"Is there really such a thing?"

Meng Fei was a little doubtful.

As the saying goes, one can die under peonies, and one can be a ghost even if it is romantic.

I thought it was just a joke, but I didn't expect that this kind of thing actually happened.

And it was in Ning country where Jiang Rufeng was located.

"Gu Liu, what do you think?" Meng Fei asked Gu Liu beside him.

Gu Liu's eyes rolled. This kind of love affair was still too far out of his knowledge range for him, so he asked with some curiosity: "Will that kind of thing really lead to human death?"

This is a question worth thinking about.

Meng Fei also fell into deep thinking. He was also very confused about such a problem and only said: "It should be possible..."

"You two, now is not the time to dwell on this issue, right?"

Jiang Rufeng on the side couldn't stand it anymore, but the special nature of this incident opened up a conversation between the two of them.

Both of them looked embarrassed, and then immediately became serious.

“There’s no need to delay, let’s wait until we think about the specific issues!”

Meng Fei called everyone to get on the carriage, and everything should wait until Ning Guo.

On the road.

In order to pass the time, everyone kept discussing this issue.

"Brother Meng, what exactly does 'that kind of thing' mean?"

"Ahem, it's nothing. You'll know when you grow up..."

"By the way, big yellow dog, what do you think?"

"In my opinion, it's probably a female goblin that sucks human energy. Of course, with the endurance of you human men, it's possible for this to happen."

"Hey, you are such a bastard, how dare a dog have a sense of superiority?!"

"Uh, don't dare, don't dare, it's whatever you say, Uncle Meng."

"I see that you are very dissatisfied?"

"Okay, okay, if you think about it carefully, it still makes sense. If the essence is sucked dry and you die, it's not difficult to see."

"Does the reward say anything about the physical changes after death?"

"Let me see...it only says the expression after death, nothing else..."

"It seems we can only talk about it then."

The three-day journey was already the limit of speed.

The group finally arrived at Ning Country. After entering the country, the group stopped riding in the carriage to avoid being too ostentatious.


Although it is a small country, it is an extremely rich country. The people living here also live a prosperous life every day. As soon as they step into the street, they are all kinds of prosperity, including restaurants and brothels. It can be said that People here almost indulge in all kinds of pleasures and pleasures all day long.

It can even be said that such a comfortable and enjoyable life has caused them to form two extremes in their appreciation of life. One is to want to continue like this and fear death, and the other is to pursue more exciting happiness, even if it costs their lives. It doesn't matter.

The first situation is easy to understand, but the second one feels a bit psychedelic.

However, this second situation is not uncommon in Ningguo.

After walking through these streets, the place they were going to was naturally Qiyu Tower. On the way, Jiang Rufeng said that he was going home and they would meet again at Qiyu Tower later.

Meng Fei and the others headed to Qiyu Tower first.

However, the strange thing is that I didn't find anything about bounties along the way, let alone seeing bounty orders posted on various walls.

"What's going on? Isn't this guy deliberately trying to make us come to Ningguo?"

The strange things along the way made Meng Fei a little suspicious, but he thought that there was no need for Jiang Rufeng to do such a thing, and it should be impossible.

"Have you heard? Another man survived in Qiyu Tower!"

"Really?! Then this is the second one!"

"Hehe, doesn't this mean that Fairy Huang is not some kind of monster spread by those jealous women! It's clearly just those dead men who can't do it!"

"Hum, when you say that, I really want to spend the night with Fairy Huang!"

"Still thinking about it? Do you have that kind of money?"

"That's right, Fairy Huang's one-night spring supper has now reached ten thousand taels! Alas, it's all my fault that I didn't cherish it at the beginning!"

"Yes, this is no longer a spring night worth thousands of gold, this is ten thousand gold!"

"You still want to go? I'm afraid that even if you have that kind of money, your life will be miserable!"

"What do you know? If you can spend one night with Fairy Huang, not only if you want me to die, but if you want me to be damned!"

"That's not the case!"

The chatter on the roadside instantly attracted the attention of Meng Fei and his party.

After carefully eavesdropping on all the conversations, Meng Fei believed the reward order.

It seemed that Jiang Rufeng didn't lie to them, and something abnormal did happen in Ningguoli.

"These people are really big-hearted. It's obviously a matter of human life, but they don't care at all." Gu Liu shook his head and said helplessly.

"Money, sometimes too much is not a good thing. People here have become numb." Meng Fei said with emotion.

The extravagant life has made people here's pursuit of pleasure reach an unparalleled level.

"If it is really evil, this method is really good at choosing a place like this." Meng Fei looked serious, but this was not enough to solve the mystery.

Therefore, in order to uncover all the mysteries, we have to go to that place first.

Qiyu Tower!

The three-story pointed-roof attic was particularly prosperous. There were many charming women wearing makeup in front of the windows upstairs, constantly casting seductive glances at the outside, extremely charming.

Only the central room on the top floor had no figures, and no response was heard.

What was even more bizarre was that at the entrance on the first floor, there was a long queue.

Upon inquiry, it was discovered that these people were all here for the legendary Phoenix Fairy.

"Didn't they say that the Phoenix Fairy has reached the point where it costs ten thousand gold a night? What's going on?" Meng Fei's face was full of question marks.

Gu Liu also shook his head, not knowing what was going on.

As for Xu Zhengyi, they had long been entrusted to the inn under Jiang Rufeng's family. With Jiang Rufeng's oral instructions, they didn't have to worry about Xu Zhengyi's safety.

So, they could just do their own things with confidence.

So, they stepped forward to ask the people in line, and they knew what was going on now.

It turns out that the Phoenix Fairy has set up a welfare rule, that is, every once in a while, she will come to personally select a man, of course, the premise is that he still has to go through the first level of screening.

And this first level of screening is to say that it is still about throwing money, but it is not as high as usual, and taking the money is just a qualification, but even so, there are still many people coming, and there are even many people who come from other places.

Now I wonder why there is no bounty order here. I am afraid that the Lord of Ningguo is also a wise man. He knows that such news is useless in Ningguo, so he only casts it to other places.

"Not bad, I'll try!"

Meng Fei looked at the long queue and couldn't help touching his chin.

After that, Meng Fei was in the back of the queue.

Gu Liu was a little confused and said, "You want to go too?"

Meng Fei said to him with a look of disgust: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Since you are here, the first thing must be to meet the person involved first!"

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