
There was a sound of melting objects.

Everyone's hearts were completely shattered at this moment. They knew that the man had sacrificed for them.

Even though everyone is a stranger, he is able to do such a fearless thing of sacrificing himself for others. What is this if not a hero?

"Although they knew you had no choice but to do it, they were really fooled by you."

At this time, Gu Liu said jokingly behind him.


A familiar laughter immediately came from behind him.

Meng Fei was resurrected again and appeared behind Gu Liu.

Everyone also heard this familiar sound, raised their heads one after another, and saw a scene that they would never forget.

Meng Fei actually stood beside Gu Liu, and the two of them were still talking and laughing.

It even looked like it was extremely refreshing.

"Am I...dazzled?"

"Or are we all dead and this is actually the underworld?"

"Don't scare me!"

"Then tell me what's going on?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. They clearly saw Meng Fei turned into a pile of meat, but in front of them stood a perfectly fine Meng Fei who looked even in better condition.

No matter how confused they were, for Meng Fei and Gu Liu, the most important thing was to move forward, and they had no time to waste time with them.

After everyone confirmed that they indeed existed in reality, they followed him eagerly.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking.

Nothing happened along the way.

Except when he walked to a passage, there was constant wind passing through the passage. After walking there, Meng Fei knew that he was not far from his head.

"It was so peaceful along the way, but I felt something was wrong." Gu Liu said very uneasily.

Meng Fei naturally understood his worries, but he didn't take it seriously because he already understood that the attack he just encountered in the intestines was nothing more than digestive juice.

In the subsequent passages, there are no problems because other passages correspond to other organs, and there are no problems like those in the digestive tract.

So of course there is no need to worry.

It would be a bit strange for Meng Fei to talk to Gu Liu about human body structure, so Meng Fei just reassured him that there would be no problem.

If there is, then it is estimated that there will be some surprises only in the last place to go.

After all, there is a big demon there, and he can control everything here through his brain, so they must be careful.

So, they bit the bullet and kept walking forward regardless of the situation.

A long time passed.

They finally came to a strange place.

This place looks like a very large and vast cave. Not far away, there is a strange big tree there.

The branches on the big tree are intertwined in every possible way, just like a human brain.

Only a little bit of the tree trunk below was exposed. It was more like a huge cauliflower stuck in the ground than a tree.

"Is that the big demon's brain?!"

Meng Fei's rear.

The people who followed stayed away, and they did not dare to get closer.

And Meng Fei didn't want them to come here to cause any damage, so he just asked them to wait where they were, and he could rest assured and leave the rest to him.

After what happened before, everyone's trust in Meng Fei could be said to be very high, so they obeyed and stayed where they were.

They just watched helplessly as Meng Fei and the others continued to move towards the brain.

The speed of the two of them was very slow, almost one step and then a pause, and then another step forward.

After all, the big demon hasn't appeared yet, so they must be careful every step they take.


Suddenly, just as the two of them were only ten steps away from the tree head, they were directly tied to it by countless rattan ropes that came from nowhere.

Behind them, the dust collapsed, and finally a stone wall was built directly to separate Meng Fei Guliu from the others.

Meng Fei tried hard to break the countless vines wrapped around his body.

However, those rattan sticks wrapped the two people tightly like thick armor, and Meng Fei could not break free no matter how hard he tried.

"Can you break free?" Gu Liu asked uncomfortably.

Meng Fei looked bitter and said: "Yes, it just takes some time!"

On the other side of the stone wall, there were bursts of painful howling sounds that could still be heard by Meng Fei and others.

"not good!"

Both of them understood that they had been tricked, and the monster was probably on the other side of the stone wall at the moment!

Meng Fei gritted his teeth, and the sound in his mouth was very frightening, followed by the crackling sound of the surprisingly thick rattan breaking.

He yelled angrily, finally shattering all the vines into pieces, and pit-like seals appeared on his body.

But he didn't care about that now. He flew over without any worries and kicked the stone wall away with one kick.

But in front of him, it had become a sea of ​​corpses.

On top of the pile of corpses, a rat-faced monster was eating the body of the last person, who had long since lost his life.

There was even horrific blood stains on the corners of its mouth.

At that moment, Meng Fei was stunned.

His eyes became empty, without light or god.

Gu Liu stood quietly beside Meng Fei without saying a word.

"They are all strangers, guys I don't know, why do I blame myself so much, hate myself so much, and regret so much?" Meng Fei's words were not angry, but confused, deeply confused.

Seeing the extremely confused Meng Fei, Gu Liu beside him said: "I remember I once asked the fourth brother why he wanted to be a Taoist priest. He said to me that if you have some powerful power that others don't have, and once someone around you has an accident at this time, you will think that the responsibility is on you."

At that moment, Meng Fei seemed to understand a little.

So, he asked Gu Liu to stay where he was, and he was going to do what he should do.

I saw Meng Fei flashed and came directly in front of the rat demon. He grabbed its body with an extremely cold and ruthless look in his eyes.

At that moment, Meng Fei once again entered the extreme field of the battle with Long Fu.

He has a power far beyond his usual level, and it is easy to kill the big demon at this time!

The rat demon also noticed something was wrong. It had known that a powerful person had appeared in its refined body, so it chose to lure the tiger away from the mountain, intending to eat other people in an instant to quickly gain more powerful power.

However, the person in front of him seemed to suddenly become stronger than he could imagine at that moment.


Meng Fei punched its head directly.

"This punch is for the people in Hanyuezhou who were persecuted by you!"


Another sharp punch.

"This punch is for those who can't go back!"


In the last round, the rat demon's head was instantly blown away and hit the stone wall directly, turning into a pool of blood.

"This punch will get rid of the demon!"

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