Zhengyi is just a pure swordsmanship genius.

And he is not very good at other things.

This also illustrates a problem very well.

That is, the two brothers survived almost entirely by stealing, but generally speaking, only the elder brother Xu Zhengxin was stealing, and he did not take action.

It may be because Xu Zhengyi did not learn stealing well enough. This kind of thing is not presentable. If you don’t have a superb skill, it won’t work at all.

That’s why it has always been the elder brother who has been doing these things.

And his talent in swordsmanship was also discovered by the two of them suddenly. If you say that they were poor and destitute before, how could they have the opportunity to come into contact with things like swords.

So if this talent hadn’t met Meng Fei and his group, it would probably be buried here forever.

“Can I follow you in the future?”

At this time, Xu Zhengyi stopped his hand and said at the same time after giving the sword to Gu Liu.

Although there was still no expression on his face, everyone could see his seriousness from his eyes.

"This..." Meng Fei was a little speechless. After all, following them was not a fun thing and it was not a joke.

"I also have no home to go, but I still have things I want to do. After half a day, I know that you are all demon slayers, right? And my brother's death is also closely related to them! I have decided that I want to be a demon slayer like you!" Zhengyi's eyes were full of seriousness and desire. Maybe because he couldn't make an expression, his eyes made people's emotions more deeply affected by it.

"I don't dare to be a hero..."

After hearing this taboo, the two people felt a little uncomfortable.

They thought about it. For Meng Fei, taking him with him might affect their progress a little, and for Gu Liu, Xu Zhengyi couldn't learn magic, and he was somewhat disappointed.

Although he learned the cross sword formula at a glance, if he didn't use magic, it would have no effect on ghosts and monsters.

If he was taken to slay demons in the future, he would have to help.

But thinking over and over again, if they didn't take him with them, then Xu Zhengyi would have nowhere to go.

We can't just leave him alone, after all the entanglements, the two finally compromised helplessly.

However, this is not completely without benefits. If his sword is really superb in the future, then it will only benefit the two of them.

After hearing the two people's agreement, Xu Zhengyi did not care about their extremely far-fetched tone and expression, and a long-lost joy appeared in his eyes.


Night fell.

The long and ordinary night was extraordinary for several people.

Meng Fei.

The moonlight illuminated the frozen world of Hanyuezhou with a different kind of beauty, and he stood under the moonlight, of course, not to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

"I would rather sacrifice for others..."

He kept repeating this sentence in his mind, but he had no reaction in his mind and emotions.

Deliberately doing it often does not achieve the desired effect, which is an extremely unfavorable fact for them.

And Gu Liu had already made all preparations in secret. Once the altar appeared, he would immediately start to activate the True Manifestation Talisman to expose the spiritual power on the altar and seize it.

During this period, no problems or mistakes can occur. Once a mistake is made, it will be difficult for them to carry out the following things.

So they must be fully alert.

Meng Fei here is also trying to enter that state.

The strong mentality of dying for others can make an altar appear.

This is actually not an easy thing for Meng Fei, but once he does it, it will be safer, with minimal or even no casualties.

For Meng Fei, the biggest difficulty is that it is difficult for him to enter that state.

He is not a natural actor, so how can he enter the state by entering the emotions?

So, he can only try to force himself into it, such as entering a state of wanting to die for his lover.

At this time, two people, a man and a woman, reached the edge of the cliff, and then he was holding his beautiful girlfriend who was hanging in the air with his hands. He was very sad and would rather be the one below.

But this fantasy was soon shattered.

Because Meng Fei suddenly remembered that he was still a single dog for ten thousand years, and he had no concrete concept of the kind of love between him and his lover, let alone the moment of life and death.

And all he could think of was his family.

But it was a bit inappropriate to use his family as a guide at this time.

However, Meng Fei remembered his grandfather at this time. His grandfather heard from his family that he had participated in the war.

So although Meng Fei had never seen him, he had always inspired his soul as if he were alive. Some people left, but they never left.

Thinking of his grandfather whom he had never met, he suddenly felt emotional, and a cold stream of sadness passed through his heart. He began to regret that he had never seen that person.

There was no appearance of him in his memory. Meng Fei felt extremely painful. At that moment, he even had the mentality of preferring himself to death rather than his grandfather's death.

"Do you have any wishes? I will fulfill them for you. Hehe."

At this moment, a gloomy voice appeared beside Meng Fei.

Meng Fei glanced and saw that the altar really appeared.

He succeeded, but he hadn't gotten over the emotion yet, so he took a short break, and then came back to his senses and started communicating with the altar in front of him.

"You're using this way of pretending to be stunned to delay time! You're really good, I'll take care of you next!"

On the other side, Gu Liu saw the altar appear, and because Meng Fei was stunned for a while, he was delayed in vain, so he started to move directly, and he couldn't fall behind.

"Why should I believe you?" Meng Fei responded to the altar with disdain.

"You can just say something first." The altar also answered with great confidence.

Meng Fei suddenly became interested, with a strange light in his eyes, and then he pretended to be difficult and said: "Then you turn out a mobile phone for me! I'll make a call!"

"Mobile phone?"

A very confused voice came from the altar.


Meng Fei couldn't help laughing, and then he said with disdain: "How is it? It's not working, right?"

"Explain first, what is a mobile phone?" A very puzzled voice came from the altar.

"Hahahaha!" Meng Fei finally couldn't help laughing, and then he stepped forward and patted the altar, saying very dishonestly: "Mobile phone, that's not something you can understand, so you can't transform it at all, don't tease me!"


The altar suddenly stopped making any sound.

And Meng Fei also found something strange.

Two strands of smoke flew out of the altar, one flew to where Gu Liu was, and the other flew to Meng Fei's body.

Of course, this is not something that ordinary people can see.

But Meng Fei's eyes certainly can't measure it with common sense, so he can see it naturally.

He also clearly understood that one was the spiritual power that Gu Liu sucked out with the Zhenxian Talisman, and the other was an evil thing that could suck away his vitality.

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