I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 4 Monsters have races, ghosts have families

Meng Fei made a hand gesture, as if he wanted to kill the little demon.

However, before he could take action, he was stopped by Gu Liu.

"Wait a minute, let him finish speaking first."

Gu Liu signaled, and Meng Fei understood.

But he didn't let go of the big foot that was suppressing the little demon's head. Not only that, he also increased the intensity to force the little demon to confess.

The little demon's tight mouth was making a sound with great difficulty at this time. Even though it was blurry, it was barely audible.

"Donkey-faced Taoist priest, you don't know what 'monsters have races and ghosts have families', right?! In addition, my master is not a powerful being. You should understand what I'm saying, right? Haha, I want to That’s it, even though I will die, I feel happy when I think about you being eaten, hahaha!”

"court death!"

Meng Fei shouted angrily and stepped down, crushing the little demon directly.

While Meng Fei was still immersed in his own power, Gu Liu's two brows had already had an amazing struggle.

"Hey, that's not it. It sounds so bluffing."

Of course, Meng Fei's ability to say such confident words was entirely due to his abnormal factor of getting stronger as he died.

But for Gu Liu, whose flesh and blood body cannot be reborn, life is precious, so naturally it is different.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, with worry written all over his face, and said: "I should have thought of it, how could this ghost master who suddenly appeared with less than one-tenth of the strength of other ghost masters in Fenggui Village be an ordinary ghost?" … Behind this ghost is a terrifying ghost family.”

"Well, I can understand that demons have races, but what does it mean for ghosts to have families?" Meng Fei asked confused.

Gu Liu shook his head and said helplessly: "It's very simple. The whole family is dead."


"Is this kind of ghost family scary?"

"It's quite scary! The bond of blood leads to a terrible result, that is, a yaksha will appear in a ghost family! It is also the so-called big ghost."

After listening to Gu Liu's explanation and Gu Liu's previous explanation of his strength, Meng Fei learned the fact that if all four of Gu Liu's senior brothers who are still alive are added up, unless their former senior brother is still alive, otherwise, Even if the four of them go together, they can only barely deal with a Yaksha.

Not to mention, Gu Liu, who was the least powerful, was alone.

At this point, Meng Fei instantly understood that Gu Liu was helpless when faced with such a difficult and desperate matter.

"What should we do? Do we need to inform your senior brothers?" Meng Fei asked.

Gu Liu shook his head again, as if he had lost his soul, and even said with a self-deprecating smile: "I caused a big disaster because of my weakness. Under such circumstances, what dignity and qualifications do I have to ask for help?" Senior brothers?"

Meng Fei looked at his decadent look. He felt that he had to bear some responsibility for this bad thing. Moreover, Gu Liu also put all the blame on his own weakness, and did not even complain about Meng Fei at all.

It was obvious that he could just walk away, but it was Meng Fei who made him turn his head, but the result of this turn was completely different.

In the end, it led them to a road of no return.

"How much time do we have left?" Meng Fei asked.

Gu Liu looked at the sky and said dullly: "I don't know, it just depends on how far away the Yaksha is from us..."

This also shocked Meng Fei, which meant that they were now facing a dangerous existence that would come to take their lives at any time.

Maybe the next moment, he appeared behind them.

However, at this moment, Meng Fei had another idea. He suddenly smiled and said to Gu Liu, "I say, Taoist priest, do you dare to think about it?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Let's kill Yaksha!"


Gu Liu almost choked to death on a ball of his own saliva, and on his red face where he was choking, there were two eyes as big as copper bells.

He looked at Meng Fei silently, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched.

At that moment, Gu Liu said nothing, but it seemed that he had said everything.

Kill Yaksha? !

What are you thinking about?

If Gu Liu really wanted to do this, why would he sit here with a dejected look on his face?

If his words really come true, then he might really be able to conquer the world with just his words.

But the reality is cruel.

"Brother Meng Fei, if you are not afraid of death, I am still afraid."

Gu Liu said bitterly, but his mood seemed to have improved a little because of Meng Fei's blind confidence in his overestimation of his abilities.

"Look at what you said. Am I the kind of fool who wants to die? Now that I have spoken out, I have my reasons. Just listen to me."

"Okay, let me hear what you say."

Gu Liu was also curious about what was going on in Meng Fei's mind.

Meng Fei smiled slightly, with a meaningful smile on his face, and said: "You and I are dead together. After all, the target of Yaksha is not just one of you and me, but have you ever thought about a question? "

"what is the problem?"

"You have to think about this question, why can Yasha find us?"

Regarding this issue, Gu Liu also thought about it seriously. This was indeed an issue that he had ignored. After all, although Yasha could feel that his child had been wiped out, that was probably all.

Thinking about it, Gu Liu looked back at Fenggui Village, which had become a wilderness. Suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and he thought of the important point.

"It's the breath! I know. Although I have fought and even seen Yasha before, I have heard of it. I heard that ghosts of this level have a way to lock the breath, and the one we are facing , locked the aura on his child, and now if he wants to find us, he must rely on the aura on our body, because his child has disappeared, and the lock is on us! "

Gu Liu suddenly realized that he had changed his previous decadence, and his whole body seemed to be full of energy.

Meng Fei was extremely relieved to see him like this and said, "So do we have a solution?"

"Of course there is. Since our aura has been locked, then just beat us to death with a stick and cut off our aura. Although it is temporary, if we can support it to our senior brothers, everything will be fine!"

"Where are your senior brothers?"

"They're actually not together, but it's okay. As long as one is found, he can call the others instantly."

"Whose skill is that?"

"It's my third senior brother, Taoist Master Baixiao."

Just say it.

Gu Liu took out a piece of paper with red letters and yellow background, about the size of a knuckle.

Then Gu Liu threw it in the air, made a seal in his hand, and said in his mouth: "In my name, summon the life talisman to guide my senior brother Baixiao to his position."

The yellow paper piece responded, its whole body emitting a strange light.

And under the gaze of the two people, the yellow paper slowly flew in one direction.

There it points southwest.


Looking in that direction, Gu Liu calmly uttered these two words, and then strode to follow.

Meng Fei followed closely behind, but there was a worried look on his face. For no other reason than that, he wanted to know one thing.

That is, without modern and developed transportation, how long would they have to go on this journey?

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