I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 254: The Strange Pattern Transcendent Array

A strong sense of oppression, as if the world has come to an end.

Everyone's chest seemed to have a big stone pressing on their heart, and the uncomfortable feeling even made them a little breathless.

It seemed that this day was the end of all of them.

The white light shone throughout the world, as if the whole world was covered with a layer of white holy clothes.

Ironically, the real world is now extremely terrifying.

Everyone's heart was hanging, without any sense of security.

Gu Liu's heart was also hanging.

At this time, suddenly there were terrifying screams around.

There were even a lot of white smoke rising nearby, rising continuously.

"What is that?!"

"Those white smoke? Where are the screams coming from?!"


The saviors could not help but subconsciously look at their own crowd first.

However, there was no such phenomenon among them.

That is to say, this was the movement near their current location.

At this time, they suddenly remembered.

After all, they were in the sky before, which was naturally different from now. Now they were on land, and there were ordinary people around them.

"Not good!"

They shouted that it was not good, and they all set off immediately.

They each went to the direction they wanted to go, in order to go to a place where they knew people.

And now basically just waiting for Meng Fei's situation, there was no need for them to do anything else.

So, they left, and in almost the last time, they could do something they still wanted to do.

And soon, they saw it.

I saw that those ordinary people, whether they were in the house or exposed to white light.

They all turned into white smoke, which was as terrible as if their whole body was evaporated.

The weird scene made them all stunned.

However, as the salvation group, they did not change at all.

This may also be because the guy was restricted by Meng Fei.

Perhaps his power can only be leaked a little bit, so for the time being, he will only attack those ordinary people, those who have no magic power or are very weak.

And they couldn't help but look up at the sky with worry, the white light was shining, and they didn't know how long it would take for it to be their turn.


It can be said that this word was directly imprinted in everyone's mind, too desperate now.

Some people still looked at Meng Fei and kept stamping their feet, very nervous.

That was the last glimmer of hope, they had to think about it, to hold on to the only remaining hope.

Finally, they shook their heads, and most people became dejected.

Desperate situation, now.

They lowered their heads, as if there was a mountain pressing on the back of their heads, making them unable to raise their heads.

At this time, Xu Zhengyi's voice rang loudly again.

"Look! It's Brother Meng Fei! He woke up! He woke up! And the Redemption Array has not been destroyed!!!"


First, Gu Liu and the others looked up at the sky with Xu Zhengyi's words, and saw Meng Fei's clothes fluttering high in the sky.

He was seen floating in the sky, emitting a sacred light, like an elf born from heaven and earth.

Meng Fei's eyes were bright, and there seemed to be thousands of divine rays in them. Just one glance seemed to see through the entire long river of time.

At this time, he waved his hand and saw the Redemption Array under his feet expanding madly.

From the size of a city, it kept spreading and expanding, and kept moving towards the whole world.

The power of the golden whirlpool kept circling in Meng Fei's hand, providing Meng Fei with a constant supply of power, allowing the entire Redemption Array to expand almost non-stop.

The speed was extremely fast, and it swallowed up the entire country in almost the blink of an eye, and then the entire Zhongzhou.

Finally, it began to expand in all directions, and in the end, of course, it was to "take the whole world into its pocket".

The Redemption Array was finally enlarged by Meng Fei to include the whole world, which was much faster than they had imagined.

They sighed again at the power of God.

This power really exceeded their imagination. They thought it would take some time, but it didn't.

Meng Fei was a god, and it was easy for him to expand a formation to the whole world.

After all this effort, it only took half an hour.

At this time.

Those who died, who had not yet passed the Redemption Formation, had become sacrifices of the two gods, and this half an hour was also extremely terrifying.

Since ordinary people could not survive in this situation, there was no way. As long as the white light touched them, they would almost instantly turn into gray smoke, and their life force would be directly absorbed by the two gods.

This was just a tiny bit of the power of the two gods, but it had such an effect.

Fortunately, the Redemption Formation was barely catching up.

It also further prevented people from dying.

Even if people turn into ashes, their souls are immortal. They will eventually turn into a ray of light and enter the independent space of the Redemption Array. Once someone recasts their bodies for them, or if they can recast their bodies themselves, they can be resurrected.

Moreover, the Redemption Array can exist forever, so there is no need to worry about the time problem.

As long as one day, they have the ability to recast their bodies, or when their bodies are recast, as long as they have their own bodies, they can complete the real resurrection.

This is a chance for everyone, the biggest chance of survival.

Compared with those methods, which are almost impossible to do, such a method is naturally the best.

Now, those people are killed one by one, but there is no problem, because their souls will be preserved. At that time, as long as they have the opportunity, they will be easily resurrected. Once they have a body, their souls can be directly integrated into it, and it is very perfect, just like a normal person.

At this time, a ray of light flickered on the earth.

That's because the souls of every dead person are merging into the Redemption Array.

The Redemption Array is now also controlled by Meng Fei's power on the surface of the entire earth, which is more conducive to the best guarantee of everyone's life.

Suddenly, a powerful force erupted in the sky, as if a star suddenly exploded.

I saw that in the high sky, the originally bright world suddenly flashed violently again as if it was blind.

And that feeling was really like a star exploded near the planet of life.

The people below saw this scene, although their reactions were different, but their essence was almost the same.

They were all very nervous.

Almost everyone understood what it meant.

Above the sky, the mysterious power was punishing the entire world, and the end of the world was approaching to wipe out everyone's life.

This power seemed to be still increasing, although it has not affected people like them for the time being.

But they all understood that it would not be too long, and everything would be different again.

The power of God, if it wants to expand, should only take a moment.

And now it should be because Meng Fei's power is suppressing, which leads to the current situation, and they still have a chance to breathe.

Once the restraints are broken, they will be greeted by an extremely strong attack.

The white light will surely turn into a fierce beast, constantly devouring their bodies, and perhaps their lives will be devoured in an instant.

Everything will even be extremely fast, because in the face of God, they are almost no different from mortals.

They are all ant-like existences, and they can hardly survive for a few breaths before they will be instantly defeated by the power of God and become flying smoke.

"Not in time?"

In the sky, Meng Fei also showed a self-blaming expression.

Although he successfully used the system to become stronger again, he still did not cross that hurdle.

At this time, he looked meaningfully at the starry sky outside the sky, and he couldn't help but dare not imagine it.

What would happen if those two guys crossed that hurdle?

Meng Fei only dared to guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to imagine that it would be a reality.

When the almost invincible gods crossed the gap again, what would happen, and what kind of new life they would become?

That shouldn't be described as a simple god.

At this time, Meng Fei looked up at the sky quietly, lost in thought.

Others couldn't see it, but he could clearly see that the life force of those killed people was being absorbed crazily by it.

At this time, Meng Fei's brows suddenly locked.

"No, that's not right! That's not right!!!"

Meng Fei's voice burst out instantly, and that voice made people sound extremely terrified.

"What's wrong?!" Gu Liu hurriedly asked directly below.

Meng Fei glanced at them, and then brought Gu Liu and the others to the front of the sky, and was about to have a meeting with them.

Meng Fei looked a little impatient, and he said to several people: "Friends, I'm afraid we didn't expect that this would be fatal!"

"What's wrong?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei then explained: "Although the Redemption Formation saved everyone's lives for a while, what the two gods need is only everyone's life force, and this cannot stop all this from happening, so what the two gods want to do... can no longer be stopped!"


After hearing Meng Fei's words, Gu Liu and the others were speechless.

Meng Fei's words are not without reason. Even if they can rely on the Redemption Formation now, their souls can be preserved.

But what about later?

They will not affect the two gods from doing what they want to do in the end.

The wolf ambition has not been stopped.

Their hope of survival has once again been reduced to the extreme.

At this time, Meng Fei also said to Gu Liu and the second main one, Gu Liu, very seriously: "Gu Liu, is there a formation that can allow a person to achieve transcendence?"

"Achieve transcendence?" Gu Liu thought about it very seriously.

Then, he seemed to have really thought of it.

So he said to Meng Fei, "Yes, it is called the Qiwen Transcendence Formation. The formation is simple, but, like that, it requires sacrifices!"

Gu Liu pointed to the sky, where the white light was.

That means there is a way. Although the formation is not difficult, Meng Fei needs to do almost the same thing as the two gods.

That is, sacrifice countless lives.

"How about it, are you willing to put your hope on me?"

At this time, Meng Fei no longer hesitated and asked Gu Liu and the others directly.

He was so determined, and he said to everyone affirmatively: "Then try it one last time to see who can grasp this life force! If I complete the transcendence, then nothing can stop me, I will solve all problems! Everyone, are you willing to believe me again?!"

Meng Fei was so determined, and he also sincerely hoped that everyone could believe him.

This time, he believed in himself very much, and felt that he could do it and save everyone.

He will definitely complete the real transcendence and live up to everyone's expectations.


At this moment, the old devil insisted, and then came to Meng Fei and Gu Liu, then put his hands on their shoulders and said,

"Let us see where the limit of human beings is, or in other words, whether human beings have limits?!"

"Old senior, what you said is really..."

Gu Liu couldn't help but smile knowingly as he spoke, and he laughed so happily and happily.

Afterwards, he immediately took action, drawing various marks and patterns on the sky, and after completing it, a light spot immediately appeared in the sky.

The strange patterns on this light spot kept circling, and then Gu Liu said to Meng Fei:

"Go, Meng Fei! All our lives will be dedicated to you! Go beyond the gods! Go beyond everything!"


Meng Fei responded to them loudly.

"Please forgive our self-assertion, but this is the final hope!" Gu Liu said in his last voice.

Afterwards, Gu Liu's body was annihilated at once, and his soul returned to the Redemption Array.

I saw that high in the sky, Meng Fei had merged with the light spot, and instantly shone on the whole world like a whole sun, and the golden light instantly took away the life of every living person.

But this did not affect it, because their souls would eventually return to the Redemption Array.

Meng Fei's golden light gradually surpassed the dazzling white light, and was replacing it to devour the life forms of the whole world.

"What's going on?!"

"Why is there another force?!"

"But this force feels... so gentle..."

"Gentleness is useless, ah! My hands, turned into bones, turned into ash..."


Everyone was stunned, and this sudden attack of power wiped out their lives in an instant.

This made them puzzled.

At this time, in the starry sky, the white light body also broke free from Meng Fei's restraints and began to rush into the planet.

The two lights were shining on the entire continent in the sky at the same time, devouring lives.

All of a sudden, it became a situation where the two were divided.

This world was half being swallowed up by Meng Fei, and the rest was being swallowed up by the two gods of white light.

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