The golden butterfly flew in one direction in this singular array.

The formation couldn't tell the specific directions of southeast, northwest, so they had to pay attention to any slight change of direction.

The two of them followed it with great concentration.

Exactly where it went, they couldn't tell.

But it doesn't matter, they are just going to the final place anyway, the process doesn't matter.

As long as nothing happens, it doesn't matter.

And walking.

The two of them were surprised to find that they had walked out of the singularity array. What did this mean?

Naturally, this singular point array does not exist in another space, but is hidden in a hidden place, affecting the entire city through the array.

"Look, what is that?"

A cry of surprise.

The two came to a slanted stone door.

"Why is it sideways?"

Both of them were very puzzled.

They both thought there must be something weird walking inside, so the two of them very cautiously touched the slanted stone door.

What surprised them even more was that the golden butterfly turned into a wisp of yellow smoke and dissipated in the air at this time.

This means that they have reached their final destination.

Is this where the great demon is? !

The two were shocked and confused.

After all, they paid attention to their surroundings and found that it was a small and flat mountain, not covered by frost, and not inhabited.

To be fair, you can see the nearby ice and snow world from this mountain. There is no doubt that this is Hanyue State.

But here it is more like a wilderness, with no people and no monsters.

But what is certain is that this is definitely not an ordinary place, and naturally it is not as simple as it seems.

But there is something like a stone gate here.

So they set their sights on the stone gate again and walked around the stone gate.

They found that there was nothing behind the stone gate, which made the two of them wonder, is this really a Taoist gate?

"Damn it, you'll know after just one punch!"

"Don't be excited..."

Gu Liu only vomited half of his words to stop him, when Meng Fei's fist was already in front of Shimen, and there was no room for recovery!


In just one move, Meng Fei smashed the stone door into pieces.

And along with this, a cry like a howl came from their feet at this time. The hollow feeling of the sound coming from the mountainside made people feel even more heartbroken.

"What's going on? Could it be that this mountain is a living thing?" Meng Fei asked from the bottom of his heart a question that even he himself could not believe.


Gu Liu was speechless for a while. He didn't accept this statement. He had never seen such a thing.

And if a mountain really turned into a monster, they should have reacted after they went up the mountain!

But what happened next made Gu Liu even more unbelievable, and he even began to believe what he had just thought was impossible.

The two of them suddenly became unsteady on their feet!

It wasn't that something was wrong with them, but that the ground beneath their feet was moving.

The movement was so loud that all the creatures around him fled in panic.

However, what is even more terrifying is their feet!

Only two people can see.

The ground under their feet actually opened a huge hole at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It felt like a huge creature opening its huge mouth!

"No! Get out first!"

When the two of them were about to escape, the ground under their feet seemed to hear their words. The huge hole opened instantly, giving them no time to react.

They have no choice but to let their bodies fall. Where will they land?

How long will it take to fall?

they do not know.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, Meng Fei still asked Gu Liu to use him as a flesh pad to prevent his flesh and blood body from being unable to bear what would happen next.

Suddenly, an unknown breath invaded the nostrils of the two people who were falling.

Because it was so sudden, the two people who were unprepared were immediately blinded and lost consciousness.

"Where am I?"

I don’t know how long it took or what happened, but Meng Fei tried his best to open his eyes.

In front of him, he seemed to be in an underground space, with mud "walls" everywhere, as if it had been dug out.

Meng Fei's face was full of doubts. He wanted to scratch his head but found that he was being tied up by a thick cane.

And it's still hanging in the air!

"What the hell is this situation?!" Meng Fei was confused.

At this time, someone's voice came from behind him.

"Stop struggling. This is inside the monster's body. We are all dead."

Meng Fei twisted his waist hard, and then rotated his front to the back.

The person he was talking to just now also appeared in front of him. He had a similar experience to him, but he looked thinner. He must have been trapped here for some time, and there were many weird instruments hanging on his clothes.

Meng Fei also knew such people from Gu Liu. This kind of people are also commonly known as exorcists. The difference from Taoist priests is that they use some exorcism tools to exorcise evil spirits, while Taoist priests mostly use exorcism spells.

And looking at his appearance, he probably came here just like them wanting to eradicate the big demon, but he ended up here.

Meng Fei glanced around here again, and he found that Gu Liu was tied up not far away, but he was still unconscious.

Moreover, there are some people tied here, and some have only rattan left. Under the empty rattan are horrifying white bones.

Even some of the white bones have turned into a pile of white powder, and the creepy thing makes people feel chills running down their backs.


At this time, another person turned into bones and fell to the ground in an instant, with his bones scattered all over the place.

"Ah! As long as I can go back alive, I will definitely not slay demons! I will be your mother's exorcist!"

"Amitabha, Buddha bless you!"

"I will be the next one. I shouldn't be able to hold on before him."

"Crying and fussing, just like a girl! Can you be a little cool?!"

"What's your name? If you can, kill the monster!"

Various voices sounded, but most were negative.

"Why did he turn into bones?" Meng Fei ignored the shouts of those people and continued to communicate with the exorcist in front of him.

The exorcist shook his head and said helplessly and desperately: "Because this is in the monster's body, the rattan is equivalent to its digestive organ, and we are all relatively capable people, so we can barely hold on, but There is always a limit. Once we can't hold on, we will be digested into white bones by the canes. We are like sheep entering the tiger's mouth!"

Only then did Meng Fei react. He stared at himself and found that the rattan was really corroding his clothes, and it was even not far away from his body!

But Meng Fei was still calm, and he asked him a very puzzling question, "Then why don't you think of a way to break free from the cane first?"

The man immediately showed a speechless expression and said: "Aren't you talking nonsense? There is magic on this rattan. Do you think you can break free just because you want to? It's very difficult!"

So, Meng Fei twisted his shoulders, as if he was really testing something, and then his arms trembled.


The rattan fell to the ground, and Meng Fei easily broke free from the restraints of the rattan and stood steadily on the ground.

The man who was talking to Meng Fei just now was so surprised that his eyes almost jumped out of his head. He squeezed his eyes hard, as if all this was like a dream.

And it wasn't just him who was looking at him, other people's incredible looks were also falling on Meng Fei like a spotlight at this time.

However, at this time, Meng Fei just walked to Gu Liu unhurriedly.

He jumped up, tore the vines around Gu Liu to pieces, and then slapped the unconscious Gu Liu to wake him up.

His series of actions made everyone dumbfounded, and some even shouted, "How can this unlucky guy like us be a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? This is clearly a living tiger entering a sheep's mouth!"

"Senior Tiger, save us!"

"Senior Tiger!"

"Senior Tiger!"

"God damn Tiger Senior!"

Hearing their strange calls, Meng Fei looked at them speechlessly.

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