"Damn it!"

Meng Fei followed closely behind the white light body.

The white light body was moving earlier than Meng Fei, so Meng Fei had to chase faster and faster.

So, Meng Fei's power exploded, but even so, he still couldn't catch up with the white light body. At this time, Meng Fei could only burn his boats.

In the process of chasing, he completely released his enhanced power.

The enhanced power was finally released at this time, and Meng Fei's body was directly bathed in holy light, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a sacred robe.

Meng Fei was getting stronger crazily at this moment, and his power was surging and surging.

Meng Fei's strength increased greatly at once. The enhanced power accumulated before was a very terrifying part of his ability. He didn't know how long it had been accumulated, not to mention the enhanced power.

After the power was released, Meng Fei's strength also grew wildly, and finally burst out with extremely powerful fluctuations.

His strength caught up with the peak god position in a short time. Even if they were gods, there were few gods who could be Meng Fei's opponents now.

Meng Fei was also very confident. Even when facing those two guys, or even their combination, Meng Fei had the confidence to deal with it.

After his strength increased greatly, Meng Fei's speed directly caught up with the white light body.

Meng Fei even came directly in front of the white light body and resisted the white light body with force.

The powerful white light body, naturally, would not be vegetarian. With the blessing of two divine powers, the white light body also launched an extremely violent force attack towards Meng Fei.

However, through this contact, Meng Fei could also clearly perceive that the state of these two gods at this time was probably really in the state of "combination".

"What exactly do they want to do?"

Meng Fei was also very puzzled, but he was 100% sure that it must not be a good thing, and he had to stop all this from happening.

Facing the fierce momentum of the white light body, Meng Fei did not show weakness. The powerful force burst out instantly and controlled the advance of the white light body in an instant.

However, the white light body rushed over with great inertia, causing Meng Fei to retreat and even approach the planet.

Behind Meng Fei was the huge planet where he came from, where Gu Liu and the others were, and where Meng Fei came from.

As long as the white light body gets closer, it will probably break into the life planet directly, causing the lives there to be destroyed again.

But this still cannot solve the problem, and Meng Fei naturally understands this.

So, Meng Fei can only temporarily find a way to control the white light body on the surface outside the life planet.

But now it seems extremely difficult for Meng Fei to continue to do something.

It can be said that it is difficult to take a step. Meng Fei is now almost controlled in place and it is difficult to move.

It is even more difficult to contact the people on the life planet under such circumstances. How can Gu Liu and the others hear Meng Fei's voice?

Unless there is another god, Meng Fei's current situation is actually extremely embarrassing.

Can't go forward, can't retreat.

At this time, Meng Fei saw that the two guys in front of him had almost completed most of the fusion.

Now the two can be said to be a pile of chaotic bodies lying there, that is to say, it will be almost a matter of time before they are completely fused.

At this moment, Meng Fei could not sit still immediately.

Even at this time, Meng Fei could clearly feel that the power of the white light barrier suddenly increased a few points, and it was still extremely obvious.

This shows that the fusion of the two gods will achieve a very terrible effect. I am afraid that by then, Meng Fei will have no means to resist, or he can only barely hold on.

"No matter what, I have to try it anyway!"

At this moment, it seemed as if there was no way out, and the arrow had to be shot on the string. Meng Fei had to make a decision.

He guessed that perhaps the two gods had been forced into a dead end by him before, so they might have come up with a unique solution now.


This thing is not a strange word for Meng Fei from Earth, but it is indeed an extremely strange phenomenon.

After all, he had never seen such a combination. Even Meng Fei had seen a combination before, but that was just the combination of a whole thing. As for the combination of two completely different individuals, Meng Fei could say that it was the first time he had seen it.

And its magical degree was also something that Meng Fei had not expected. The effect it could achieve seemed to far exceed Meng Fei's imagination. The hugeness of this power was extremely terrifying.

It was just fused, but it had not yet bloomed into its final form, but it could still make Meng Fei feel a little overwhelmed.

It can be seen how terrifying the increase in this power is.

And as this power increased, Meng Fei gradually lost control, but he understood that once he let go, the entire life planet would encounter a huge disaster. After all, there was no need to say or think about it, just look with your eyes and you will know that this guy's goal is obviously the life planet.

And once they enter the life planet, who knows what will happen.

But it is certain that it will not be a good thing. After all, just like what happened before, everything they did on the life planet was not only useless, but also not like a god. They even thought of treating all the life in the world as a unified sacrifice.

With such behavior, Meng Fei did not have the courage to put them into the life planet.

Now he only thought that he must do his best to stop their progress and must not let them succeed.

If they really entered the life planet, it is hard to say, but the lives of all living beings will be destroyed.

Even if Meng Fei was just for those few people, he had to protect the entire life planet.

"This world, I will protect it!"

So, what Meng Fei had to do now was to find a way to temporarily control the white light body here, and what he had to do was to inform everyone on the life planet of the bad news, that is, the enemy could not be stopped, and the best way was to respond in time.

But what should Meng Fei do now to do it?

This is obviously a question worth thinking about.

At this time, Meng Fei's mind was flashing with all kinds of words, and all kinds of methods were constantly demonstrated in his mind, and even the results were within his thinking range.

Meng Fei wanted to come up with a problem immediately, and he would be eager to do so even if he had to sacrifice his life.

But unfortunately, the difficulties in front of him would not let him die.

After all, the goal of the white light body was very clear, and it could be said that Meng Fei had never thought of it.

Because the goal of the white light body was originally the life planet behind Meng Fei, not Meng Fei, all the white light bodies did not carry any destructive power, but only the power of movement.

Meng Fei just blocked the movement of the white light body.

As for destroying the white light body, Meng Fei tried it even more. What he had not done before with the blessing of the two forces, Meng Fei could not do it now.

Because after the two gods merged, although they had not completed the transformation, their power had grown wildly, making Meng Fei feel a little overwhelmed.

So, in such a desperate situation, Meng Fei entered the space of thinking again.

This is the realm that Meng Fei will enter when he is extremely focused. Once he enters here, Meng Fei will be able to think about problems without restrictions. He can think and think about problems better.

And now, what does Meng Fei want?

He wants a solution to the problem.

One that can set him free and lead the people on the life planet to make the best solution.

But now, just the first problem has troubled Meng Fei. How can he control this damn white light body? It has always been a problem.

In his thinking space, past memories are constantly playing in front of him like a movie. He also keeps and very quickly passes through these pictures in his eyes and analyzes these pictures.

Many times, our solutions come from everything we have experienced. This is a very normal situation, because the answer is sometimes hidden in our memory.

As long as we are willing to explore, we will definitely find it.

At this time, Meng Fei's eyes stopped, because a picture in front of him attracted his attention.

That was when he first met the Alien Blood Tower, although the Alien Blood Tower is no longer there.

But Meng Fei still remembered all the memories about it deeply in his mind.

Looking at the Alien Blood Tower, Meng Fei couldn't help but be absent-minded. For this, he thought of many stories about the Alien Blood Tower.

"Yes! Got it!"

Finally, through the Alien Blood Tower, he finally thought of the only possibility.

The only possibility that could stop the white light body was finally caught by Meng Fei.

At this time, he finally thought of it through the Alien Blood Tower. Just like Li Huaitian and his son at the beginning, making the Alien Blood Tower and adding the law of power to it is indeed a good way.

In other words, Meng Fei wanted to use some powerful law power to successfully stop the white light body.

Although generally speaking, gods are no longer afraid of the power of laws, the status of the two of them is not so optimistic. If Meng Fei really uses the power of laws to restrain and control it, it is estimated that it is not impossible.

After all, this law is not added by ordinary people, but by Meng Fei, who is also a god.

Meng Fei can also add a law power belonging to God on it, so that a better effect can be achieved.

At this time, Meng Fei did what he said.

After leaving the thinking space, Meng Fei immediately adjusted his posture so that he could pour out all his strength.

Soon, Meng Fei added three kinds of law power to the white light body.

They are time, space, and vision.

With the dual blessing of time and space, Meng Fei can temporarily control the white light body in place, and the power of vision law allows Meng Fei to sense the movement of the white light body at any time.

Once the white light body has any abnormality, it will be sensed by Meng Fei immediately, and due to the blessing of time power, Meng Fei can even know it a little in advance.

But this alone is far from enough.

Because such power alone cannot bind the white light body for long, Meng Fei still lacks the last power to truly control the white light body.

That is his divine power.

"The last power, stop here!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but speak in a sonorous and powerful voice, and he immediately stretched out his palm, and a whirlpool in the palm of his hand had already begun to rotate.

The golden whirlpool, the supreme power.

But at this time, Meng Fei did not want the whirlpool to destroy the white light body, after all, it could not be destroyed.

Instead, it provided divine power for the binding of the power of law, and in this way, the golden whirlpool was like providing a continuous source of power for the binding of the law, which could allow the powerful binding of the law to truly bind the white light body, and it could last for a relatively long period of time.

"The power of time, stop!"

Meng Fei shouted angrily, and the power of time took effect again, and the effect Meng Fei wanted was to stop the current chaotic state of the two gods.

And he did it.

Now, the entire white light body was successfully controlled by Meng Fei in place.

After running the power of time again, Meng Fei roughly predicted how long he could hold on.

"Four days! Is this my limit?!"

Meng Fei didn't know whether this number was good or bad.

Four days, and Meng Fei also felt that the real time might only be one or two days, but it didn't mean that Meng Fei's control would fail later, but after about one or two days, Meng Fei's control effect would begin to weaken, and then even he didn't know what Bai Guang would do to the life planet.

But taking this opportunity, Meng Fei hurried back to the life planet.

Here, Gu Liu and the others still didn't leave the air foundation.

At that time, although they cheered very hard, they actually knew in their hearts that things would not end so easily.

Only when Meng Fei's words were confirmed, it could be said that it was really over.

But now, everything is far from over.

Because Meng Fei is back, they look at Meng Fei with hopeful eyes.

However, Meng Fei shook his head helplessly, and everyone was desperate all of a sudden, and some people even collapsed directly on the high-altitude foundation.

Gu Liu stepped forward and said in a trembling voice: "Even this... doesn't work?"

"I'm sorry, everyone, I failed..." Meng Fei said very apologetically. If he was stronger, perhaps these problems would be solved.

"But! I controlled them again. Three days can do a lot!"

Meng Fei also compressed the time by one day for uncertainty, and he still wanted to give everyone some hope.

But everyone became very discouraged. To be honest, it would be fine if there was no hope, but if there was hope and now it's gone, that feeling would really make people collapse.

However, at this time, Gu Liu looked thoughtful. He muttered and whispered: "Three days? I don't know if it will succeed?"

"What?! What?" Meng Fei asked Gu Liu hurriedly on the side.

Gu Liu was no longer whispering, and hurriedly spoke to everyone. After all, a little hope is better than no hope.

He said to everyone:

"This is a very risky approach, that is the Redemption Array!"

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