"it's over?"

Meng Fei's voice sounded again, and at this time the old devil also appeared in front of him, with a solemn expression.

The old devil nodded slightly, and his solemn expression made Meng Fei a little puzzled.

"What's the matter? Old-timer?" he asked.

The old devil paused for a moment, then reacted and said seriously: "Things that are difficult to say, I'm afraid the existence of God has been confirmed."

"God?" Meng Fei was not unfamiliar with this title.

But coming from someone like him, it's obviously not that simple, because it represents almost a special existence that transcends all existing life.

Based on their previous understanding of this world, the king is the limit after all, but now I tell you that this is not the case. There are people outside the world, and there are still stronger ones after the king.

This is obviously an issue worth thinking about and paying attention to.

"If it's that guy, I'm sure I don't have the ability to fight with him, so when the time comes, you can only ask for your own blessings."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old devil finished speaking, and Meng Fei was about to continue communicating with him, everything in front of him suddenly became dark.

And when he opened his eyes again and woke up, everything in front of Meng Fei was already reality. His surroundings had returned to their original place. Big Yellow Dog and the others were also nearby, and Meng Fei took control of his body again.

When he saw the old devil again, he found that he was already standing in front of the strange blood tower, facing Meng Fei.

Meng Fei first looked around subconsciously. He roughly observed the situation of his companions around him, and only after making sure that they were all back to normal, Meng Fei felt relieved.

Just when he was about to say something to the old devil, the old devil spoke first.

I saw him facing Meng Fei and saying with infinite expectation: "Go and surpass, boy, this time go all the way to the end. There is no turning back for you!"

Then, he disappeared and returned to the strange blood tower, leaving only Meng Fei still in a daze.

He slowed down, and finally walked directly in front of his friends. Now they have returned to normal, there are no other problems, and now almost all the problems here have been solved.

"Finally changed back!"

Big Yellow Dog and the others got up from the ground and quickly tidied themselves up. It was nothing.

They checked again and found that the golden lines no longer appeared on the ground, indicating that the problem had been completely solved.

"How is this done?!" For this reason, Gu Liu also directly expressed his confusion. After all, he thought it was a method to surpass the king. How could he achieve this?

And Meng Fei also explained to him that in fact, it was not the one who completely surpassed the king level who did all this. More precisely, it was the guy who surpassed the king level who used a demon king to do all this.

"Why doesn't it do it by itself? Could it be that it itself is not very stable?" Gu Liu also fell into deep thought.

"Well... it's very possible. After all, if it really reaches that level, then it shouldn't be dormant and use these subordinates to help him do something. This is all too weird, a little bit It's not normal either." Meng Fei also analyzed.

"Does this mean that it is very likely to be in a very special state now, and is very afraid of being disturbed, but it must also need support from the outside world to maintain it, or to save itself from some kind of negative Get out of the state?" Big Yellow Dog also expressed his thoughts.

"I think there is some truth in it. After all, we are in an unknown state now, but we still need to understand the specific things in detail, one step at a time." Meng Fei said earnestly, and at this time, he also had various imaginary pictures in his mind. Flashing.

"What is that?! Fly away!"

At this time, Xu Zhengyi, who had been silent just now, suddenly called out, and his voice directly attracted their attention.

They all turned their attention at once, and saw that where Xu Zhengyi was facing, there was an extremely weird and tiny light suddenly escaping from in front of them.

"What the hell is that?!"

The big yellow dog's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

The main thing is that none of them noticed this problem, and although Xu Zhengyi saw it, it seemed to be due to luck. Xu Zhengyi just happened to discover it, because when they just discussed it, Xu Zhengyi did not talk to them Together, they waited silently for them, so when they had nothing to do, they suddenly saw the beam of light.

He caught it inadvertently, and this was obviously an unusual message.

Meng Fei himself felt strange. He had just come out of the fighting state. He did not lower his guard, but something still escaped his eyes.

You know, even if a king-level guy is secretly doing something around him, Meng Fei should be able to feel it at that time.

But the fact is that Meng Fei was not aware of anything that happened just now.

On the contrary, it happened without knowing anything. If Xu Zhengyi hadn't been lucky enough to see it, then he really wouldn't have known what happened.

"Wait! That thing doesn't seem to be gone?!"

At this time, the big yellow dog with good eyesight immediately saw that the thing seemed to be staying near the mouth of the well, and he didn't know what the thing was doing.

"It seems to be true!"

Meng Fei also saw that there was a faint ray of light on one side of the well mouth, which seemed to be coming from the side.

"Follow me!"

Meng Fei shouted immediately, then jumped and rushed out of the well mouth to the flat ground.

He looked around and quickly found where the light was.

"that is?!"

Looking in front of him, Meng Fei couldn't help but trembled, and even one of his legs couldn't help but take a step back.

"What's wrong?!"

Hearing Meng Fei's surprised and surprised voice above, Gu Liu and the others who followed closely also raised questions.

"Don't come here! Forget it!"

Meng Fei immediately shouted, but then he rejected him.

"What's the meaning?"

Gu Liu, who was a little confused, came to the plains and looked at the scene in front of them in a trance.

"this is……"

They were stunned for a moment.

Because what was before them now was an extremely terrifying scene.

A ray of golden light actually depicted a humanoid life bit by bit. Gu Liu and the others were stunned for a moment.

Because that thing was neither anything they had encountered before, and what was even more terrifying was that they had some idea that what was in front of them now was that thing!

Demon God!

If Wang has been solved by Meng Fei, then the thing in front of him is very likely to be that thing!

"Why is it dark? Around here?"

"Oh my God! It's getting dark!"

At this time, the whole sky was still dim and dark. It should not be dark now, but it was undoubtedly dark. This was obviously not a normal thing.

And now, the golden light and patterns in front of them looked a little familiar, because they were somewhat similar to the formation.

This is why Gu Liu was so shocked, because he could feel that this was not the reason why the formation had life fluctuations, but the reason why the formation appeared here!


Suddenly, Meng Fei roared in front, leaving everyone behind him at a loss.

"What are you going to do?"

The big yellow dog stared at Meng Fei with wide eyes, and saw that Meng Fei's eyes were about to burst at this time, and blue veins bulged near his eyes. He suddenly rushed towards the golden light not far away, as if he was going crazy.

"It's not fully revealed yet, so come with me! Help me with the air step!"

At this time, Meng Fei's voice seemed to penetrate the sky and resound throughout the entire world.

"What are you going to do?! Meng Fei?!"

"Brother Meng Fei!"

"Meng Fei!"

Gu Liu and the others were dumbfounded, because at this moment Meng Fei was using his body to control the entire golden light. At this time, the life in it was only half-formed, but Meng Fei had already held it in his arms, and was still there. It stopped and moved crazily upward.

Straight, like a pillar rising upwards, Meng Fei kept moving upwards with the golden light group.

"Meng Fei!"

Gu Liu and the others were also panicked on the spot, eager to help Meng Fei in some way.

"Damn it, are you resisting me? Why is it so heavy?!"

Meng Fei, who was rising continuously, complained about the golden ball of light in his arms, because it was too heavy, and it obviously did not show any fluctuations in life activities, but it seemed to be resisting. Meng Fei kept getting heavier as he rose.

That increase in weight is not caused by the height, but by the increase in strength. Meng Fei can feel it very clearly.

"Meng Fei! Caught it!"


At this time, Meng Fei heard the voices of his companions below, and saw them passing through the big yellow dog, seeming to pass something to him and a sentence reaching his ears.

The thing suddenly flew into Meng Fei's space ring. At that moment, Meng Fei could feel that it seemed to be the thing they had obtained before, which was yellow paper. Now all the yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks they had obtained before were all They all arrived at Meng Fei's place, and there were even a few talismans surging with power.

Moreover, an additional sentence came to Meng Fei's ears, "These are the only things we can help you with, Meng Fei, you must take good care of yourself!"

"Everyone? Thank you so much!"

Meng Fei had tears in his eyes. He knew that his friends already knew what he was thinking.

That's right, he wanted to take the golden light group away from this world in an instant.

The best way to leave this world is naturally to rush out straight and finally enter the vast wilderness of the universe.

"Is it my imagination?"

At this moment, Meng Fei suddenly felt that his whole body seemed much lighter than before, and what was certain was that the golden ball of light in front of him seemed to move slower.


At this moment, Meng Fei's urgent voice sounded in Meng Fei's ears.

"Senior Old Demon King?!"

At a glance, he saw the old devil reappearing, and he was still on Meng Fei's shoulder. At this time, he was looking at Meng Fei's arms with a panic look on his face, where the golden light group had already covered most of his body, but now his speed had slowed down slightly.

"Is this?! It actually happened!"

The old demon king was also shocked and continued, "I didn't expect it to be hidden here. Why is it here?"

"Old senior, I'm afraid it's not the time to be confused now. Can you help me?!"

Meng Fei said to the old demon king in a panic.


The old demon king seemed to understand Meng Fei's meaning very well. He immediately added a force to Meng Fei's feet. Then Meng Fei felt his power surge. With his full state, Meng Fei's current speed can be said to have reached the extreme.

It was even almost to the point that everything around him seemed to be still. Meng Fei took advantage of this time and used all his strength to take the golden light group away from the world of the entire continent.

"Break through the atmosphere! Rush to the starry sky!"

In the end, Meng Fei shouted loudly at the vast starry sky that was getting closer and closer, like an extremely tragic cry echoing between heaven and earth.

Meng Fei finally broke through the atmosphere and came to the universe and starry sky. He floated in place.

Although the environment in the universe is extremely harsh and all kinds of rays are destroying his body, Meng Fei is not an ordinary person after all. He can rely on air, is not afraid of the erosion of rays, and is not afraid of low or high temperature attacks.

Needless to say, the old demon king can also move freely here, as if he was not affected by anything.

Meng Fei let go of the golden light ball, and at this time, the golden light ball formed again quickly.

This made Meng Fei startled. He could only face it now and could not escape.

Because he brought the golden light ball here because he understood that a demon god was enough to put the people of the entire continent into a crisis of death, and he obviously could not let such a thing happen.

At this time, the golden light ball in front of him was also formed all of a sudden. At this time, a whole body was smooth like jade, wearing extremely thin clothes, just like a wisp of gauze wrapped around the body, without hair, like a smooth egg after peeling and adding a layer of gauze.

"Is this the demon god?"

The demon god looked like a human, and I didn't know what kind of monster it was. I could only see this form.

"Wait, something is wrong..." Suddenly, the voice of the old demon king appeared again on Meng Fei's shoulder.

"Where?" Meng Fei asked.

The old demon king said with a surprised look: "This guy seems to look a little different, look at his overall body."

Meng Fei looked at it, this time more carefully, and then he replied to the old demon king: "It is a little transparent! His body!"

"Yes!" The old demon king couldn't help but touch his chin, and finally concluded: "Looking at its appearance again, it seems a little dull, so I guess this may not be its body, but its shadow!"

"Shadow? The shadow of the demon god?"

Meng Fei looked at the monster in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

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