Everything I know from the old man.

The story starts a month ago.

There was no difference between then and now. The snowy and cold nights tortured and destroyed everyone in Hanyue State.

Some people died of hunger and cold, while others chose to become the living dead, forever immersed in that illusory dream.

Although the two brothers are young, the eldest Xu Zhengxin is fourteen years old, the younger Xu Zhengyi is twelve years old, and the elder brother is only two years older.

The two brothers, whose parents died when they were young, had no one to rely on, but they managed to survive for such a long time in such an environment.

And the only way for them to survive is by stealing.

There was no other way, and it was usually the elder brother Xu Zhengxin who did these things. Every time he stole some food or some coarse clothes, the two brothers could barely survive.

There are even some people who have been stolen by him who understand him very well, especially some older people. They feel distressed when they see the two brothers relying on each other, and since they are old themselves, it is better to help them. , so they will even deliberately place food in conspicuous places for them to steal.

After Xu Zhengxin came, he was an extremely sensible child and seemed to know the good intentions of those old people, so he only took a little each time and left some for those kind-hearted old people.

But his kindness had no effect. The food he left behind often ended up in other people's stomachs.

After two years, Hanyue State could still hold on in the first year, but in the second year, this year, it almost fell directly into a great famine.

Cold can be resisted, but hunger cannot.

One month ago.

"Come on, Justice, let's eat!"

In the dilapidated house, all kinds of coarse cloth and rags were piled on the ground in a mess, just to separate themselves from the cold ground.

On the pile of clothes, Xu Zhengyi was breathing heavily, his body tightly wrapped in a quilt full of patches. His entire face even turned red, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his eyes even burst into tears. Turn white.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Xu Zhengxin was a little confused when he looked at his brother who was wrapped up in a ball, so he put down the food he stole today and walked to Xu Zhengyi.

He came to his younger brother and said with shock on his face: "Zhengyi, what's wrong with you?!"

Seeing his brother's uncomfortable look, he became extremely anxious and put his hand on his brother's forehead. A burning sensation immediately came from his hand.

"It's so hot!" Xu Zhengxin immediately ran to the side and started rummaging.

"Just wait, Zhengyi. Brother will take you to see a doctor right away. Be sure to hold on and don't close your eyes!"

After hearing his brother's words, Xu Zhengyi tried hard to stay awake.

At this time, Xu Zhengxin was rummaging around. Because he didn't have the strength to carry Xu Zhengyi on his back, he could only think of other ways.

At this time, he was also looking for something.

This abandoned house was very dilapidated, so many messy things could be found, but he didn't waste his time.

Soon, Xu Zhengxin found several wooden boards and a rope.

So he put the pieces of wood together and connected them with ropes.

After that, he put his brother on the wooden board, lifted the rope from his shoulders, and quickly rushed into the outside world.

Although there will definitely be no shortage of doctors to treat diseases in Hanyue Prefecture, during these times, the doctor closest to them is no longer alive, so they have to go farther away to find it.

Along the way, Xu Zhengxin asked people on the road. Some people thought they were beggars, so they didn't dare to pay attention to them. Others didn't know, and only a few people could get some information.

Anyone who knows where a doctor is will almost always tell him, and then he will use all his strength to rush there with his brother.

Along the way, Xu Zhengxin's hands holding the rope had already opened bloody wounds due to too much force and the extremely cold weather. He could only grit his teeth and endure it. He couldn't stop until his brother recovered. Step down.

Finally, Huangtian paid off. After almost a day of searching, he finally arrived at the doctor's house who was still alive.

He knocked on the cold ice door, and there was a knife stuck in the crack of the ice door. But this is normal. Many people do this because they are afraid that the door will be frozen and cannot be opened.

The skates slid up and down, and the doctor with a woolen beard appeared in front of Xu Zhengxin.

After Xu Zhengxin saw him, a smile finally appeared on his face. Then he collapsed due to overwork and cold, and his eyes slowly closed at this moment.

"My child, you are very weak. I will treat you immediately." The doctor looked at the child who fell down due to weakness in front of him and said distressedly.

However, as soon as he said these words, Xu Zhengxin's eyes that were about to be closed immediately opened. He grabbed the doctor's trousers and said tremblingly: "Don't... leave me alone, save my brother first, please..."


His hand fell, and he finally passed out because he was too weak.

Only then did the doctor notice the body on the board behind him, panting heavily in discomfort.

"Shu Zhen! Come out quickly and carry someone!"

The doctor immediately shouted into the room, and a woman of about the same age as him appeared at the door. Without thinking much, she and the doctor immediately brought them both into the house.

After three days of treatment, the two brothers finally woke up, but Xu Zhengyi was still relatively weak in bed.

"Where is my brother? Doctor?! How is he?"

The first thing Xu Zhengxin did when he woke up was to find the doctor and ask about his brother's condition.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong at the moment, you can go back, but there are some issues you have to pay attention to, that is, your brother's face has a fever and frostbite, so he may not be able to make any expressions in the future. And he is still very weak, so he must eat more than usual in the future, otherwise if he does not handle this recovery period well, he will suffer from the disease in the future." The doctor looked at Xu Zhengxin seriously every word. He ordered.

"I understand, thank you doctor! Well..." Xu Zhengxin was suddenly speechless. After all, he didn't have any money to pay for the medicine.

The doctor saw what he meant, so he stroked his woolen beard and said, "You don't need to care. The world is desolate now, and money is no longer around."

"Thank you, thank you doctor!"

Xu Zhengxin thanked the doctor repeatedly.

Afterwards, Xu Zhengxin took his brother back and was about to go back. The doctor stopped him and handed him some fruits to take back and eat.

Xu Zhengxin took the things and then looked at the doctor quietly. The doctor nodded slightly and said nothing.

Soon after Xu Zhengxin left with his younger brother, the sound of conversation also appeared in the doctor's room.

"Can that little fruit help them?"

"It's better than nothing."

"That's true."

"You won't blame me for sharing my cherished food with them, right?"

"How could that be? This is why I chose you in the first place..."

Return home.

Xu Zhengyi finally returned to normal consciousness, but he was still weak and could only lie on the floor piled with clothes, and even had to be fed.

This has been going on for a few days. Every day, the elder brother brings food to the younger brother and then eats some for himself. But if this continues, Xu Zhengyi's body remains the same without any change. One day he even fell into a coma. Case.

So, Xu Zhengxin made a decision to give all the food he found to his brother.

And after two days of this, Xu Zhengyi's condition really got much better.

Seeing this situation, Xu Zhengxin was very happy, so he started doing it every day.

All the food he found every day was given to his younger brother, and as for himself, he got some crushed ice cubes to eat.

"Brother, have you eaten?"

"Of course, look, my mouth is still bulging!"

This conversation was finally broken one day when Xu Zhengxin finally couldn't hold on any longer and fainted as he approached the door.

After waking up, he still didn't eat any food and gave everything to his brother.

But if this continues, he will not be able to hold on. Finally one day, an old man dies. This old man usually pays close attention to the two brothers, so before his death, he made preparations to give them all the food. This time Xu Zhengxin was not polite and took everything away.

He took out a small amount and divided it into many small portions, which will be his future dry food.

The rest were all left to his younger brother.

Seeing that his younger brother can already move normally, although his face has a stiff expression, this is enough for him.

However, bad luck continued, and such days did not last.

Because soon, in this short half month, there were fewer and fewer people around, and in the end even Xu Zhengxin couldn't steal anything.

And this also illustrates a terrifying phenomenon, that is, the people in Hanyue State, relying on the once blessed land, almost everyone also has some pretty thick food reserves, but today, there are only a few people who can hold on. , the end of the entire Hanyue State is not far away.

So Xu Zhengxin had to run further away, but the harvest in one day was barely enough for one person.

But he still gave everything to his brother.

The only constant dialogue is still those two sentences.

"Brother, have you eaten?"

"Of course, look, my mouth is still bulging!"

Then something worse happened.

As time went on, everything became more brutal.

Xu Zhengxin didn't find any food for two consecutive days. On the third day, the two brothers went out together, but still got nothing.

Xu Zhengyi, who had been hungry for three days, had to rely on crushed ice to fill his stomach, but he still fainted from hunger.

When Xu Zhengxin saw this, he suppressed the dizziness in his head. He covered his younger brother with a quilt and went out alone.

He walked a long way, tears streaming down the sides of his cheeks, and he regarded his brother as his everything.

He still remembered that when he was a child, when other children were teasing him as an orphan, his silly brother would always jump out and say,

"My brother is not an orphan, he still has me!"

At that moment, his heart was extremely warm. He had lost everything, but there was still everything.

His brother was everything to him.

"Do you want food?"

"Who? Who's talking?"

Suddenly, Xu Zhengxin, who was walking aimlessly, heard voices beside him.

He turned his gaze in the direction of the sound.

He saw an altar made of stone in front of him, and it had not been affected by any ice or snow.

"Is it you who's talking?"

"Yes. Do you want food? If so, hey, you get what you pay for."

"But I don't have money..."

"No money, hey, what I want is your flesh!"

"What?!... Um... Do you mean what you said?"

"Of course, yes, the food and knife are already here, you know what to do, right? No, no, no, if you try to be clever, your pocket will be empty!"

After Xu Zhengxin put the things down, a few fragrant buns suddenly appeared inside.

At this moment, his extremely tangled mind was directly figured out, so he picked up the knife and pointed it at his ankle without any hesitation...

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