I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 256 Finale (The last perfect golden turn)

Everything is not over yet.

Although Meng Fei was hit hard by the God of Ghosts and Demons, Meng Fei's condition is not that bad now.

Now he was thrown into the void space and could not contact the real world, but he left a key hand.

That is the golden whirl, the power that belongs exclusively to God.

Ignoring the law, absolute truth.

Moreover, even the current power of the God of Ghosts and Demons, Meng Fei also felt it at the moment when he hit Meng Fei, the basis of that power still came from the power of whirl.

And it was because of this discovery that Meng Fei suddenly understood.

Before, he could not cross that hurdle because his original direction was wrong.

He now understands that in order to cross this hurdle, the real secret is hidden in the whirl.


Its strength lies in the mixing and unification of power, the power that mixes all powers together and unifies and balances them.

This is like the most primitive power in the whole world, chaos, and then the power of chaos harmony, which is equivalent to whirl.

The beginning of this power can be described as chaos.

The power of unified chaos is whirlpool.

How to make the power of a god one step closer, in fact, the real point is to control the whirlpool power.

How to amplify this power is what Meng Fei wants to do.

Soon, a huge wall appeared in front of Meng Fei.

In the void space, his thought space overlapped with reality, causing the blocking wall to appear directly in front of him.

At this time, Meng Fei still punched and killed like last time, and then the wall was still like last time, blocking Meng Fei's progress, but Meng Fei could not touch the wall.

However, Meng Fei was not as annoyed as last time.

He smiled, then closed his eyes slightly, and stood quietly.

Then, two rays of light flashed from his body.

A golden light, that was the power provided to him by the Transcendence Formation, but this power was incomplete under the attack of the Ghost Demon God.

On the other side of Meng Fei, a strange light was flashing, and Meng Fei was a little surprised that this power actually appeared in front of him.

This power was nothing else but his system!

At this time, the system was shining on the other side of Meng Fei and appeared in front of him.

In response, Meng Fei smiled and said, "System, system, thanks to you, I can get to this point, but now, I need you to help me one last time!"

After that, Meng Fei stretched one hand directly into the light of the system, and then he pulled it over with his big hand, and the light of the system suddenly turned into colorful and various lights and scattered everywhere.

"As expected, the power of this system is indeed from the hand of the omniscient and omnipotent God, and it may be even stronger!"

Meng Fei was surprised with an expected taste.

In fact, when he came into contact with this power, he had guessed that this power would naturally not come out of thin air, and after he became a god, and even after seeing the "handwriting" of the ghost and demon god, he finally felt a little bit that the power of the system might come from this.

Why did the great god do this?

I'm afraid it's something Meng Fei will consider later. The most urgent thing is that Meng Fei must use this power.

And what Meng Fei must know is that once this power is used, the system will no longer exist.

But Meng Fei is not worried, because he knows clearly that once he reaches the highest level of omniscience and omnipotence, this power will no longer work.

So no matter what, this battle will directly determine life and death.

Golden light, colorful system light, Meng Fei stretched out his palm at this time and put the golden vortex he had been carrying in his palm.

Then, the golden vortex began to devour the power behind.

The golden light and the system light were all swallowed by the vortex.

Then, the surrounding of the golden vortex instantly spun in a chaotic gray.

Then, Meng Fei's whole person was like wearing a rosy robe, like bathing in holy light, and then he stretched forward slightly and touched the wall.

At this moment, the wall finally reacted, and I saw that the wall was cracked at this moment, and countless cracks spread on it.

Meng Fei was extremely calm at this time, as if all this was within his expectations.

And the fact seemed to be just so.

The wall in front of Meng Fei was finally no longer out of reach, and was finally completely defeated by Meng Fei.

"What is this?"

After the wall collapsed, everything that came into view surprised Meng Fei a little.

In front of him, there was actually a big tree wrapped in smoke.

Meng Fei came under the verdant and huge tree, which grew very neatly, like a giant umbrella.

Meng Fei touched the trunk of the giant tree, and a mysterious sense of connection immediately came to Meng Fei's body, piercing Meng Fei's heart.

"My power?"

He was a little surprised, because this mysterious power was like being in one with him, and the mysterious sense of connection made him feel no alienation.

Then, the giant tree immediately turned into a beam of light and began to merge with Meng Fei's body.

Meng Fei immediately felt the huge power surging and surging in his body, and a sky-high power burst out in his body. Meng Fei's head instantly faced the sky, and even his hair was blown up.

After a while, Meng Fei's condition stabilized, and after it stabilized, Meng Fei felt that his body was like an ordinary person, but when he made a slight movement, there would be a little bit of... The power of chaos.

At this time, Meng Fei stretched out his hand, and the chaotic energy in his palm instantly swirled, and then turned into golden swirls little by little.

"This is the most perfect golden gyration - the chaotic gyration power of the original power."

From the beginning to the future, from the beginning to the end, the formation process from beginning to end is the power of maneuver that truly achieves perfection.

It's still gold, and it seems to be a swirling color exclusive to Meng Fei.

Then, Meng Fei stretched out a finger in front of him and made a slight gesture, and a crack was immediately opened in the emptiness of the world. Looking through the crack, he could directly contact reality.

"Has it been so long? It seems like it's just going backwards."

In this regard, Meng Fei said lightly.

Then, as soon as he said these words, the scene in the outside world immediately began to turn and retreat.

Meng Fei went back in time in an instant, and then he opened the crack in front of him and returned to the real world.

"Now, it's time to settle the score."

Meng Fei said lightly.

However, there was nothing in front of him that suggested he was where he was before. It was obviously a remote place in the universe.

But this doesn't seem to be any problem for Meng Fei now.

I saw him taking a step forward lightly, and then appeared directly in an extremely familiar place.

The living planet, here, and it was the moment when he was knocked into the void by the god of ghosts and monsters.

He's back here, this time.

At this time, "I" had just been thrown into the realm of nothingness.

"It seems that you are still more complicated than I thought."

At this time, the God of Ghosts and Demons slowly turned around and saw Meng Fei.

Although he didn't want to accept this reality, he still chose to accept it calmly.

"Do you know what the things that God cannot calculate are?" The God of Ghosts and Demons asked Meng Fei.

The corners of Meng Fei's mouth raised slightly, and then he answered very calmly: "It's a very simple question. Naturally, it is a being above ordinary gods. It was only after I reached this level that I felt what the power of an omniscient and omnipotent god is."

"Yes, what you can't calculate is more likely to happen, but I just didn't expect that it actually happened. Don't want to accept it? No, let's take it as it comes."

As soon as he said these words, the expression of the God of Ghosts and Demons immediately changed, and then the entire surrounding galaxy began to rotate at high speed. With just a flick of his finger, a huge star suddenly shrank into the size of a mountain and headed straight towards it. He hit Meng Fei.

And this is just the beginning.

Subsequently, countless stars and even larger planets began to attack Meng Fei fiercely.

However, Meng Fei took his time and there were countless characters flashing in his head in an instant.

These characters are like power and some special messages, outputting into Meng Fei's mind.

Soon, Meng Fei couldn't help but tilted his head towards the God of Ghosts and Demons, and said in surprise:

"Do you know what kind of message I just got?"

Meng Fei not only spoke to the God of Ghosts and Demons, but also easily resisted all planetary firepower with his hands.

The God of Ghosts and Demons couldn't help but frown, and seemed to realize that something was wrong.

Meng Fei's omniscience and omnipotence seemed to be a little different from him.

"What message?" The God of Ghosts and Demons said in great surprise.

"Haha!" Meng Fei suddenly smiled brightly, and then his face instantly turned gloomy, and he said to the God of Ghosts and Demons as if giving a life and death order:

"I just learned one thing, that is, even among omniscient and omnipotent gods, there is still a gap. For example, you are at the Galaxy level, and I am at the Prehistoric level."

"What? Haha! Hahaha! It's already come to this, and you still play the tricks of those weaklings?! How ridiculous!"

Who knew that after listening to Meng Fei's words, the God of Ghosts and Demons laughed unconsciously, as if he was completely convinced that Meng Fei was joking.

Then, the God of Ghosts and Demons' eyes turned red instantly. He stretched out a hand, and the gray-white swirl in his hand changed from chaos to gray-white swirl.

At this time, the God of Ghosts and Demons said coldly to Meng Fei: "Then let's see which one is more powerful, your Primordial Level or my Galaxy Level!"

"The last move is Meng Fei! Perfect turbid color spinning power!"

With a command, as if heaven was chanting, from the palm of the ghost god's hand, a large mass of turbid whirling power began to violently devour Meng Fei.

Meng Fei smiled coldly, then launched a spin at the God of Ghosts and Demons, and said:

"Then take this move! The perfect golden power of spin! Go! Annihilate all the forces that break the rules!"


Suddenly, Meng Fei frowned in confusion. He didn't understand why he said those words before.

But I quickly forgot about it because there were more important things to solve in front of me.

The two forces instantly stalemate together.

The turbid gyrations of the Ghost God violently hit Meng Fei's golden gyrations.

The swirling forces are intertwined, the forces of various laws are colliding crazily, tearing apart the surrounding space, and time is even constantly being confused.

The universe seemed to be shining because of this battle.

It was like two rays of light splitting the starlit world in the darkness into two halves, one side was turbid and the other side was golden.

However, it was obvious that the golden color was swallowing up the turbid area.

The turbid color was being suppressed little by little, and finally swallowed up by the golden color.

The Ghost Demon God was defeated!

"Impossible! How is this possible?!"

The half-crippled Ghost Demon God collapsed on a desolate planet, staring at Meng Fei in panic.

"Impossible, why?! Why?! You and I are both equal gods, why is there such a big gap?!"

As he spoke, the Ghost Demon God shook his head violently, and his body was already collapsing a little bit, and it couldn't be stopped.

The Ghost Demon God's emotions were also collapsing at this time, facing the approaching Meng Fei, he looked extremely mocking.

Meng Fei slowly came to the front of the Ghost Demon God, as if he was watching the Ghost Demon God's death.

"You, why?"

At the end of his life, the Ghost Demon God questioned Meng Fei.

At this time, a phantom appeared next to Meng Fei, and it was still an extremely unfamiliar look.

"Who are you?" The Ghost Demon God was very confused.

"I was also confused and said some strange things. Later, I found out that this guy was the one behind it." Meng Fei said while pointing to the phantom next to him.

The phantom smiled and looked like a young man with a spring breeze. Then he explained to the Ghost Demon God:

"I am the God of Order in the Primordial World, in charge of the order of the Primordial World of the Universe. You are a huge problem. The next conspiracy may be the entire Primordial World of the Universe, but my power is too strong to come directly to the world, so only someone at least at the Great God level can bear my power a little bit."

At this point, the Ghost Demon God finally understood everything, and Meng Fei had already accepted all the information.

The source of the system's power, his experience, and finally, the real owner of this phantom, came from the hands of the God of Order.

And Meng Fei did not disappoint his plan and expectations, and finally successfully reached the Great God level, able to carry the power of the God of Order.

And the God of Order, as the true supreme of the universe, has the most powerful power in the entire universe, which is the power to make rules.

At this moment, the God of Ghosts and Demons also swallowed his breath, and finally turned directly into a bubble, disappearing forever in the entire universe.

"God of Order!"

At this time, Meng Fei knelt down in front of the God of Order.

Meng Fei said excitedly: "Since you can even develop a system for infinite resurrection, then resurrecting those dead people should be no problem!"

"Well..." The God of Order couldn't help scratching his head, as if such a thing was not as simple as it sounded. After a while, he replied to Meng Fei:

"I can, but it's quite special. My resurrection is to let every part of the body of those dead lives gather together again. If this is completed in an instant, then it is a real resurrection, but if it is not resurrected at the moment of death, then their souls will lose their memories. To be precise, they will reappear in this world, but they will no longer be the same person as before, so even so, do you want to resurrect them?"

"And because you have helped me a lot, I should fulfill a wish." The God of Order added.

After listening to his statement, Meng Fei also pondered for a long time, but he finally chose, "Resurrect them! Even if they are no longer the same as before, I hope that their voices and faces are still there!"

"Okay!" The God of Order agreed to Meng Fei very readily, and then he stretched out his hand to Meng Fei and said, "My power cannot be displayed directly, so I will lend you my hand again!"


Meng Fei stretched out his hand directly.

When the two hands touched, a strong light directly surrounded Meng Fei's whole body.

Then, Meng Fei's eyes were immediately filled with white light, and then Meng Fei's head was confused.

When he woke up again, he found himself on a hillside.

"Oh, he woke up, brother, he woke up!"

"Really! Go and tell Brother Gu Liu that the weirdo is awake!"


Meng Fei couldn't help rubbing his hazy eyes, and he was very surprised when he heard the call next to him.

Then, he saw two children staring at him nearby. His eyes bulged and he said in surprise:

"Justice?! And, is that your brother Zhengxin?!"

"Ah, brother, how does he know our names?"

Xu Zhengyi, who was seven or eight years old, asked his brother in surprise.

Then, his brother stretched out his hand to protect Xu Zhengyi and threatened Meng Fei: "Who are you?! Weird!"

"You guys?" Meng Fei frowned at first, then shook his head helplessly, and even patted his forehead. He almost forgot some things.

"Justice? Zhengxin?! What happened?!"

At this time, a voice that Meng Fei was very familiar with sounded outside, and even followed by a few dog barkings.

"Is it Gu Liu and the big yellow dog?" Meng Fei said in surprise.

Then, Xu Zhengyi and his brother went out at once, and the door was still open.

Meng Fei also followed and stood in front of the door.

"That guy?! Is he awake?!"

"That's what we want to tell you, Brother Gu Liu!"

"Okay, I got it!"

After a conversation, Gu Liu led the big yellow dog to Meng Fei. At this time, Gu Liu suddenly froze for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

"What's wrong?" Meng Fei asked him.

Gu Liu shook his head, then couldn't help frowning, and said: "It's strange to say, I didn't feel anything when you were lying down, and you suddenly stood in front of me, and suddenly I felt that you looked very familiar, maybe it was an illusion..."

"Hahaha!" Meng Fei laughed heartily, and then he stretched out a hand to Gu Liu and said heroically:

"Since we are so predestined, let's get to know each other. My name is Meng Fei! I'm a wanderer!"

"My name is Gu Liu! I'm a Taoist priest! Looking at your body, it's quite suitable for killing demons. Why don't you come with me to be a Taoist priest!"

"Hahahaha! As I said, killing demons is fine, but being a Taoist priest is better!"


(End of the book)

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