If you tell me Meng Fei's true ability, even the most experienced people wouldn't believe it.

But this was not the time to explain these things. Meng Fei just volunteered to lead the altar.

"I'll do it. I'm already old, but you're still young." Lao Tao doesn't want Lao Dao to make unnecessary sacrifices, and he's a seemingly very strong person. This will be a huge loss.

Meng Fei would naturally shirk it, so he said to the old man in a rude voice: "You also know that you are old, so you should understand that you can't last long, right?"

The old Taoist was silenced by what he said. Indeed, in his current state, he was too talkative and could not stand facing the altar.

"Don't worry, just leave this kind of thing to him, just trust him!" Gu Liu said to him confidently.

The veteran couldn't say anything more and could only follow their instructions.

As for the so-called action, it is almost just left to the two young people in front of him to do it, and he doesn't have anything else to do at all.

So much so that just telling them the important clues was the most critical thing he could do.

As for other things, just leave it to them.

Before night came, a few people were naturally eating.

What surprised them was that Xu Zhengyi had a small body but a big appetite. Because of Meng Fei's generosity, he was allowed to eat as much as he wanted. Unexpectedly, this guy actually finished the food for three people by himself.

It can be seen that he has been very hungry for such a long time, and everyone can understand.

At this time, Meng Fei was preparing to enter the state of mind needed at night, and on Gu Liu's side, he was dancing his sword skills.

According to him, the sword technique of their Xuanzhen sect is called "Cross Sword Technique", which can stab ghosts horizontally and chop demons vertically.

Thinking back to when he was in Fenggui Village, he could kill evil spirits with a horizontal thrust of his sword, and now he is also practicing his vertical chop skills.

Along the way, Meng Fei was almost always dealing with all kinds of monsters and monsters, which caused him to be idle for so long.

In his words, if he continues like this, he won't even be able to beat a kid.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is definitely not good to continue like this. After all, Meng Fei is already strong enough to defeat the Yaksha demon, but he is still a little Taoist priest who can only run when he sees the Yaksha demon. How can that be possible?

So everyone ignored him and let him practice there. At this time, the one who had been paying attention to him was Xu Zhengyi, who was doing nothing.

Xu Zhengyi was sitting on the threshold at this time, looking at Gu Liu dancing the talisman sword with a serious face, and he was fascinated. He didn't know how long he watched, and there was even drool at the corner of his mouth, which showed how serious he was.

It was Gu Liu's time to rest, and he also noticed Xu Zhengyi who was beside him and couldn't be more serious.

"What's the matter? Zhengyi, are you interested in swords?" Gu Liu stepped forward and asked harmoniously.

Xu Zhengyi tilted his head, his eyes full of confusion, as if he was immersed in a special state.

He continued in this state for a while. After returning to normal, he suddenly said to Gu Liu: "Can I try it?"

"Try it?" Gu Liu was a little confused by his words.

Then he tentatively pointed to the sword in his hand, and received a positive response from Xu Zhengyi.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Liu asked him worriedly.

Seeing his worried look, Xu Zhengyi hurriedly explained: "It's okay. I said try it because I wanted to try your move just now."

"Haha, are you kidding? You just watched it once, how could it be possible? Even if you can do it, it's just an action. It's only the form but not the intention. If you are interested, I will teach you slowly. "Gu Liu said to him with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Xu Zhengyi touched his head.

"You talk such nonsense, why don't you let others try it!"

Suddenly, Meng Fei, who didn't mind the matter, seemed to have just heard their conversation, so he fanned the flames next to him.

"Why are you here to join in the fun again? Are you ready for tonight?" Gu Liu was speechless for a while when he saw his unserious look.

Unexpectedly, Meng Fei didn't listen at all, but directly snatched Gu Liu's sword and handed it to Xu Zhengyi.

Xu Zhengyi looked at Gu Liu and Meng Fei with some anxiety. He felt a little afraid, but Meng Fei told him to just do it with confidence, so he mustered up the courage.

"Oh, you are responsible for anything that goes wrong." Gu Liu could only complain helplessly to Meng Fei.

"It's okay, I'm watching." Meng Fei said confidently.

Then, after getting the Fu Guang Sword, Xu Zhengyi was posing in a decent manner.

With a horizontal stab, the air in front of him was disturbed. With a vertical slash, the Fu Light Sword immediately drew a beautiful arc.

"Okay!" Meng Fei couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised.

Looking at Gu Liu at this time, there was no embarrassment on his face, but an expression of admiration. He couldn't help but said: "This kid, I didn't see it, turned out to be a genius! "

"How about it, are you slapped in the face?" Meng Fei said angrily beside Gu Liu.

This made Gu Liu angry with black lines on his face, but he couldn't refute it. After all, he really didn't expect that this kid could actually know it at a glance, and he had learned the Tao Yun in it without any teacher.

Therefore, Gu Liu did not argue with Meng Fei, but instead discussed Xu Zhengyi's talent, "Zhengyi learned my Cross Sword Technique at a glance. He is really good. I wonder if he is willing to..."

"Ha? You don't want Zhengyi to be a Taoist priest with you, do you? Goodbye, he is just a child, and he hasn't experienced many beautiful things in this world yet, don't hurt him!" Meng Fei obviously understood Gu Liu's thoughts very well.

After all, when Gu Liu saw that he had the ability to revive, he also brainwashed him...

Gu Liu glanced at Meng Fei directly, with an expression that he didn't want to talk to him more.

And this time Gu Liu didn't care about Meng Fei. While Meng Fei was not paying attention, he rushed directly to Xu Zhengyi and began to explain everything about Taoist priests to him word by word.

He even took out a few talisman papers to demonstrate, as if he wanted Xu Zhengyi to take a look and see if he could learn it at once. If he could, then Gu Liu could be said to have discovered a child with a talent close to that of the senior brother, which would be a great gain.

At the same time, his face was still excited and nervous, and his eyes were shining, but this light seemed to be weakening little by little.

"You guy..." Meng Fei looked at everything in front of him and was speechless.

However, after a while, Gu Liu came back in disgrace.

"What's wrong? Have you found your conscience?" Meng Fei said sarcastically.

Gu Liu shook his head in extreme disappointment and said helplessly:

"Justice is just a simple swordsmanship genius, and he knows nothing else!"

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