"Brother Meng Fei, where have they gone?"

In a house in Hanyue Prefecture, young Xu Zhengyi was asking the old Taoist priest beside him in confusion.

Ever since he fell asleep, Meng Fei and Gu Liu had not been seen again. Almost a full day had passed, and he even began to wonder if he had been left behind.

However, Lao Dao did not answer the question immediately, but called him. Lao Dao's eyes kept staring outside, as if something incredible had happened.


The old man swept his fingers around.

Xu Zhengyi's eyes also followed the direction where the finger swept, and he saw that the frozen world around him was disintegrating little by little!

"Don't tell me?!" Although there was no expression on his face, Xu Zhengyi's eyes were full of excitement.

"It's them, they actually succeeded in such a short time!" The old Taoist's face immediately showed uncontrollable excitement. What he didn't expect was that his own line of business actually survived.

"They are really two amazing men." The old man said with a smile on his lips.

Woof woof!

At this time, two dogs barked, and Xu Zhengyi and Lao Dao looked at the direction of the yellow dog at the same time.

"Justice! Big yellow dog!"

Not far away, a familiar voice sounded.

The two more familiar figures also appeared there.

Meng Fei's figure seemed to be stronger again, and Gu Liu's eyes also had more brilliance.

Naturally, the two of them have gained a lot from this line of work.

They are finally together again.

Seeing the thawing world around them, the two of them also smiled knowingly.

All the efforts were finally in vain.

"I don't know if this thing is enough..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Meng Fei was taking out a small green bead and holding it in his hand.

"Is this the demon elixir of the great demon?!" the old Taoist said in surprise.

"Yes, it's just that this guy didn't control the intensity when he hit him, so the demon pill is incomplete. So I don't know if this thing can restore the yellow dog to its original state." Gu Liu explained at the side.

Meng Fei called the yellow dog, and the yellow dog immediately came to Meng Fei wagging its tail crazily.

"Come on, big yellow dog, eat this thing."

Meng Fei spread his palms, and the demon pill was now clearly exposed.

The yellow dog was also very obedient and swallowed it in one gulp. Then, the yellow dog became transparent and emitted a strange faint light. At this time, it looked like a dog-shaped lantern.

Later, under the gaze of everyone, it noticed some changes.

This change seemed a bit strange, causing several people who had been staring at it to tilt their heads at the same time.

"Is it getting a little bigger?"

"It seems so. Wait, there's something wrong with the way you look at it!"

"It feels like I have a mind of my own..."

Everyone was a little puzzled.

"Woof woof, bah! Who fed me the demon elixir that kills rats! It's not complete without riding a horse!"


Meng Fei and Gu Liu were both so shocked that they leaned back slightly.

I saw that the yellow dog that usually looked like a pampered dog now seemed to be a big mad dog on the roadside, biting anyone it saw.

Its fierce look made Xu Zhengyi feel a little hairy.

Is this still the dog he knew before?

The big yellow dog turned its head angrily, and finally its eyes rested on Meng Fei.

"I seem to have seen this guy somewhere... Wait, why do I feel a little weak in the legs just looking at him? Huh?! Isn't this that guy?!"

The big yellow dog seemed to recognize Meng Fei. At this time, his eyes immediately became docile, and he said calmly: "Well, eating the demon pills of other monsters can restore me, but the incomplete demon pills can make me recover." Not only can Dan not do it, but he will also cause some harm to me.”

"What about?" Meng Fei looked at it with some disgust.

"Ahem, for example, it is very likely that I will lose the ability to transform into human form in the future, which is also extremely detrimental to my practice." The big yellow dog said seriously.

"Oh, that's how it is."

"You ride on the horse!"

Seeing Meng Fei's indifferent expression, the big yellow dog dared not speak out in anger, so he could only complain a little.

"Okay, the things are done, it's time to go."

Gu Liu shouted from the side, and the others reacted immediately.

The old man said goodbye to the two of them, but Xu Zhengyi really followed them, but the big yellow dog actually chose to continue to pester them.

The two of them thought about letting it go. Firstly, the mangy dog ​​was unwilling, and secondly, they were afraid that it would do something bad, so luckily they let it go.

On Xu Zhengyi's side, the two accompanied him to bury his brother, and he finally had a good ending.

After everything was done, the three of them and the dog finally set off on the next journey.

Along the way, the people of Hanyue State who were still alive were laughing and laughing, but they didn't know that the group of people passing by were their benefactors.

"Jiang Rufeng?! You didn't leave?!"

Everyone left Hanyue State and followed the original route back to the hill, only to find that Jiang Rufeng was still staying where he was.

Although they didn't say anything, even if Jiang Rufeng left, they actually wouldn't say anything. Although they had made an agreement before, it was not a verbal deal, and it was impossible for Jiang Rufeng not to understand whether they could go or not.

However, what surprised them was that Jiang Rufeng was always here.

"Meng Fei, you don't know something. During this period, I went down the mountain once and went to a nearby city. I actually saw a reward in the city! When I took a closer look, I found that it was from Ningguo! And! The content of the reward is even more surprising, it actually says that there are ghosts causing trouble in Ning State! "

Jiang Rufeng was there and talked about what he had encountered during this period.

And this almost explains another important reason why he has been waiting here, that is, something strange happened in Ningguo, and the speculation is related to ghosts. He has seen Meng Fei's strength before, so he stopped and waited for the two of them. , hoping that the two of them can go to Ningguo with him.

"Let's go and see what kind of weird thing it is."

Meng Fei spoke first, and Jiang Rufeng was very happy to let the groom drive the horse and lead the group to a nearby city.

Along the way, I told Jiang Rufeng about what happened to Meng Fei and the others, so as not to surprise him with the actions of Xu Zhengyi and Big Yellow Dog.


Not long after, the groom's voice came.

The group of people got down from the carriage and came to the reward card.

I saw it clearly displayed above:

[A mysterious case occurred in Ningguo today. A brothel named Qiyu Tower appeared in the brothel. A woman as beautiful as a fairy appeared in the brothel, which directly fascinated thousands of men in the country. She even refused to come, but strange things happened. As a result, any man who had a romantic relationship with him would die the next day, even with an expression of ecstasy. After observing the man, he actually said that he died due to excessive excitement. The king of the country. I thought it was strange and had doubts in my heart, so I wanted to invite capable people from all over the world to find out. If you find out the truth, I will offer a reward to the country's leader! ]

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