It's like an endless space here.

They stood on the ground where runes shone.

Both of them knew very well that what they were stepping on was the singularity array.

Now, with Meng Fei's extremely ghostly operations, they actually entered the singularity array directly.

But now their problem is nothing more than facing the flashing lights everywhere.

How do they capture it.

Those light spots were still moving extremely irregularly, which was undoubtedly a problem for the two of them.

For Meng Fei, the scene in front of him was like entering the starry sky of the universe.

The brightness and extinction between the stars are like the flickering of light points, and the movement between them is really similar to everything we see now.

The only difference is that the movement of the light spots here is completely irregular.

"What should I do?" This situation left Gu Liudu a little helpless.

Meng Fei fell into deep thought for a while, looking at the irregularly moving light spots in front of him.

He thought that the irregular movement of these things was just because of the people on the ground. They were based on the activities and fluctuations of the people on the ground.

Basically, as long as someone triggers the condition or dies, the altar will appear and stop there.

Looking around them, they found that there were not many light spots on the altar.

It is even said that it is difficult to see one.

Then I remembered that there were very few living people left in the place where they came from.

The two of them instantly had their own ideas.

"After the conditions are triggered, the altar will enter the real world, but once someone dies, the altar will stop in this formation, and then we can take action." Meng Fei analyzed.

But his method was not appropriate.

Especially Gu Liu, naturally would not agree.

"If we wait like this, by the time we finish the work, the people above will probably be dead. This won't work." Gu Liu objected.

After all, one of them is a human being and the other is a Taoist priest, so they naturally have different views on this issue.

Even if Meng Fei's method does make sense, it is unreasonable.

Meng Fei thought about it and found that his method was indeed inappropriate.

So I calmed down and thought about methods.

But after thinking about it for a long time, it seems that there is no other way.

At this time, they suddenly saw an altar stopped not far away.

Someone is dead!

The two of them hurried forward, and Gu Liu also took this opportunity to imprint the spiritual power on it.

But this is only a drop in the bucket. There are too many altars in this singular point array. The two of them counted at least dozens of altars.

If they really wait like this, then by the time they finish all this, the people above will be almost dead.

Gu Liu walked around anxiously.

Meng Fei sat down a little irritably.

Gu Liu turned his head and saw Meng Fei sitting on the formation with a strange light, and his brows suddenly knitted tightly.

"What's wrong? Can't you sit down?" Meng Fei noticed the weird look in his eyes and asked him in confusion.

Gu Liu did not answer him, but suddenly fell into deep thought.

A question came to his mind, why were these altars so elusive?

That's naturally because of the formation at your feet!

"Meng Fei, why don't we think differently?"

"Speak your mind."

"Isn't the reason why these altars are like this all because of the formation at their feet? So why don't we destroy it?"


Meng Fei was speechless for a while. This was indeed a problem that they had not thought of.

But here comes the problem.

"Then can you break this formation?" Meng Fei asked.

However, just when Meng Fei thought he could break the formation, Gu Liu shook his head helplessly, but at the same time his eyes shone.

He said to Meng Fei with some excitement: "I can't do it, but you can!"

"Me? The key point is that I have never learned formations or anything?!" Meng Fei's face was full of confusion, how could such a thing be linked to him.

"Haha..." Gu Liu smiled and said: "That's because you don't know enough about your psychic body. People with psychic bodies can touch everything related to monsters and monsters, so you can also do this this time. Touch the real thing!”

Meng Fei understood what he meant, so he still said in disbelief: "You mean, I can demolish this formation like a house?"

Gu Liu nodded confidently, extremely confident in his guess.

Meng Fei pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay, let me give it a try!"

After saying that, Meng Fei took a deep breath.

Then, he stood up and began to bombard the ground of the singularity array.

One punch after another, so fast that countless afterimages appeared.

The power unleashed cannot be underestimated.




Under the bombardment of Meng Fei's punches, the formation under his feet appeared like glass with marks that were about to crack.

"It worked! Keep going!" Gu Liu said excitedly from the side.

According to Gu Liu's judgment, when the big demon set up the singular point formation, its strength was probably slightly better than the current Meng Fei, so it was expected that it could destroy the formation it set up!

And here.

As Meng Fei's fists with huge power fell like raindrops, with the sound of breaking, a smile rose on his lips.


"It's open!"

Meng Fei and Gu Liu said excitedly almost in unison.

The formation was broken where Meng Fei's fist hit.

At this time.

The world seemed to be quiet.

The air around seemed to condense, and everything seemed to stop.

The strange light under his feet dissipated, and the erratic altars stopped one after another, and fell on the table in unison, but there was no sound.

The two looked at each other and immediately set off.

Gu Liu stepped forward, took out the Zhenxian Talisman immediately, and also pulled out a piece of black and white talisman paper.

According to him, this black and white talisman paper is a special Qimen Talisman, which can do things that cannot be done normally.

And he took it out at this time to use the Qimen Talisman to copy the Zhenxian Talisman.

Then, the sky full of Zhenxian talismans instantly covered all the altars like a huge cumulus cloud.


Gu Liu shouted.

The golden light in the sky instantly flew towards the talisman paper in his hand.

"Finally done!"

Gu Liu said excitedly.

Then, the talisman paper with strange golden light was wrapped in his palm.

He kept chanting the formula in his mouth, and finally spread his palm.

A golden butterfly appeared in front of the two.

The golden butterfly kept flapping its wings, as if urging the two.

Then, the butterfly flew in one direction.


Gu Liu patted Meng Fei's shoulder.

The two followed immediately.

The place where the golden butterfly flew was exactly the direction pointed by the spiritual power.

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