I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 255: Omniscient and Omnipotent, the God of Ghosts and Demons

Undoubtedly, this will be a one-on-two battle.

But what is certain is that the power is balanced at this moment, Meng Fei's power, and the power of the two gods.

It is absolutely balanced at this moment.

In other words, they will each absorb half of the life force of the entire life planet.

And who of them will succeed in the end, no one can say.

But what is certain is that in the end, it must be Meng Fei and the final form of the two gods fighting, because since then, the entire life planet will only have them.

This world will become their battlefield, or the entire universe will become their battlefield.

At this time, the white light body and Meng Fei's golden light body are constantly absorbing the life force of the entire planet.

The speed of both can be said to be extremely fast. Now they have almost absorbed half of the entire life planet.

Just the last little bit.

And this also means that the final result is about to come out.

In the last moment, there is only about half an hour left, and the entire life planet will be completely absorbed by the golden light body and the white light body.

At this time, Meng Fei and the two gods could almost feel each other's changes.

Therefore, Meng Fei clearly felt that in the white light body next to him, the two gods seemed to have completely completed the fusion.

What should they be called now?

The combination of ghost gods and demon gods?

The ghost and demon gods!

In their current state, they have completely become another person.

The strength of the ghost and demon gods made Meng Fei misperceive for a while. It was like a chaos, unknown and mysterious, and it made people feel unfathomable.

In short, it must not be a very weak strength.

But for Meng Fei, he could also feel that this power had a little bit of the feeling of transcending the gap between gods.

Because Meng Fei felt a domain power that he had not touched.

Although it has not arrived there completely, it is only a little bit away, and it is still a tiny bit.

In other words, this place will soon become the place where the super god-level existence will appear, and the time of appearance.

This moment came so suddenly, but Meng Fei did not feel that way.

He became stronger, but he didn't feel anything to achieve such a transformation.

The only thing he could feel was that he still had a lot to go. He had a lot to go.

Time passed by little by little, and every second that passed seemed to be the ultimate judgment on this world.

Without life, the whole world seemed so cold and lifeless, as if it was a dead planet that had never had life.

The whole world was only filled with smoke and dust, a heavy sky, a vast land, and a hazy world without a true appearance...

Meng Fei gradually regained consciousness in the golden light body, because the sacrifice was about to end, and Meng Fei was about to get out of that state.

At this time, he could also feel the awakening from the other side. The ghost god had basically regained consciousness. The combination of the two consciousnesses seemed to be extremely perfect, and there was no problem of chaotic consciousness. The fusion was simply smooth to the extreme.

"It's you... that's why we can only realize our great wish by combining. If it weren't for you, we should both be able to achieve the highest sublimation!"

At this moment, a low voice with overlapping voices, which was indistinguishable between male and female, came out from the white light body, and was still questioning Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was shocked. It seemed that the guy's condition was much better than he imagined, and he was most surprised by the content of his words.

The highest realm? !

What does that mean? !

From this point of view, it seems that there are indeed existences beyond the god level.

Or perhaps, there is no boundary in this universe.

At this time, the God of Ghosts and Demons spoke again, but this time it was a mockery of Meng Fei,

"I really didn't expect that the lowly human race actually has such a way to sublimate, but it seems that your condition is not very good. If there is no further sacrifice, you are undoubtedly wasting the lives that died for you! You are wasting their lives!"

You are wasting their lives!

Meng Fei, who had not felt that he could sublimate, did not lose his emotions after hearing the words of the Ghost Demon God.

He knew clearly that the Ghost Demon God wanted to disturb his mind, so that he could not sublimate normally and could not complete the entire transcendence.

"It is still uncertain what will happen!"

Meng Fei replied strongly.

"Humph! It's interesting, then continue the competition! Let's see who can laugh last!"

The Ghost Demon God also replied strongly.

After all, Meng Fei is also a person who can go one step further, how can he not get rid of such an influence?

However, although that is said, Meng Fei's situation is not wonderful.

In the final analysis, although they are now in a situation where they are each in half, in fact, Meng Fei is obviously more vulnerable.

After all, the Ghost Demon God had already absorbed power before.

And Meng Fei only started a long time after this, so it is impossible to compare with the progress of the Ghost Demon God.

The God of Ghosts and Demons has even reached the peak of sublimation, and only lacks the last tiny part to achieve the final transformation, but Meng Fei is still a long way off.

How should Meng Fei bridge this distance?

What's more serious about the situation is that Meng Fei is facing a lot of problems now. After all, if the God of Ghosts and Demons achieves sublimation by then, what should Meng Fei do?

After all, at that time, Meng Fei did not have the ability to fight against the God of Ghosts and Demons.

If it reaches that level, what will happen if even Meng Fei's system doesn't work?

These are undoubtedly the issues that Meng Fei cares about.

And if Meng Fei fails to do it, what will happen to those who carry the Redemption Formation to save them?

Is there any hope for them to survive?

Hope seemed extremely slim.

"There is nothing you can do? It seems you are just talking. The reality is cruel. Prepare to face my judgment!"

The God of Ghosts and Demons could naturally feel the situation at Meng Fei's place, so he mercilessly launched another mockery and psychological defeat at Meng Fei's side.

Meng Fei is even more unsure now, because facts always speak louder than words, and he is extremely helpless now.

"No, you are wrong!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, instantly attracting the attention of Meng Fei and the God of Ghosts and Demons.

"and who are you?!"

"Is it...Gu Liu?! No, no, there are you, what do you mean?!"

Meng Fei was also shocked.

Because at this time, a situation appeared that Meng Fei couldn't understand.

Gu Liu, even Xu Zhengyi, Big Yellow Dog, Long Fu, even the old devil, even Hua Ye, and almost all the other members who saved the world together just now, now all appear here.

"Thanks to the old devil and senior brother, our bodies can be reshaped!" Gu Liu's face was filled with a smile.

"So what do you want to do?!"

Meng Fei's voice was extremely impatient and nervous. Even when he was threatened by the ghost god before, he had never been so nervous before.

But now, he is extremely nervous because he is afraid.

At this moment, he was really scared, because the appearance of Gu Liu and the others seemed to be confirming a reality that he didn't dare to imagine.

"That's right, Meng Fei, it's just what you think." Gu Liu said still smiling.

Afterwards, Gu Liu turned his back to the golden light body, and there seemed to be tears falling from the corners of his eyes:

"Meng Fei, in fact, we have already thought that based on the time we have opened the Transcendence Formation, the power we have accumulated is far from enough. Therefore, we actually had such preparations before, and we decided to resurrect again. Then, I will provide you with life force again!”

"Everyone! Are you ready?!"

At this time, Gu Liu did not wait for Meng Fei's reply, but directly spoke to everyone.

As usual, as soon as they appeared, Meng Fei used his power to protect them.

But at this time, they actually escaped Meng Fei's protection and rushed towards the area covered by the golden light body.

"Asshole!!! Stop it! What are you doing! Stop it!!!!"

Meng Fei's throat seemed to burst at this moment, and he roared heartbreakingly.

I hope to stop their movements. In the golden light body, it will not stop until the transcendence is completed.

"No! No, no, no! Gu Liu! Justice! You bitch! Get the fuck back! Come back! Do you know you can never come back like this?! Bastard! Stop it!" Meng Fei I was completely panicked at this moment.

Their sacrifice again can indeed allow Meng Fei to truly achieve sublimation, but the power of the Redemption Formation will also disappear, and they will lose the chance of resurrection.

At this moment, Meng Fei, as a god, held back tears from his eyes.

Because, he knew that since things had happened, they must inherit their legacy.

"Meng Fei, you don't need to blame yourself. You know, to accomplish a great thing, how can there be no sacrifice?"

Finally, Gu Liu's voice echoed in Meng Fei's ears, and then Meng Fei witnessed Gu Liu entering the area covered by the golden light body, and finally turned into a golden smoke and floated into the distance.

"Gu Liu!!!"

Meng Fei called Gu Liu's name heartbreakingly, but unfortunately this could not stop all this from happening.

Gu Liu...is dead.

Xu Zhengyi...is dead.

The big yellow dog...is dead.

Long Fu...is dead.

"Don't be decadent, kid. We have passed on the meaning of life. We have not perished, but our voices and faces are no longer in this world!"

The old devil looked at Meng Fei for the last time before saying goodbye.

"Senior! I'm sorry!" Meng Fei's voice was stunned, and he said to him the apology he wanted to say to everyone.

"Hehehe, boy, you don't have to blame yourself. I was already dead the day I was imprisoned in the Strange Blood Tower, and the day I met you, I had already achieved resurrection. The boy who called Meng Fei, go fly Go! Go and lead the meaning of the dead! You don’t need to care about my death..."

In the end, only the back of the old devil was left.

As the back view of the senior, that figure is so majestic.

At this point, the old devil...is confirmed to be dead.

The last person is also sacrificed.


At this time, the God of Ghosts and Demons, who had never made a sound or interfered, made strange movements again.

It turns out that it's not that he doesn't want to interfere with everything about Meng Fei, but that he has entered the stage of transformation.

What kind of existence he will become may be revealed immediately in the next moment.

At this time, Meng Fei had almost achieved sublimation.

He finally touched that power. Now, as long as he grasped that extreme point, he could immediately surpass the gods.

At this time, the whole world began to collapse, and it was not because all life was destroyed, but because of the transformation of that guy.

This world could not bear it and was about to collapse!

This is the power of the God of Ghosts and Demons!

At this time, the white light body immediately turned into a white boulder like a meteorite.

The next moment, the white boulder began to crack, and began to open from the cracks little by little, and then countless rays of divine light shot out from the cracks.

The God of Ghosts and Demons inside revealed his body little by little.

At this time, strange phenomena began to occur in the world.

I saw that all things in the world suddenly grew and suddenly decayed, and suddenly time passed quickly and then slowed down or even stopped. Various spaces overlapped, and the planets that were originally floating in the universe suddenly appeared in front of this world, directly covering one-third of the sky.

A ray from an unknown corner of the universe directly passed over the life planet, and a long line was seen hanging high in the sky.

"This power?!"

Even Meng Fei was surprised by this power. Although he had also reached this realm, his transformation was still in progress and he had to be a little slower.

And now, he was nervously watching the situation of the Ghost Demon God.

This power that caused the world to be in chaos seemed to be just a little bit of his power.

And just like this, he could do such a terrible thing, so what about his own strength?

Some dare not imagine.

"Not good!"

At this time, Meng Fei called it bad.

Because the white boulder had all cracked, the body of the Ghost Demon God was also exposed to the world.

It was like a human figure carved from a glowing jade, and even the face was constantly changing, as if every face, any face could be his appearance.

In the end, the Ghost Demon God casually turned into an old man with a fairy-like appearance, which seemed to make him more mysterious and powerful, although the fact was just like that.

Meng Fei said it was not good because the Ghost Demon God had transformed first, which would definitely affect him!

As expected, the first thing the Ghost Demon God did after the transformation was to come directly to Meng Fei's golden ball.

"What do you want to do?" Meng Fei's questioning voice seemed extremely small.

The Ghost Demon God stretched out a finger, and then said,

"The omniscient and omnipotent Supreme God, one is enough!"

Then, he flicked his finger towards the golden ball.

At this time, the golden ball instantly deformed, shrank into a ball, and then disappeared directly from the spot.

Although it seemed to be gone, Meng Fei felt it clearly here.

He was thrown into another world, where it was dark and dark, and he could not feel the passage of time or the sense of space. He only felt that there was only one thing - a flickering existence in the void.

Meng Fei couldn't help but marvel. This is the power of omniscience and omnipotence. With just a flick, he could instantly mobilize various laws and forces to redefine Meng Fei's state.

"But fortunately, everything is not over yet."

At this time, Meng Fei did not despair, but looked at his palm meaningfully.

There, the golden whirlpool was spinning at high speed.

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