This guy who looks like a piece of human jade is actually the shadow of the demon god.

"Since it's a shadow, how powerful can it be?"

Meng Fei asked.

However, when this question was sent to the old devil, the old devil also said with a speechless face: "What you said is as if I know how strong the original owner is, but what is certain is that the one in front of me cannot be the original body. And in this case, only after the ontology is determined can we say what will happen after the determination. The key is that we don’t even know the most basic things..."

"Well, that's not a problem, but as far as the current situation is concerned, I think we can change our thinking, and that is to use the shadow's ability to evaluate the strength of the main body!"

When Meng Fei said these words, he showed his domineering attitude.

Even the old demon king on his shoulder was shocked. He did not dare to say such ambitious words to a guy with the power of the demon god. But Meng Fei not only said it, but he was also so determined and confident.

"Look at that guy, he doesn't seem to take the initiative?"

At this time, the old devil also discovered something abnormal again, and immediately told Meng Fei.

Not far in front of him, he saw the guy sitting motionless in a daze, like a wooden man waiting for others to control him.

"Who knows if it will attack suddenly. You must be careful. After all, it is a trick of God."

Meng Fei was extremely cautious, and he did not dare to act rashly. After all, the most terrifying thing about the gap in strength was not only the size, but also the fact that he didn't know how big it was.

"Fuck! It moved!"


At this moment, the guy in front of me actually started to move.

It slowly raised an arm and held a fist towards Meng Fei. At this time, one of its fingers slowly stretched out from the fist.

"What do you want to do?!"

Meng Fei was a little puzzled by this, but what happened in the next moment made him immediately speechless.

I saw that the demon god just flicked his finger, and an invisible huge force suddenly touched the surface of Meng Fei's body. The powerful force made his body keep retreating.

"Boy! Hold on!" The old devil's voice appeared behind Meng Fei, and he was also helping Meng Fei resist this force.

"It's a bit hard to bear!" Meng Fei tried his best to reply to the old devil while unloading his strength. It seemed particularly difficult for him.

"Is there such a big gap after just this?!" The old devil couldn't help but doubt his life, not to mention that this time it was just a shadow clone. If the real body came, I don't know what the scene would be like. .

Even Meng Fei was confused and desperate. He removed the power from his body bit by bit, and then the speed and feeling was like scooping away the water from the entire river bit by bit with a basin.

Just think about it and you will know that the degree of difficulty is naturally extraordinary.

They don’t know how long the struggle was, how painful and long it was, and finally they were able to float normally in the universe again.

He was probably a long way away from that guy. The key was that this was just one move.

No, this move can't even be described as a move. It can only be described as a slight movement of the fingers. The two of them actually had to expend such a lot of effort, which was just a waste of the massive power that hit Meng Fei. That’s all.

"How far does it have to fly?"

Meng Fei and the old devil were dumbfounded. After all, looking into the distance, they couldn't even see the slightest shadow of the demon god.

"Hand over your things and I will spare your life."

At this moment, a strange voice sounded, like a string of words deliberately read out by someone. The voice was something Meng Fei and the others had never heard before, and they couldn't identify anything.


Meng Fei turned around instantly. After turning around, he was even more surprised.

"It's that guy! When did he arrive behind you?!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but take two steps back. From his heart, he could feel the terror of the guy in front of him. I'm afraid those abilities were probably beyond his imagination.

Its sudden opening also surprised Meng Fei. He had always thought that the guy didn't have any consciousness or anything. However, after going through so many things, he finally understood that this guy was really not that capable. Meng Fei and the others want it.

Needless to say, Meng Fei and the others couldn't resist even such a casual attack, let alone the subsequent moves. They had no chance to resist.

"Hand over your things and I will spare your life."

Meng Fei did not act rashly, and the guy also stood firm, but once again repeated his previous words to Meng Fei.

But in fact, Meng Fei also wanted to listen to what he said, but what Meng Fei didn't understand was, "He keeps handing over things, handing over things, so Shun, what do you want? You want to hear it too?!"

Meng Fei's selfish intention is naturally to hope that what the demon god needs is something that he doesn't use much, so that would be perfect.

However, reality is often cruel.

As soon as the demon god pointed his finger, Meng Fei's body immediately started to move.

At this time, only a few rays of light were seen coming out of Meng Fei's body.

"That is?!"

When he saw the true form of those few rays of light, Meng Fei suddenly panicked, because it was none other than yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks!

Now, all the yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks that Meng Fei and the others obtained were flying towards that guy.

In the end, they fell into the demon god's palm one after another, and the demon god's palm kept them like a storage space, without knowing where they were.

At this time, the demon god's body moved again.

Meng Fei and the old devil couldn't help but trembled, but this time, the demon god suddenly turned his back to them.

"What's wrong?"

Meng Fei didn't have time to think about the yellow paper. After all, he was still facing the demon god now. Who knew what he would do next.

At this moment, Meng Fei and the others suddenly stretched out their hands, and then moved two fingers. In an instant, a white swirling air ball bombarded Meng Fei and the others.

"No! Attack quickly!"

Of course, Meng Fei was also talking about the old devil. The attack in front of him was obviously more violent than before.

After all, it was just a flick of a finger, and now this is a skill hitting them. How can they not be nervous?

"Go all out, kid! Otherwise, we may have to tell you directly here!"

The old devil said to Meng Fei that at this moment, he had no intention of retreating. Being sealed in the tower for a long time had already made him forget his passion. Now, the moment of life and death appeared in his mind again. In front of him, the spark in his heart was immediately ignited again, and the passion surged into his heart again.

This time, the old devil will not back down at all!

The white air swirled bigger and bigger, until it was approaching Meng Fei and the others, and the thing seemed to be as big as an elephant to them.

Just as the spin was approaching, the powerful destructive force caused Meng Fei's skin to crack, and terrifying lines appeared one after another. Now Meng Fei was like a doll that had been spliced ​​together.

"I'll do it!"

Not to mention Meng Fei, even the old devil couldn't resist such power. But Meng Fei was different. He still had a system, which was his biggest support.

"Boy! Can you do it?!" Although Meng Fei's words were more like a big statement, the old devil seemed to have remembered something, so he just asked this simple question, and his body also retreated very consciously. Behind Meng Fei's back, he provided him with all the help he could.

"Yes! Only I can do it now! That guy ran away, we have to catch up quickly! We can't linger here!"

Who knows where the demon god’s shadow will go?

So Meng Fei and the others must quickly solve the problems in front of them and deal with all the problems before it's too late.

It is absolutely impossible to accomplish what the demon god wants to do, and what is certain is that the shadow of the demon god took away all the yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks that Meng Fei and the others obtained. We still don't know what the demon god wants to do.

You know, the effects of these two things are quite terrifying. If that guy still has all the yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks, it will be an extremely terrifying thing.

Meng Fei forced himself to not let this happen.

But in front of him, just this spinning attack caused him to suffer a lot.

The powerful gyrations directly approached Meng Fei's skin, and finally Meng Fei's body collapsed and turned into a pile of sand and dust.


Looking at the empty place in front of him, the old devil couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but the next moment, he returned to his original state.

Because Meng Fei actually appeared in front of him again, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

"Try harder! Senior!"


The two of them didn't even have time to explain to each other what happened before. Only the two of them, just like before, cooperated to deal with the attack in front of them.

However, the power of spinning is too magical and powerful. It seems to be exclusive to gods. Just like the black mist, it is an ability only available to those who are at least heaven level.

This gyration was like a constantly rotating blade, constantly cutting Meng Fei's life into nothingness.

Meng Fei died one after another and was reborn again and again. With various strengthening powers, Meng Fei's strength became more and more abnormally powerful after countless resurrections.

"Boy! Can you do it now?!"

"Not even close!"

Meng Fei shouted, but this power was out of reach, as if it was a world away.

The next second, Meng Fei suddenly shouted to the old devil behind him: "Old senior, find a way to make me die again!"

Hearing Meng Fei's words, the old devil couldn't help but be startled, but he quickly reacted, and then killed Meng Fei in one fell swoop as he almost destroyed Meng Fei's body.

Because at this time, I don’t know what level Meng Fei’s full strength has reached. I only know that Meng Fei’s body is eroding at a much faster rate under the destruction of the spin than it was in the previous moment.

Meng Fei also directly asked the old devil to kill him when he had the opportunity, so that he could get the best and fastest way to strengthen himself.


Meng Fei kept asking the old devil to continue his previous actions, and kept killing himself.

Finally, no one knew how much time had passed, when the old devil tried to penetrate Meng Fei's back again with a punch, going straight to his heart.

However, at this time, the old devil's fist suddenly stopped on Meng Fei's back and did not move forward.

"This is?"

The old devil looked at Meng Fei's solid back in surprise. At this moment, Meng Fei's back suddenly seemed extremely mysterious, making people even curious about the face in front of him.

And Meng Fei's whole body seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil. The old devil was actually a little unfamiliar with the guy in front of him.


The old devil's voice was filled with unconcealed anticipation.

Meng Fei in front of him seemed to have undergone some incredible transformation.

"About two thousand times before this time, I have released all the states. Now, senior, you can no longer kill me, but I can still use the enhancement technique, and my enhancement technique has been realized It overlapped perfectly and seemed to be merging with my body, but there was still one step left. That step was as illusive as letting me step from the ground to the sky in one step. It was extremely difficult, but once I succeeded, even I couldn't imagine it. What happened, because the overlapping of the techniques of enhancement made me feel that it was not the power of addition, but multiplication!”

Meng Fei's voice echoed leisurely, with a powerful and terrifying bass, like a god descending into the world whispering to all living beings.

"Boy..." The old devil called the name again, but this time, the old devil's voice seemed a little humble.

At this time, Meng Fei's body started to move.

The spinning wheel in front of him was still spinning. Meng Fei stretched out his hand and opened his palm to face the spinning wheel. The last spinning wheel was directly sucked into Meng Fei's palm.

"This is the power of God, spin, power that never diminishes!" After reaching this strength, Meng Fei also experienced that feeling.

"You...have become a god?" The old devil asked Meng Fei in disbelief.

However, Meng Fei shook his head and nodded. He explained: "I touched the thread, but did not step over it. Demigod, this is not only my current state, but also the strength range of the Shadow of the Demon God. This range You can use the power of God for a while, but it’s almost impossible to fully master it.”

"Hiss..." The old devil couldn't help but take a breath. He didn't have time to ask Meng Fei how he did it, because they had more important things to do now.

"A demon god? He actually used me as a tool..."

When Meng Fei said this, he couldn't hide the anger on his face.

"What do you mean?" Of course, the old devil didn't understand this.

So, at this moment, Meng Fei also gave a general explanation to the old devil without any hurry.

It turns out that ever since Meng Fei came up with the idea of ​​looking for yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks, he has become a tool used by the demon god...

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