Gu Liu’s words.

The whole place was completely uplifted and excited, as if there was dawn in front of them, and they were making great strides towards the dawn.

They will give everything, even their lives.


"Today, either I will be destroyed, or he will die!"

"Today I will definitely have my head broken and my blood will be shed. I have no regrets!"

"For the people under the whole sky, for our descendants, fight to the death!"

"Til death do us part!"

"Til death do us part!"

"Til death do us part!"

The passionate voices echoed throughout the world, and their voices represented the ultimate power of the entire world, which was unity.

The power of unity is infinite and full of hope.

What's more important is no regrets. This will be a choice that everyone will make without regrets. They will give everything they have without any regrets or worries.

"Give everything!"

People's voices echoed loudly again.

"Okay! Then please everyone, at this moment, inject your own strength into the advancement formation at your feet!"

Having said that, Gu Liu took the lead and was the first to inject all his strength into the advancing formation at his feet.

"bring it on!"

Everyone immediately followed, as did Xu Zhengyi and Big Yellow Dog who were following Gu Liu. They immediately poured all their strength into the advancing formation.

"If you don't succeed, you will be successful!"

Everyone's spirits were high, and at this moment, the sky and the earth began to lose color again.

But all this is not because of the Blood Light Body, but because of the advancement array and the people on it!

Their power was injected into the advancement array, which immediately gained tremendous power.

At this moment, the advancement formation immediately flashed with golden light.

Their strength gathered together, causing golden light to rise into the sky. The golden light pillar was extremely huge, and even had the momentum to swallow up the entire blood-light body.

After the blood-light body was directly swallowed, a powerful force pushed the blood-light body, but this did not seem to have much effect.

The bloody body seemed to only move slightly, without any intention of being pushed upwards.

"No way?!"

Some of the people below noticed it and expressed such emotion.

"Don't be discouraged. Our strength must be too weak. Let's work harder!"

"Yes! Let's work harder! That's it!"

"Work harder!"

"No! I seem to have reached my limit!"

"Me too!"

"Me too! I'm dying!"

However, something bad seemed to have happened at this time, and people felt a deep sense of powerlessness under such circumstances.

"Don't be afraid! Everyone, and me!"

At this time, higher up in the sky, it seemed to be Meng Fei's voice. As soon as his voice sounded, the strong men who were in better condition couldn't help but raise their heads and look at Meng Fei's figure.

Looking at Meng Fei standing directly below the blood-light body, he then saw Meng Fei stretch out his palm and gently push it towards the advancement array.

I saw a golden whirling force immediately appearing in his palm and blending into the advancement formation.

This time, Meng Fei controlled his strength, and his spin would have no other destructive power except energy, which meant that it would not hurt them.

This force will all join the advancing formation.

At this time, after Meng Fei's power was added to it, the power of the advancing array immediately increased several times.

The golden light immediately grew several times stronger, and what was even more surprising was that the bloody body actually started to move!

Moreover, it is no longer the kind of extremely small movements, but is really pushed forward. Although it is extremely slow, it is extremely exciting, because it means that everything everyone has done is no longer in vain.

"It worked, it worked!"

"Brothers!!! Work harder!!!"


Everyone seemed to see real hope. At this moment, many of them even surpassed their own limits. In just this short moment, they achieved instantaneous strength.

Beyond the limit, everyone's power actually increased a few points again, and when reflected on the golden light pillar, the entire power was even more remarkable.

At this moment, looking at the sky, Gu Liu shouted passionately to the sky:

"Meng Fei!!! Charge! Send that guy out of this world!!!"

After hearing Gu Liu's broken voice, everyone seemed to understand, so they also shouted towards the sky:

"Come on! Bring our strength! Bring everyone's hope!!!"


Meng Fei also replied excitedly. At this time, tears filled his eyes, and then he clenched his hands into fists.

The powerful golden color swirled on his two fists, and he kept chanting in his mouth,

"The power of God will never diminish. At this moment, please bloom your value here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Fei pointed his two fists directly under the blood-light body, which was also moving under the power of the advancing formation.

Meng Fei was blessed with the power of spinning his fists, and the powerful force directly pushed the blood-light body to start moving faster.

"Get out of this world!!!"

As Meng Fei shouted loudly, his strength surged, and the blood-light body moved faster in an instant!

"Great! At this speed, it takes almost only one day to leave the mainland!"

Although Meng Fei was happy in his heart, he still didn't dare to relax physically.

He took the blood light body and moved madly towards the universe, just like he had taken the shadow of God before.

The speed was finally no longer as immobile as before. On the contrary, this time they finally pushed the blood light body out heavily and kept moving away in the direction of the deep space of the universe.

The power of the golden whirlpool kept pushing the blood light body. The power of the whirlpool was strong because it did not disappear. It did not even need Meng Fei to constantly provide it with the power to push it. The strong force showed no signs of weakening.

Meng Fei thought a lot and finally decided to keep the whirlpool on the blood light body. Then, without Meng Fei's support, the speed of the blood light body slowed down.

However, Meng Fei would not just leave it alone. He began to release his own golden whirlpools one by one, and the whirlpool power hit it one by one, and the speed of the blood light body became faster again.

I don't know how many times it spun out, I just saw that it was like a bunch of thrusters, madly impacting the blood light body, constantly pushing the blood light body forward.

Meng Fei put his hands on it again, and the powerful force was added to the blood light body again.





At this time, the excited voices of people came again below Meng Fei, and this voice seemed to have infinite power, constantly shaking Meng Fei's heart.

He is pushing the blood light body into the starry sky!

Everyone held their breath, and at this moment, everyone was extremely nervous.

Seeing the blood light body impacting the atmosphere, everyone couldn't help but be extremely nervous, the powerful force kept rubbing the atmosphere, sparks, lightning, and kept surging at this time.

Meng Fei shouted loudly, and the high voice broke through the clouds. He released all his power at once, and the powerful power belonging to God directly broke through the clouds at this moment. The entire gloomy sky even disintegrated at this moment and began to reveal their original appearance.

Then, in the sky, Meng Fei finally broke through the clouds with the blood-light body, and took the whole continent away forever!


Everyone couldn't help but breathe heavily. Some of them couldn't believe what was in front of them, but they stretched out their hands and looked at the sky from afar.

Blue sky, white clouds.

Blue sky, white clouds again.

Still blue sky, white clouds again.

"We... succeeded... succeeded?!"

"Well, it seems so!"


"Ah!!! We succeeded!"

Everyone was overjoyed. There was a blue sky and white clouds above. It was no longer the dark sky invaded by the blood-light body. The world finally saw the light of day again!

They were finally able to cheer, but the bad thing was that they were now physically exhausted. Once they jumped up happily, they would immediately collapse to the ground...

So, they hugged each other and smiled at each other. At this moment, they forgot everything...

Meng Fei's side.

Finally arriving at the universe and the starry sky, Meng Fei suddenly discovered that after coming here, the blood-light body seemed to have lost its target, and it felt a lot lighter all of a sudden.

So, Meng Fei took this opportunity to push the blood-light body forward more violently.

The powerful force was even more effective in this starry sky. The blood-light body was pushed all the time. Even Meng Fei didn't know where it would go in the end. He only knew that he had to persist like this for almost two days, so the farther the better.

So, under Meng Fei's push, he quickly came to a place far away from the original planet.

At this time, a huge and dazzling planet dazzled his eyes. Meng Fei looked over with some discomfort, and then he saw a dazzling star, which was glowing and heating in front of him.

"This is the sun that belongs to this continent."

Meng Fei recognized the star, so he suddenly had a big idea in his head.

"Why not send this thing into a star?"

Meng Fei thought so.

He could also understand from himself that gods were also very sensitive to such power.

The power of the star seemed to be enough to destroy them, because Meng Fei's body suffered a huge burning sensation.

So, Meng Fei had such a plan.

However, of course it was not the thing in front of him at this moment. Meng Fei would certainly consider other situations. If the blood light body was destroyed under the power of the two gods, but in the end it also destroyed the star, then there would be a big problem, after all, they could not leave the sun.

So, Meng Fei began to look for other stars. Nearby, Meng Fei saw a star from a nearby star field.

Although it could not escape Meng Fei's eyes, in fact, this nearby was not so "nearby".

Fortunately, Meng Fei's current speed can directly reach the speed of light, so it will not take time to reach that.

But if you still have to bring the blood light body, it is naturally not that simple.

So, Meng Fei accelerated with the blood light body and moved forward at the fastest speed he could reach.

It was almost close to the speed of light, but in this case, it was naturally impossible to reach that speed completely.

At this time, Meng Fei brought the blood light body, and after almost a full day, there was still one day left.

At this time, the cracks on the blood body were increasing, but Meng Fei was not worried because he was very happy. After all, he had reached the place he wanted to go.

In front of another star, Meng Fei stood quietly. Then, he pushed his palm, and the powerful force directly pushed the blood body towards the huge star.

This is far away from the planet where the original continent is located. The demise of this star will not have any impact there.

Therefore, Meng Fei can push the blood body into it so unscrupulously.

Including yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks.

This time, Meng Fei decided to destroy them all at once.

These things that affect the creatures in the whole world are of course best if they do not exist.

The blood body was brought into the star together with the two things.

The huge star, with great light and heat, began to devour the entire blood body crazily after the blood bodies were pushed into it one by one by Meng Fei, and the blood body was constantly destroyed.

Although the power of the god level is constantly adding, the power of the star is the power of the entire planet. Even if a god comes, he will be swallowed up by the entire star. Even if it is just a little bit of destruction, the star will continue like this. Even gods will find it difficult to resist this powerful force of constant destruction.

This power is huge. Even if gods see it, they have to weigh it carefully.

The star keeps digesting the entire blood body. The two gods, one demon god and one ghost god, entered a weird state because they opened the blood god sacrifice. They were like living dead, motionless. Even now, they did not move at all.

They could only let the star gradually destroy everything in the blood body. They did not seem to have any intention of perceiving it. They were like wooden men, motionless.

This made Meng Fei feel relieved.

As for the previous demon god shadow, it was probably just a preparation made by the demon god a long time ago. Now that the mission is completed, it disappears. But what they did not expect was that Meng Fei made it like this in the end.

At this moment, Meng Fei was suddenly surprised to find that something seemed to be gushing out of the star.

No, that's not right, something was moving in it!

Meng Fei clearly saw that there was something moving madly in the star in front of him, and Meng Fei clearly captured it.

Then, the mysterious thing rushed out directly from the surface of the star and rushed straight into Meng Fei's body.

"What is this?!"

It was like an arrow shot into Meng Fei's body.

At this moment, Meng Fei's eyes suddenly lit up and shot out two divine rays.

Then, he held his breath, because at this time Meng Fei clearly felt that there was something like a seal in his body.

That is, his enhanced power seemed to be... being broken...

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