was confused and didn't know what happened.

"Show up!"

At this time, the old demon king shouted loudly, and then it was clearly seen that a black, furry, weird guy was instantly exposed in front of them.

"What is this?! Could it be the monster of reality?!"

Meng Fei also thought of something, and when he saw the guy trying to ambush the old demon king, he became more certain.

That should be the little monster of reality, one of the three monsters they talked about before.

This is another ability decomposed from an unknown monster king.

"This guy?!"

At this time, the old demon king, who was holding the little monster tightly with one hand, seemed to feel a strange breath on the little monster. He traced it back to the source and found the source of the power.

"This guy's power comes from a king who is similar to me! And it seems to be forcibly divided!"

The old demon king said in great shock.

Then, he continued to explain with shocked pupils: "What surprised me is, who can do such a thing? You know, even Li Huaitian and his son in the past have never done anything that can forcibly divide my ability... And if the strength of Li Huaitian and his son is at the peak of the king level, then that guy's strength is at?!!!"

The old devil was completely out of control, and there seemed to be an extremely huge horror in front of him!


For this term, the old devil gave what he thought was the most accurate one.

However, the old devil's expression relaxed suddenly, and showed a little expectation in his eyes. It felt like a person who had lost his passion for life and then rekindled his passion.

He looked at Meng Fei, and then kept tapping on Meng Fei's eyebrows, and a warm current began to flow in Meng Fei's body.

But the strange thing was that Meng Fei felt that there seemed to be another force in his body that was resisting the power of the old devil.

"It seems that this fight is inevitable!"

Who knew that after clicking, the old demon king felt the power from another king.

"With whom?" Meng Fei asked a little puzzled.

The old demon king frowned, then set his eyes on the ground. He leaned down and clicked his finger again, and golden lines immediately appeared on the ground.

"I see." The old demon king looked at the golden lines on the ground, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a relieved expression: "I thought it was really a formation made by that guy, but it turned out to be just a monster who used his body to turn into a formation, and maybe added some of that guy's power."

"Don't panic, let me break him! But I may have to borrow your body!"

The old demon king smiled at Meng Fei and said.

"Lend me your body?! What do you mean?"

Meng Fei was a little surprised.

The old demon king came to Meng Fei, patted Meng Fei's shoulder again, and said: "You should know that my activities in the outside world are controlled, so I have to borrow your body!"

"But... isn't my body still being controlled?" Obviously, this made Meng Fei even more puzzled.

However, the old demon king showed a mysterious smile to Meng Fei, and said to Meng Fei: "I can't help you crack it directly, but I can!"

After that, Meng Fei felt that his eyes went dark, and in a blink of an eye, he seemed to come to another space.

In the space, the old demon king was standing in front of him.

"Demon king?" Meng Fei faced the front.

The demon king turned his body slightly, made a "hush" gesture to Meng Fei, and said to him: "Here, don't do anything first, otherwise it will affect my control over you, don't worry, leave it to me next."

Looking at the confident face of the demon king, Meng Fei had no other choice at this time, and could only choose to believe the old demon king.

So, Meng Fei sat in meditation on the spot, quietly waiting for the old demon king to do it.

On the old demon king's side, after entering Meng Fei's spiritual space and taking control of Meng Fei's body, he first adapted to Meng Fei's body.

For demons like them, taking control of other people's bodies is indeed not a very rare thing.

And under the control of the Blood Tower, Meng Fei does not have to worry, just leave everything to the old demon king.

The old demon king now controls Meng Fei's body and has almost adapted to it, but he moved slightly and still felt a trace of control power from the Blood Tower.

He immediately showed a somewhat disgusted expression, but soon he was relieved, and he continued to focus on Meng Fei's body now.

Meng Fei's lower body has become a sculpture. If you want to solve it, you must let him use the power of reality directly. So, the old demon king directly urged the power of reality to flow through Meng Fei's body, and finally Meng Fei's body changed.

Finally, it started from the sculpture to the original.

After that, the old demon king controlled Meng Fei's body and began to move.

He leaned down and continued to observe.

"Wait! Change my friends back first!"

Suddenly, Meng Fei's voice rang in the old demon king's ears.

The old demon king did not listen to him, but still said to him: "Don't worry, I have seen your friends a long time ago. The problem is not big. If the source can be solved at once, then there will be no problem, and everything will be solved for them."

Hearing the words of the old demon king, Meng Fei was relieved and said to the old demon king: "Then do it quickly! Senior old demon king!"

"You don't need to say it, I have wanted to try with this guy for a long time! The king of this era? Let me meet you!"

After that, the old demon king put his hand on the ground, and the ground immediately shone with golden light.

The golden light suddenly surrounded the old demon king like a big net that was opened, and also excluded everyone except them. It is obvious that this will be a very targeted duel.

"Just what I want."

The old demon king looked at the enclosed space and showed a very satisfied expression.

Then, the light gathered in front of the old demon king, and slowly took on the appearance of a person.

"Who is this guy?!"

Who knew that Meng Fei's voice sounded in the old demon king's ears again.

The old demon king said to Meng Fei in silence, "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me? Also, you can watch, but don't talk."

"Uh... OK." Meng Fei responded.

Then, the human figure in front of him gradually recovered.

The powerful and violent aura directly suppressed the temperature around him to an extremely low level. The light dissipated, and the guy's appearance finally appeared in front of the two.

It is a human form, but it is transformed from a monster. It looks sharp-nosed and monkey-cheeked, but it doesn't feel ugly. Instead, it feels a bit charming, just like a fox demon king.

"So this is a monster."

The old demon king was also very surprised when he saw this thing for the first time.

After all, in their era, there were no such monsters and ghosts. At that time, those who did evil were still people.

But it can be said that the soup is changed but the medicine is not changed. In fact, there is no difference in its essence. It is just the opposition between evil and good.

In this way, it will obviously be easier to understand the current situation.

And how should this be said?

This is the former King of Evil meeting the King of Evil of this era.

This is a very wonderful encounter, and the old demon king is very excited at this time.

In front of him, the fox demon king did not speak, but just looked at the old demon king quietly. The terrifying aura that did not belong to this era made him feel a little weird.

"Who are you?" Facing the old demon king, the fox demon king said this lightly.

"I am here to kill you."

The old demon king's face was full of confidence. Although the smile was Meng Fei's, it could not be hidden from the eyes of the fox demon king.

Under that young face, there seemed to be an extremely experienced and evil face, which the fox demon kings could also feel.

"What a big tone!"

The fox demon king is also a king. The old demon king's words naturally ignited his anger.

Then, a huge pink gas instantly surrounded the fox demon king's body. At this time, a huge fox smell immediately rolled everywhere.

This gas directly distorted the surrounding space, and even had the ability to affect the space.

If Meng Fei faced such a method, he would probably feel helpless and at a loss as to where to start.

"Can it work? You must have not made a move for a long time, right?"

Who knew that at this time, the old demon king heard Meng Fei's voice again.

"Ah." The old demon king couldn't help but sigh, but soon his face turned into a smile, and he assured Meng Fei: "Don't underestimate me, kid?! Besides, this guy's power has been divided, and he is not in his best state. How can he fight me?!"

The old demon king's voice soon reached the ears of the fox demon king, and the fox demon king also laughed and replied in an extremely powerful way:

"Old thing! It's not certain who will die?!"

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