Get to the point.

These four short words made both of them become serious at the same time.

As for the question of whether to be a Taoist priest or not, let’s leave it aside for now.

Meng Fei also showed off his "stunt skills" to Taoist priest Gu Liu just now. Gu Liu was certainly not stupid and instantly understood what Meng Fei meant.

"It turns out that I was not affected! I almost missed this weaker Fenggui Village that I finally found. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you Meng Shaoxia, oh no, it should be called Meng Qixia!" Gu Liu said.

Regarding Meng Fei's unique skill of coming back from the dead, Gu Liu couldn't think of any other good adjectives to describe him.

"Please don't. Just call me Meng Fei. That's weird. It sounds uncomfortable."

"Okay! Then Meng Fei, are you willing to go with me?"

Obviously, even if Meng Fei rejected Gu Liu's idea of ​​letting him become a Taoist priest, he didn't want such a genius to leave him like this. If he was confused and confused, he might become one one day.

However, Meng Fei actually didn't want to say anything about separating from him immediately. After all, he was not familiar with this world, and having someone to lead him wasn't a bad thing.

What's more, this is a Taoist priest. Meng Feike still remembers the oath he made. If he can live, he must rid the world of all demons and ghosts. Following a Taoist priest can be said to be the best thing.

"Of course."

Meng Fei didn't hesitate at all.

"Okay, let's set off immediately!"

Just do it.

The two immediately headed back the way they came.

On the way, Meng Fei asked Gu Liu, "How sure are you?"

Gu Liu shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know too much, because even if I am not affected by the ghost formation, I have never dealt with Fenggui Village. I can barely give a 60% certainty..."

"What? Only 60%? Isn't that equivalent to death?"

Meng Fei's words made Gu Liu show a strange expression, wondering why you are more afraid of death than me. This is obviously not the case.

"Then what do you think we should do safely?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei thought about it seriously, touched his chin and said: "At least... there must be a plan, tactics, etc., right?..."

"Plan? What you said is true. We can think of a plan first and then attack. It should be much safer! But the question is, what kind of plan can we come up with?" Gu Liu was puzzled.

After combining all the information he got, and after some intense thinking in his brain, Meng Fei finally said one sentence to Gu Liu, "Is there any way you can make me become you?"

"Let you become me? Let me think about it, first change the appearance, and then change the breath, it's easy to say! But there is a problem, it won't take too long..."

"As long as it lasts for a while!"

"That's no problem!"


"Listen, let's first..."

Plan established.

The two finally came to the vicinity of Fenggui Village. Here, they could have a panoramic view of many houses. Similarly, this also showed that this location was safe as long as they did not go forward.

However, they didn't come here just to take a look and then run away.

According to the plan, Gu Liu stayed where he was.

Meng Fei, disguised as Gu Liu, kept moving forward. Along the way, the ghost array was still affecting him, but in the end it could only affect his eyes and nose, and could not deceive his brain.

It's that house again, and that person again.

Familiar yellow-faced villagers, familiar houses.

Still waving like that.

However, after seeing that it was a Taoist priest coming, the villagers' faces instantly changed and they said: "Why is it a Taoist priest? I advise you not to have any evil thoughts. You are not someone you can mess with!"

After all, in front of Taoist priests, the disguises of these little monsters and the disguise of Fenggui Village are ineffective. After all, monster energy and ghost energy cannot be covered up, even with the influence of the ghost array.

But when Meng Fei spoke, the little demon was shocked, "You misunderstood, I'm not here to cause trouble. On the contrary, I'm here to worship Lord Ghost."

"You said you want to worship the Lord? What do you mean?"

"Of course I offer myself to you, sir!"

"What?! I think you are a crazy Taoist priest!"

Xiao Yao has never seen such a request in his life, so naturally he will not trust his unreasonable behavior.

"Do you think I would believe a Taoist priest's words?" Xiao Yao said with a slight disdain, not believing his words at all.

Meng Fei naturally expected this situation, so he suddenly knelt down on the ground, squeezed out two tears from his eyes, and said with some self-deprecation: "Taoist priest? Haha, it's really ridiculous. Taoist priests exorcise evil spirits from people who have no power to restrain chickens." Are the Taoist priests the ones who have to help them kill demons for free? Are these people really worthy of our efforts? I'm tired, all Taoist priests should die! Come and eat me. After eating me, all my Taoism will belong to you! Kill as much as you want! I have nothing to do with it!”


The door of the house opened at this moment.

When the little demon saw this, he immediately knelt on the ground, making a respectful gesture, and muttered something as if he was communicating with him.

"Yes, sir, it is definitely better to eat a Taoist priest than to eat a person! But..."

"Okay! Since the adults have said so, the little ones don't dare to say anything."

"Go in, my lord has agreed."

The little demon turned around and said coldly to Meng Fei.

But Meng Fei refused, and said with a tragic tone: "In the end, I have only one last wish, that is, I want to die in this world outside. It is too depressing to die in the killing array in the house. If you are worried, I will take action first to show my sincerity!"

After that, I saw another sword piercing directly into his heart without any hesitation.

With a plop.

Meng Fei fell to the ground.

This scene shocked even the little demon, and he turned back and said a lot to the crackling in the house.

"My lord, have you decided to come out?"

"Well, since it is your decision, I can't say much."

After speaking.

I saw a ghost flying out of the house in an instant, and its body kept shrinking to the size of an ordinary person. Obviously, the killing array in the house can control the size of its body at will, but it is not possible outside. The ghost's body immediately returned to its original size.

This is a hideous evil ghost with patterned blood-red round eyes. At this time, it has a horrifying bloody mouth. It flies towards Meng Fei, who is lying on the ground, with great hunger. It bites Meng Fei's neck and sucks his blood with a face full of enjoyment.

However, why does the taste of this blood feel a little familiar...

"Evil ghost! Take my move!"

At this moment, a person with the same body as him who was sucking blood on the ground appeared behind the evil ghost.

It was Gu Liu!

Gu Liu directly made an extremely powerful sword, and the sword even flashed with the strange light of various talismans, and instantly stabbed at the evil ghost!

The evil ghost had no defense for a while, and was directly pierced by this sword. He stared at Gu Liu fiercely, muttering something in his mouth, and his body continued to disappear with the invasion of the talisman. Gu Liu seemed to understand what he said, and frowned slightly.

After a while, the evil ghost turned into ashes, the entire Fenggui Village began to disintegrate, and Meng Fei was resurrected again.

After three resurrections, Meng Fei's strength was enough to easily subdue the little demon.

So, he pressed the little demon under his feet, and said to Gu Liu with a smile: "Fortunately, I didn't stab myself to death with that sword, otherwise I couldn't continue the performance!"

"Hahaha, fortunately I lured this thing out, otherwise if I fought in the killing array in the house, it would really be a plan to die!" Gu Liu also joked.

At this time, the little demon under Meng Fei's feet seemed a little restless, and kept muttering: "You are finished, you are finished, do you know the background of my master?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Meng Fei's foot became more powerful.

Gu Liu's expression suddenly became serious.

Thinking of the evil ghost's every move before his death, Gu Liu realized that things were not good.

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