"You need to bring something in exchange!"

The altar is, after all, just an altar without intelligence, but once it appears, it will complete what it should do.

That is to take the life of the triggerer.

But the exchange object was still brought out by it, although it didn't matter whether it was taken or not.

At this moment, Meng Fei felt a sense of discomfort in his heart.

He knew that his vitality had begun to be invaded.

The altar in front of him was also disappearing little by little in the visible world.

This did not make Meng Fei show any worry, and because the altar suddenly raised the issue of exchange, Meng Fei suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

So, at this moment, he held the Demon Slayer Sword he got from Wugong City in his hand.

He gritted his teeth hard, with a ferocious expression on his face. In an instant, he clenched the Demon Slayer Sword and cut off his left hand.

Meng Fei's left hand fell on the altar, and he also truly felt the powerful suppression ability of the Demon Slayer Sword at this time, and his healing ability that he had before was also gone at this moment.

The intense pain made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Meng Fei, what are you doing?"

Gu Liu saw something was wrong after collecting the spiritual power, so he rushed to him immediately and looked at Meng Fei with a puzzled look.

However, Meng Fei, who was now suffering from the intense pain, had no time to care about him.

Gu Liu even took out the talisman paper with the spiritual power engraved on it and showed it to Meng Fei, saying: "The thing has been obtained, no need to torture yourself anymore!"

Seeing that Meng Fei still did not respond, he was a little anxious.

Not knowing what happened, he had to observe the surroundings.

There was still a corner of the altar that was about to disappear, and Meng Fei's left arm was actually bloody.

His hand was chopped off, and it was by himself!

"Why did you do this?"

Gu Liu was very puzzled.

Looking at Meng Fei's painful appearance, he planned to kill Meng Fei directly and then revive him.

And this night, only the two of them were here to deal with things, so there was no disturbance from others.

So, Gu Liu took out his sword, took a deep breath, and slowly extended the sword to Meng Fei's neck.

"I can be resurrected..." Gu Liu kept comforting himself in his heart.

In order not to see the moment when the sword passed over his neck, Gu Liu turned his head to the other side, and the altar was just visible there.

And the altar completely disappeared at this time.

Gu Liu also closed his eyes at this time and began to exert force on his hands.

It should be less than an instant to wipe out Meng Fei!

And at this moment, Gu Liu suddenly felt an extremely powerful big hand grabbing him.

He looked closely and found that it was Meng Fei's hand that was still there.

And his knife also passed over Meng Fei's neck. Meng Fei turned his head to look at him and showed a mysterious smile.


Suddenly, Gu Liu felt that the world in front of him suddenly went dark.

And the next second, it immediately recovered.

He rubbed his eyes and found that he was in a strange world.

Here, his feet were covered with regular rune marks, and even emitting strange lights.

This area seemed to be a specially opened area. It was originally dark, but under the light of the rune marks, everything around could be barely seen.

In this area, you can see all kinds of things flying around like light spots, even flashing.

Its speed is too fast and it is very difficult to grasp.

"Don't look at it."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind Gu Liu.

Turning around, he found that Meng Fei was standing on an altar.

"Why are you here? Oh, no, why are we here? Where is this place?" Gu Liu's head is now full of confusion.

Meng Fei stared at his intact left hand with a satisfied look. He didn't explain anything to Gu Liu, but told him some previous things.

"Before, when fighting with the Yaksha..."

At that time, because he fought with the Yaksha for too long, Gu Liu naturally couldn't watch it all the time, but slept soundly on the side, and occasionally got up to see the situation.

So, what he didn't know was.

Meng Fei not only improved his strength a lot at that time, but also found the characteristics of his resurrection in the battle.

First of all, the direction of strengthening after resurrection is the physical body, which is naturally needless to say, and then the extent of strengthening. Almost every time Meng Fei is resurrected, he can be about three times stronger than before, and the content of each strengthening is the ability of the physical body that he wants or needs most before his death.

For example, he can't touch demons, so he has a psychic body after resurrection. His strength is insufficient, and he has strong power after resurrection, and so on.

However, these are not his most special gains. The most special point is his research on the resurrection position.

Before, Meng Fei thought that this was uncontrollable, and he would appear behind the nearest person after resurrection every time.

Later, Meng Fei discovered that this was just the default resurrection position when he did not choose.

In fact, he can choose to resurrect at the place he wants to go.

But the premise is that he must have a general appearance of that place in his head.

And there is a life form or any place in his physical body as a reference point.

For example, if he wants to be resurrected behind Gu Liu, then Gu Liu is the reference point, and the scene behind Gu Liu must be visible in his mind.

What Meng Fei just wanted to do was to use this method to directly reach the place where all the altars are located - the singularity array.

Although he saw the altar, he had no memory or appearance of the singularity array in his mind.

So directly using the altar as a reference point will not allow you to reach the singularity array, and there is another important problem, that is, the altar is not a living body, so it cannot be used as a reference point at all.

Therefore, Meng Fei had a bold idea, which was to cut off his hand and let it fall on the altar, and all parts of his body could be used as reference points!

So he set the place he wanted to go as the altar, and he could successfully reach the singularity array!

"You can actually think of these." Even Gu Liu admired Meng Fei's brain a little, but he also had doubts, "Then how did I get here?"

Meng Fei was also a little surprised. He just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect it to work. After all, he thought at the time that since everything on his body had hardly changed except his physical body when he was resurrected, it would definitely be no problem to bring things.

However, he had never thought about bringing people.

Fortunately, he did it with a try-it attitude, but he didn't expect it to work!

This is undoubtedly another gain, but in general, it is also expected.

"Well... It's within my ability!" Meng Fei didn't know how to explain it to him.

Gu Liu didn't pursue this issue any more, after all, they had more important things in front of them.

Looking at this strange and incomparable field.

At this time, both of them knew that what was in front of them was the singularity array with all the altars.

Gu Liu nodded, and said with certainty and admiration: "Your move is really like a ghost."

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