"Come on, let's see what you can do!"

After saying that, the old demon king waved his hand, and the pink gas mass that was invading in front of him was directly dispersed.

It seems very simple.

And this is obviously not some trick of the fox demon king, it's just a simple trick.

After being dispersed, the fox demon king didn't seem to care much.

But a tail behind him suddenly appeared, and the huge crystal tail was circling behind the fox demon king, as if providing him with endless power.

"Oh? You dare to do this?"

The old demon king also saw what the fox demon king was thinking at a glance.

That guy is like a nine-tailed demon fox, and the appearance of each tail almost represents a layer of strength, no, to be more precise, it should be a kind of ability.

Because facing a powerful opponent like the old demon king, a little carelessness may be directly subdued by the old demon king, or even directly destroyed.

So in this case, if he dares to show only this little bit of strength, it is naturally impossible.

This is obviously equivalent to the lifting of a ban on a certain ability.

"I advise you, to deal with me, it is better to use all your skills at once!"

The old demon king couldn't suppress his confident smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The fox demon king didn't want to pay any attention to the old demon king. He now estimated that he wanted to test the old demon king's ability first.

After all, although he could feel that his strength was about the same as the old demon king's, he was indeed at the same level, but the difference was that the old demon king's ability always made him feel weird, as if he was not a person who existed in the same time and space as himself.

"You are not from this era?!"

In this regard, the fox demon king also made his own guess.

"Haha, this question is left for you to discover!"

However, the old demon king did not have any intention of communicating with it. He took the initiative to move his hands. His feet did not move, and his powerful standing power was like something that was born here.

At this time, his two arms kept spinning in front of him, like twisting a spiral. In front of the old demon king, something very similar to Meng Fei's black fog vortex immediately appeared.

The same vortex, but this one is more like a black gas vortex, not a black fog vortex like Meng Fei's.

This gas is thicker and deeper, not as thin and transparent as black fog, this one is more like that kind of chaotic gas.

After mixing together, it also formed such a thing.

The vortex was pushed over by the old demon king with a slap, and flew madly towards the fox demon king.

During this time, I saw that thing was actually swallowing everything around it bit by bit. The mysterious and terrifying power was like a hungry beast, swallowing everything around it madly.

Even those lights were eaten by the black gas vortex as "food" without exception.

"Damn! What a terrifying thing!"

The fox demon king who was facing him saw the "gift" carefully prepared for him, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

At this time, two tails suddenly appeared behind him again.

These two tails were almost the same as the first one, but this time they merged together, and flew a silver-white light barrier in front of the Fox Demon King, blocking the Fox Demon King directly.

At this time, a stunning scene occurred.

The black gas mass and the silver light suddenly connected, and immediately burst out an extremely powerful collision force, and even continued to spread and destroy the surroundings.

Fortunately, this is the space world generated by the Fox Demon King himself, otherwise Meng Fei would even worry about his companions around him.

In this way, the old demon king can do it boldly.

The two forces have even entered the stage of devouring each other at this time, and the scene of black eating white and white eating black immediately appeared in front of people.

Meng Fei also saw this scene clearly in his eyes, and what is more terrifying is that there is even a very small distance between the two forces.

In other words, they did not touch each other, but separated by a very small distance.

And this small distance must not be underestimated, because it is precisely because the two forces of collision are too strong that they directly affect the space in front of each other, so that such an effect is finally created.

This obviously requires an extremely huge force carrying various laws to do this.

Most ordinary forces are far from being able to do this.

In other words, their current level of attack already contains various forces mixed in it.

And now it is almost the same.

Meng Fei is also constantly feeling and even looking for the truth in their battle.

Sometimes, compared to talking with stronger people, fighting with them or watching and learning their battles can have a better effect than the former.

Because you will get the most intuitive experience, it will naturally be different.

In this situation, Meng Fei is also receiving the best experience and opportunity to feel.

At this time.

Everyone present could clearly see that the collision between the two black and white forces had finally ended, and what was even more surprising was that after the collision between the two forces ended.

There was no huge "boom" sound, or even a very terrifying explosion.

Instead, it was very strange that the two forces evaporated in place at once, without explosion or roar.

Instead, the two forces, black and white, disappeared in an instant, as if they had never been there.

The number of tails of the Fox Demon King does not represent the amount and level of ability, but a simple way of using ability with knowledge. It is just that this will be better and more convenient for it, and even better and more reasonable to control its own abilities, so as to maximize them.

"Not bad."

In this regard, the old demon king also expressed a certain degree of recognition of the Fox Demon King.

After all, they are both kings, and their strengths may not be fully exerted due to some things. Now the two meet and fight against each other, which is also very strange.

However, today will definitely be a life-and-death battle.

The old demon king was also convinced of this, and he was even more confident in himself. After all, he had faced a man who almost touched the realm of gods.

And the fox demon king in front of him was obviously still a little tender for him.

"Boy! Take my move again!"

The old demon king's momentum burst out again, and a powerful force directly hit out from his palm.

That palm with a black air like a ghost face kept attacking the fox demon king. The ghost face was even constantly expanding, opening its mouth, as if it was going to swallow the fox demon king alive.


Even the fox demon king was shocked by this attack, but the fox demon king was not surprised that he could not resist this attack, but the momentum of this force.

After all, at such a similar level of strength, the old demon king actually hit such a devouring force, which obviously shocked the fox demon king.

Moreover, he also learned the source of the old demon king's power. What made him feel incredible was that the old demon king looked like a human, but the way he became stronger was so brutal and bloody.

He actually relied on "eating" to get stronger. He couldn't help but feel confused.

At this time, he couldn't think too much, because in front of him, the palm was flying towards him, and a huge terrifying suction force was approaching him, as if it was going to eat him in one bite.

In this case, there was no time to fight head-on. The fox demon king could only run away as fast as he could.

So, the fox demon king had to dodge the attack, but this time it seemed to be tracking and actually followed him directly.

"Damn it."

Of course, the fox demon king was not a vegetarian.

It quickly tried to find a way to distance itself, and always paid attention to not letting itself enter the vicinity of the old demon king, otherwise it would definitely be controlled by the old demon king.

The duel between the two of them was almost a game of psychology. The one who could keep steady would have the best chance of winning, and if one of them panicked, the chance of failure would increase by an unknown amount.

And it is worth noting that kings like them almost all used the law to attack, so there was no problem of defense between them.

An attack with the law would break all defenses and attack the enemy directly without paying attention to everything.

Therefore, the Fox Demon King looked so embarrassed at this time.

If it did not pull a safe position, it would be defeated by this attack!

The Fox Demon King exposed all nine tails at this time, and finally the whole body seemed to be bathed in white holy light.

The Fox Demon King was like a holy elf at this time. Of course, that was just an appearance. Its essence was just a powerful monster.

At this time, its nine tails were exposed, and it was like a different person in an instant. He had not changed like this before. No matter how he showed his tail, he could feel the difference directly this time.

With the increase of strength and speed, the guy directly forced a very safe distance from the ghost face.

At this time, it also took this opportunity to directly hit the ghost face with a violent attack that was extremely inconsistent with its appearance.

The fox demon king directly shot out a ball of white light, and once again the black and white collided. The two forces were instantly intertwined and soon offset again.

The situation of the two suddenly became extremely anxious again.

Once again, the confrontation, even the atmosphere became oppressive.

Both of them were waiting, waiting for the other party to have problems, because if it was just a pure competition of strength, although the moves they had made might not seem to have many times, such a duel between strong men often did not require overwhelming moves, and often the victory or defeat was just a thought, and everything would have a result.

And now the old demon king and the fox demon king are in such a situation. What they are lacking now is a fatal mistake of the other party.

Now, they did not make a move, but quietly looked at each other.

At this moment, the old demon king's aura suddenly exploded, and a wave of heat was steaming over Meng Fei's body.

"Old demon king? What are you doing?!"

Meng Fei's doubtful voice sounded in his ears again.

Because Meng Fei felt very clearly in the spiritual space at this time that the old demon king seemed to be urging his body and using his power?

In order to confirm this fact, Meng Fei also chose to ask him directly.

"I was just trying it out, but I never thought that there would be a reaction."

It turned out that the old demon king was very surprised. He originally just wanted to give it a try, and treat a dead horse as a living horse. After all, the current situation is too stalemate, and he can't get excited. He ignored and tried various methods silently.

And just now, he also thought of using Meng Fei's ability to try it out.

"Then let me see how many times the power is!"

When the old demon king felt his power increase, he was also very excited, and his face was full of long-lost confidence and excitement.

"What?! Am I not... seeing it wrong?!"

At this moment, the fox demon king naturally saw everything that had just happened in front of him.

It naturally felt that the old demon king's strength was still getting stronger, as if the previous one was not his full strength.

This made the Fox Demon King a little nervous, because it had always been dealing with the enemy in front of it in full state.

However, the enemy standing in front of it was still getting stronger little by little, which was obviously not good news for it.

The Fox Demon King was indeed nervous at this time, but it still forced its mentality to control itself, but it was like a flood that was about to burst the dam and was difficult to suppress.

"Sure enough, it's not my own body."

After all the power was enhanced by about five times, the old demon king was obviously not so satisfied. After all, Meng Fei could do more than just five times the power enhancement.

Of course, it's not my own body that can do this, but it's almost the same.

"Then next, it's your death."

At this time, the old demon king raised his head confidently and immediately showed a meaningful smile to the Fox Demon King not far in front of him.

"You guy..."

The Fox Demon King really started to panic at this moment. Feeling the completely different old demon king, his confidence was also broken at this moment.

"Asshole! Don't even think about torturing me!"

The Fox Demon King was in such a state of mental frustration, and he immediately collapsed. He instantly burst out all his strength, and even the world around him began to collapse.

The wave even spread directly outside the entire space, spreading continuously.

"In the face of five times the power, your action is simply a child's play."

Who would have thought that facing the Fox Demon King's madness, the old demon king was extremely calm.


The sound of a handclap immediately spread throughout the world.

The body of the Fox Demon King in front of him suddenly began to disintegrate and collapse...

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