The pain of a broken foot was something that a fourteen-year-old boy could not bear.

Even though he was far stronger and more mature than his age, the extremely painful feeling rushed into his head at that moment, and he suddenly felt as if his head was filled with stones and was as dull as a stone.

At this time, pictures from the past began to appear in his mind uncontrollably.

The crazy rush of memories made it difficult for him to even see the way home. He could only crawl on the ground, holding on to the ice with his injured palms.

Because it was too slippery, he didn't have to exert much strength to hold on to the ice.

The other hand tightly grasped the bag containing the buns.

He crawled hard, but after that, there was not much pain from the wounds on his body.

On the contrary, a very peaceful feeling suddenly came to his head, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He didn't know what he was doing.

But there was a message in his mind that if he didn't get this done, he would die in peace.

As a result, his body continued to move and crawl, even though his eyes began to see clearly.

But follow the direction in your heart, that is the direction of home.

Finally, he stopped in front of a shabby house.

He tremblingly stretched out the hand that was holding the bag tightly. In his last glance, he saw a familiar face. That face could neither laugh nor cry, but in his mind, there was a face that was also the same. The same one, and with an innocent smile that made him happy.

"Justice, it's time to eat."

These were his last words.

At this time, the sun came out. Although it would not have any impact on the coldness of Hanyue State, it was like a ray of dawn, always giving people unlimited expectations.

The sun shone on his body, and under the refraction of light from all directions, golden light shone on him, which was the color of his soul.

Xu Zhengyi saw the body under the golden light. He rushed forward and saw his motionless brother. He even forgot all his hunger and immediately placed his brother on the wooden board he had made for himself.

This time, let me save you.

However, the ending was tragic. His brother had already died and became a cold corpse.

The story of the two brothers ends here.

After hearing everything, Meng Fei and Gu Liu didn't say anything for a long time.

They didn't know what to say, but they corrected their attitude and became clearer about what they should do.

"I will definitely cut that monster into pieces." Meng Fei said this without any strong anger. There was only determination in his eyes.

"I hope so." The old Taoist expressed more hope. After all, he had seen a glimpse of Meng Fei's strength, so he naturally knew that he was no ordinary person.

At this time, Xu Zhengyi finally woke up in Gu Liu's arms. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, and then said to several people: "I had a dream."

"What dream?"

"I dreamed that my brother talked to me a lot, and now I know what to do."

"That's good."

After saying that, Gu Liu asked him to eat, and he ate obediently. It seemed that he was indeed much better. Then he took Xu Zhengyi to find a place to settle his brother first, and promised that after everything was over , will bury his brother well.

Meng Fei, on the other hand, asked the old Taoist, "Do you know where the altar he encountered is?"

"I don't know." He shook his head helplessly.

Then, the old Taoist added thoughtfully: "Don't look for it either, because I have searched everywhere and found that this thing does not exist at all, so I have a bold idea."

"Do you want to talk about the singularity array?" Gu Liu, who was on the side, had been listening to their conversation and probably had his own guess.

The old Taoist nodded and said straightly: "Yes, it is the singular point array!"

"What is a singular lattice?" Obviously, this question undoubtedly came from Meng Fei.

It was Gu Liu who also explained to Meng Fei, "The Singular Point Array is a kind of strange array. What I mean here is that the monster has put all the altars into the Singular Point Array. The Singular Point Array almost covers The whole Hanyue State, and those altars will continue to move in the singularity array, looking for their prey, and whenever a certain triggering condition is reached, a corresponding altar will appear. "

"In other words, when a person's desire to do something in his heart is even greater than life and death, then the altar is very likely to appear?" Meng Fei asked rhetorically.

"Yes, it can be understood that way. This is the effect of the singular point array, so if we look for it blankly, we will never find it." Gu Liu replied.

"But, I have a question. It is obvious that the altar can absorb people's lives without appearing, but why does it still appear on its own initiative?" Meng Fei was extremely puzzled.

Regarding this question, it is not a strange question. Gu Liu answered in one breath: "The altar does not appear because it is passively absorbed, which means that it will be triggered after the death of those people. The vitality absorbed in this way has a certain degree of repulsion, and The life that is voluntarily sacrificed is almost non-repulsive and is more conducive to the cultivation of monsters. "

"So that's it." Meng Fei realized, and then he asked: "What are the triggering conditions in the information learned so far?"

"We can think about it. As far as the child's current experience is concerned, we should think about one of the conditions of the altar. Is it the mentality of being willing to die for food, or the mentality of being willing to die for others? I think it should be one of these two." The old Taoist analyzed.

"I think it is the latter." Meng Fei said seriously.

Gu Liu also nodded in agreement.

After all, there are probably many people who die for food in Hanyue State, and the altar does not appear so often, so it is obviously not this factor.

Then the latter makes more sense. After all, in this environment, people are almost thinking about their own life and death, so how can they care about the life and death of others.

But the problem came again. Xu Zhengyi just had this idea, but there was no abnormality. It seemed that there was something missing that they did not notice.

"Do you think there is any other problem?" Meng Fei was still not very clear about this matter, so he had to ask the two people in front of him.

After all, they are all serious Taoists, and they must know more than him.

The Taoist priest and Gu Liu were both lost in thought. They were confused, as if they had missed some important places.

"My brother should have died at night..." Xu Zhengyi, who was beside Gu Liu, suddenly spoke up. This was actually the conclusion he had drawn from Gu Liu's words.

His words shocked and comforted the others. He seemed to understand what they wanted to do, so he tried to provide everything he knew.

And his words really woke everyone up instantly.

"There is more than one condition!"

"Yes, there should also be night, a single person, and a strong desire to die for others!"

"Then the question is again, once the altar appears, how can we keep it for a while?"

"Well... this?"


The others encountered a problem again, because what they had to do was to make the altar appear, and then use the Zhenxian Talisman to show the monster's spiritual power left on the altar, and this spiritual power was weak and incomplete, so they had to find all the altars.

However, the use of the True Manifestation Talisman takes a certain amount of time, but who has the ability to hold the altar for a while?

Moreover, the biggest problem is that the altar will quickly absorb the vitality of the trader after the transaction is completed, so who can withstand this suicidal torment?

However, this is just the old Taoist's helpless and ignorant idea.

Because he didn't know that the man named Meng Fei in front of him was least afraid of death.

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