Meng Fei looked at his whole body in amazement, as if a wonderful change was taking place.

And the strangeness of this power also made Meng Fei cautious.

Unless this is also what the old god left for Meng Fei, otherwise this will not be a good message.

If it belongs to the power of those two, then I am afraid that the visitor is not kind.

Fortunately, when Meng Fei felt that this power was actually familiar, he breathed a sigh of relief.

That power was not unfamiliar to Meng Fei. He had previously received the power of the old god, so he was not unfamiliar with the power of the old god.

And for the real strength of the old god, Meng Fei also expressed great admiration.

The old god is probably not the kind of person who can barely be called a god. It is very likely that he is still the kind of person who is very strong.

But even so strong, it is difficult to resist the power of the blood body.

The horror of the blood god sacrifice is not that simple. Even the powerful gods can only exchange their own lives for a possible hope.

And this hope is Meng Fei.

After receiving the power of the old man god, Meng Fei successfully broke the seal of the strengthening power, and it was very simple for him to merge this power at once.

The old man god used his last strength to become the key for Meng Fei to break the shackles.

However, at this time, Meng Fei did not want to merge this power at this time.

Since the power has been released, it should be used strongly at a better time, rather than rushing to use it as soon as it is broken, which will be counterproductive.

At that time, maybe this power will not be able to play its role.

And Meng Fei did not need this power at this time, because he confidently believed that the matter was solved.

However, at this moment, when Meng Fei turned around and was about to leave here and return to the original planet, behind him, that is, the star, suddenly had a strange fluctuation.

"What's the situation?"

Meng Fei turned around and looked at the star quietly.

I saw that the surface of the entire star was originally yellow and red, but at this time, it suddenly became charred little by little.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei immediately had a very bad premonition in his heart. He felt that this matter did not seem to be going as smoothly as he thought.


For a moment, Meng Fei could not help but be a little speechless.

He saw in front of him.

The huge star directly blocked his entire field of vision, and at this time, the surface that should have been roaring with flames was actually becoming charred little by little.

It was like the burning branches were suddenly extinguished by water.

Now the surface of the star is almost the same as that. Although the speed of charring is not fast, the occurrence of this phenomenon is naturally not a good sign.

Because this phenomenon is explaining a huge problem, that is, the life of this star is being devoured and eroded.

And what can do this?

There must be only one answer in Meng Fei's mind, that is, the blood body!

If it is really this thing that is absorbing the energy of the entire star, then this is really too terrifying.

Because this means that the blood body is not only not destroyed, but also the blood god sacrifice is being carried out with this star.

This is too absurd. Meng Fei had never heard of it before. The blood god sacrifice can actually be launched in this way.

And what is even more terrifying is that all this seems to be going on like this, but Meng Fei doesn't know how to confirm it. Even if he confirms it, he doesn't know how to stop it.

So, looking at the huge star in front of him, although there are clusters of foci, the roaring flames still occupy most of it at this time.

Meng Fei made up his mind to go in and see!

So, Meng Fei ventured into it again alone, and he entered the star without hesitation.

Letting the flames burn his body, Meng Fei was soon exposed naked in the entire star. This is certainly not a problem worth noting.

Meng Fei's body was constantly burned by the extremely high temperature, and the powerful force eroded Meng Fei's body as if all his defenses were nothingness.

It's hard to imagine that even Meng Fei is like this. You know, Meng Fei has become a god now, and he is not just an ordinary god. Some powerful gods still can't escape the damage caused by such power, but the blood body can still move under such circumstances?

Meng Fei couldn't help but draw a big question mark in his heart.

Although it still takes a little time for this power to kill him, after all, he is a god. If the star wants to kill Meng Fei, it must at least infuse the energy of the entire planet to do it.

But it has been destroying Meng Fei's body, making Meng Fei's actions extremely difficult.

This also made Meng Fei suffer a lot, so Meng Fei, who couldn't move forward, couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

That is, since he will be controlled like this, try to see if he can commit suicide with the "help" of the star?

Meng Fei tried it immediately, and then a strange force instantly swept over Meng Fei's body.

Strangely, that power does not belong to the entire star, but Meng Fei is not unfamiliar with it.

"This is, red light?!"

Meng Fei immediately recognized the power that was suddenly bestowed on his body, so the red light combined with the powerful burning power of the star, Meng Fei was killed directly before he could even commit suicide to become stronger again.

The power of the red light was also god-level. With the help of such equal power, Meng Fei was defeated in an instant, and even more powerful force burst out, which made people feel despair.

But this is Meng Fei, a person who understands himself and is firm in himself. He is no longer confused. At this moment, he will think that no matter what, the final victory will definitely belong to him.

He firmly believes that only with such a belief can he keep going.

So, under the interweaving of the two forces, Meng Fei seemed to be bathed in it. He did not feel any fear or fear. After all, from the moment he set foot on the journey, it was decided that this would definitely be a contest of life and death.

Meng Fei's body disintegrated, collapsed, and finally appeared intact, as if he had recovered immediately. But in fact, Meng Fei was far more than just recovering. Every resurrection would be a perfect baptism and transformation, and he would be stronger. Therefore, he had never been afraid of death, but enjoyed it.

Because of this, he would become stronger every time.

If a divine body like Meng Fei before could not survive under such circumstances, then let alone others.

With the blessing of the two forces, Meng Fei fell into the cycle of death and resurrection again.

At this time, although Meng Fei was constantly getting stronger with this and the system, he was also extremely worried.

He suddenly thought of an extremely serious question, that is, would his every death provide energy for the blood body?

"Not good!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fei quickly burst out with strength, and his divine power had reached a very terrible realm at this time.

After experiencing many deaths again, Meng Fei's divine power had reached the level of a superior god, and now he also thought of this huge hidden danger.

If the blood-light body is also devouring the power of the star, then if it really sucks away Meng Fei's life energy, then it should be an extremely terrible situation now.

So after Meng Fei reacted, he immediately wanted to get out and leave this area.

After all, the blood-light body has broken free from the control of the old man god and is now entering the stage of devouring the star. All this seems to be unstoppable.

However, Meng Fei will definitely not sit and wait for death.

"Okay! Since you want to suck! Then I will not let you suck!"

So, Meng Fei escaped from the star again with a flash, and also left the area covered by the red light.

Meng Fei raised his hands above his head at this time, and instantly rubbed out a huge golden vortex. The golden vortex was like a huge planet coiled on Meng Fei's head.

"This power will undoubtedly destroy an entire star!"

The golden vortex above Meng Fei's head continued to expand, and in the end it was like Meng Fei lifted a planet and threw it directly towards the star.

The two forces came into contact with each other instantly, and the golden vortex destroyed the star from the surface to the inside.

At this time, Meng Fei's strength meant that destroying a star was understandable, and it was no longer just a joke.

The star was being destroyed, and at this time, the two forces intertwined, and Meng Fei was surprised to find that.

All the situations just now were reversed at once!

Because Meng Fei was constantly being attacked by two forces just now, but now it is completely different.

Because now Meng Fei's golden whirlwind force and the flames of the star are burning the blood light body together.

Unexpectedly, Meng Fei made this extremely spiritual attack ingeniously, and this attack was destroying the blood light body wantonly, even the yellow paper and the rune bamboo sticks.

Yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks, in this case, the power of God will also affect the world. This power directly has a real impact on the two gods, and they began to collapse.

Although Meng Fei will still use yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks, Meng Fei is actually very clear that yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks are just two carriers. The two forces will only lose their carriers and will not disappear directly from this world. They will look for the next carrier. Only when their forces finally complete the task will they temporarily disappear from this world.

Now, everything seems to be going on in the best situation Meng Fei expected, and it seems to be the case, and there are no other problems.

Whether it is yellow paper, rune bamboo sticks, or blood light body, they are all being destroyed at this time.

Meng Fei, being able to achieve such an effect is also a very perfect thing for Meng Fei.

But after so many years of tempering, Meng Fei is now extremely cautious. He will not relax because of this and think that he can ignore it.

This is of course not possible. As long as things are not completely over, Meng Fei will not think that he should relax.

Even now Meng Fei is still preventing various situations that will happen later.

Looking in front of him.

On the surface of the huge star, the charred spots continued to spread, this was because Meng Fei was destroying it.

And there was another point, which was the same effect as the blood light body, but at this time the blood light body was being destroyed.

The entire blood-light body was almost consumed at this time.

The two gods inside are about to be exposed bit by bit.

"Can you just destroy those two guys?"

Meng Fei thought, after all, he felt that it was still not safe enough.

After all, the real cause of all this is still because of the two guys in the Blood Light Body.

And if Meng Fei can deal with those two guys at once, then everything will be solved.

Therefore, Meng Fei couldn't help but add a burst of power into the Golden Spin. The Golden Spin immediately became more powerful and violent, constantly destroying the entire star and the Blood Light Body.

Seeing that everything in front of him was about to be destroyed, Meng Fei's face finally showed a bit of joy that he had not seen for a long time.

He immediately turned around and even seemed ready to leave.


Suddenly, a strange sound came from behind Meng Fei, which felt like the sound of boiling water just boiling.

Meng Fei couldn't help but turn around subconsciously, and he looked at Xingli with some worry.

The current star is so dilapidated and has almost lost its entire vitality.

Meng Fei's eyes immediately locked on the place where the bloody body was.

At this time, it was seen that the yellow paper and rune bamboo sticks had been completely eliminated, but this was not what Meng Fei really cared about.

What he really cares about is the two guys in the Blood Light Body.


Meng Fei couldn't help feeling a chill in his back. Those two guys, a demon and a ghost, suddenly disappeared. Just after Meng Fei turned around, they disappeared immediately?

Meng Fei quickly started searching everywhere, hoping to find where those two guys had gone.

At this moment, after Meng Fei was looking around, he actually saw a burst of white light behind him, in the direction he came from.

He looked intently, and the next moment he immediately followed him, his speed reaching the top.

I saw two halves of the body in the white light!

"Those two guys! Are they overlapping?!"

Meng Fei said in great shock, because he saw the scene under the white light.

That was exactly one half of the body, merging with another half of the body.

And Meng Fei recognized the owners of those two bodies at a glance. They were demons and ghosts!

Meng Fei was shocked, because the direction they were going was exactly the same route Meng Fei took them here.

I'm sure Meng Fei doesn't know what this means.

It was precisely because of this that Meng Fei followed him without any thought.

I saw Meng Fei following closely behind him. This is definitely bad news, 100%!

What Meng Fei was trying to do at this time was to try not to let this bad news become any further "bad news".

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