I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 43 All fears come from insufficient firepower

"Anyway, you are so merciful and please save us poor bastards!"

"Yes, senior, master, please save us!"

Seeing how easily Meng Fei was able to break free from the shackles of the cane, they completely surrendered.

Under pressure, mainly because his ears were frightened, Meng Fei had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, stop screaming! I'll save you right away."

Meng Fei had no choice but to rescue them one by one.

Although it wasted some time, it wasn't a big problem.

"Thank you, senior! This is a great kindness, I will definitely remember it in my heart!"

The title of senior is not limited to those who are older and stronger. It is not wrong to be called senior, and Meng Fei doesn't care.

At this time, the words of thanks rang out again, making Meng Fei's head feel as uncomfortable as the buzzing of bees.

He asked them to stop as soon as possible. After all, they were only loosened from their bonds now, and they were still in the body of the monster.

There are still many things they need to do.

Of course, for these guys, escaping is their only purpose now.

Before that, Meng Fei asked them everything they knew about the monster.

"I only knew that as soon as my eyes darkened, I fell in..."

"Shut up, senior, do you still need to say this?!"

"Then what do you know? Tell me!"

"Stop talking nonsense and listen to me! Almost all of you, including us, have seen a stone door. As long as you move the stone door, it is equivalent to triggering the mechanism, and you will fall directly into the belly of the monster!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Listen to me! This mountain is made by the monster using a clone of himself, and the main body is hidden in it. This clone has the same structure as his main body, and there are more hidden inside. The unknown dangers, this is the extreme method the monster has set up to live a safer life! "

"Huh? How do you know so much?"

"I have read similar things like this in classics. After combining it with the actual situation, I found that it is very consistent."

"...It makes sense."

"So in other words, if you want to break through here, it seems that the only way is to find the true body?"

"Can't you just break through the surroundings and escape?"

"No, once you fall into it, it is equivalent to entering a field, and broken things will be repaired immediately."

"It's true, look at those rattans, they're hanging there intact again!"

"Do I have to defeat the monster itself? I'm a little scared..."

"How can we survive in front of that big monster?"

"Is there still nothing we can do about it?"

"Don't be afraid, don't we still have seniors?!"

"Although senior is strong, there's no telling whether he can defeat the big demon?"

"This...that's true. Alas, is there really no hope?"

"What's even more frightening is that just the process of finding the true body is also full of dangers!"

"Oh, stop talking, I'm getting more and more desperate..."

The voices of the people were all different and varied, and they all told everything they knew.

And that extremely pessimistic attitude.

It can be said that their hearts were almost filled with fear, and the fear of the unknown in the demon's belly filled their hearts.

But we can't blame them, after all, since falling here, the most common thing to see is that every day, someone can't hold on, and finally falls into a white skeleton.

They have probably seen a lot of this kind of thing. If they insist on surviving in such an environment every day, life has long become a luxury for them.

Now, Meng Fei appears with a glimmer of hope, but reality ruthlessly pours cold water on them.

This pessimistic mood is also a factor that makes them doubt Meng Fei's strength. Of course, it is more because of their own weakness that they are afraid.

They didn't know Meng Fei's strength, but as Gu Liu, who had been partnering with Meng Fei, it was impossible for him not to know.

But his words were not as convincing as Meng Fei's to these people, and Meng Fei didn't really want to pay attention to them. It was enough just that they could provide some useful information.

Don't expect them to do anything else.

"A group of men, look like bears? You don't know what they are afraid of?"

Before preparing to find the monster itself, Meng Fei didn't forget to taunt them. Of course, this taunt was also to try to force them to have courage.

Whether it works or not depends on them.

Unexpectedly, they really gained some courage and followed them one after another.

"Don't be so scared that you wet your pants!"

Meng Fei said from the front with a smirk on his face.

They didn't dare to talk back, they only dared to follow him step by step.

"Do you have any direction?" Gu Liu asked Meng Fei.

After all, if it's a headless search, it's definitely not going to work.

Regarding this issue, Meng Fei had already made some assumptions in his mind, so he boldly guessed: "At times like this, I usually think that the guy is in his head! And now we are in its stomach and intestines. If we want to get there, If so, it’s indeed a long road.”

"In your head?"

After hearing this guess, Gu Liu also thought about it seriously in his mind.

He immediately understood Meng Fei's idea. Since this mountain was to be controlled, and if the monster still wanted to control this huge body, then just like a human, it would probably be in the head!

"What, are we going to that kind of place?"

Among the people behind, almost everyone who heard the conversation between the two raised such doubts.

But if they didn't go, they would only wait for death, so they might as well bite the bullet and go straight up!

These people suddenly became very energetic, as if they were going to burn their boats.

However, such a high spirit was broken before it lasted for a while.

They walked into a narrow passage. Everyone knew that this was the place where the intestines were, so it was very narrow.

It was so narrow that only two people could stand together horizontally. If something weird happened at this time, they would probably "collapse" immediately.


Suddenly, a deep roar with huge spray broke out in front of everyone.

And the huge spray was directly wrapped into a big ball, covering the entire passage and moving towards everyone little by little.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Some people even knelt down.

Fortunately, Meng Fei and Gu Liu were the leaders. If it were them, they would have already fallen down.

The huge droplets seemed to carry the power of corrosion. Those standing in front threw some things over, and they were really corroded completely! Everyone wanted to dodge, but it was too narrow here!

They turned around and wanted to escape back to where they were, but they found that the retreat was blocked at some point!

"What should I do?!"

"I don't want to die!"

"I have old people and young children, and my wife is not old yet. I don't want to die here. I will never be stubborn again!"


They were desperate.

"Shut up!"

Meng Fei shouted angrily, and finally made them quiet a little.

Then, looking at the giant corrosive ball that was almost in front of him, Meng Fei stretched out his hand and pushed Gu Liu behind him, and then he took a long breath, stood up straight and said: "I don't know if you have heard a saying that all fears come from insufficient firepower!"

"What do you mean?"

Just when everyone was puzzled.

I saw Meng Fei was quickly hitting the giant corrosive ball in front of him with his fists.

He kept hitting the giant ball like a madman, trying to break it up!

There is no word despair in Meng Fei's dictionary. He believes that as long as the power is enough, there will be no desperate situation.

Finally, under the incredible eyes of everyone, he actually opened his hands.

The giant ball was really disrupted by him, but the final effect was just to change its size to the size of a person.

And what did he want to do by opening his hands at this time?

"He wants to use his body to absorb the last of the corrosive matter!"


There was no despair in everyone's eyes at this time. They only had one feeling in their hearts now, that is, deep admiration for Meng Fei!

At this time, Meng Fei was like a real giant, blocking all the damage for them.

Only Gu Liu, as Meng Fei's partner, showed a mysterious smile at this moment.

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