Although this was a very dangerous matter, Gu Liu really couldn't say anything to him. After all, Meng Fei still had the capital to waste money.

In the past, Meng Fei might have been instinctively afraid sometimes, but now the word fear probably doesn't exist in this guy's head at all.

"Let you go, just remember not to forget the business!" Gu Liu could only say helplessly.

"Don't worry." Meng Fei smiled evilly.

Then, Meng Fei patted the shoulder of the brother in front of him, who was a bloated fat man. At this time, the servant beside him was carrying a heavy box.

So, Meng Fei asked him curiously, "Commissioner, may I ask what your servant is carrying?"

The fat man turned around impatiently, twirling his mustache twice. He was looking up and down Meng Fei, and then he saw that although Meng Fei was dressed gorgeously, he looked a little dirty.

This is because the clothes were changed by Jiang Rufeng for him before, so they are naturally gorgeous, but he didn't have time to change after his trip to Hanyue State, so he looked a little dirty.

But in general, someone who can wear such gorgeous clothes is not an ordinary person after all, so the fat man with a mustache looked better, so he explained to Meng Fei nicely and asked in reply: "They are all treasures." That’s all, when you come to visit Fairy Huang, you won’t have these things, right?”

Seeing such a heavy treasure, Meng Fei was a little stunned and said with some confusion: "Yes, there is, but do we need so much?"

The fat man with the mustache stared at Meng Fei with a strange look, and then said in a low voice: "Don't you know? Although there is such a special day, Fairy Huang only chooses from two hundred people at a time. Now the people in front of the queue are far away. Far more than two hundred, if you want to be one of those two hundred, you must use other means!"

Other means?

Meng Fei thought, obviously the amount of money this time is fixed, but why do you still need to bring so much money?

"Isn't the amount of money this time fixed?" Meng Fei asked puzzledly.

When the fat man with the mustache heard his question, he looked around for a moment, and then whispered to Meng Fei: "You don't know something about this. Although the amount of the queue is fixed by Fairy Huang, the boss of Qiyulou is not like that. think……"

Before he finished speaking, Meng Fei already understood.

It turns out that he used more money to bribe the boss, and then secretly arranged himself directly among the two hundred people.

After all, there are too many people in line. Looking at it this way, the boss may make more money on this day than usual.

This boss is also a noteworthy guy!

Meng Fei thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Meng Fei looked at the long queue in front of him. He was a little collapsed. He was asked to wait until the end of the year.

So, he had to learn from Fatty's method.

But when I touched his body, how could he have money?

Then, Meng Fei turned his attention to the servant beside the fat man, and saw that the servant's hand seemed to be holding a gorgeously decorated box. Meng Fei looked closely and saw the word "江".

People from the Jiang family?

Meng Fei suddenly had an idea.

However, at this time, a familiar call sounded not far away.

"Brother Meng Fei!"

It's Jiang Rufeng, he's finally here.

He was dressed in plain clothes, and there was no one following him, but there were a few people lurking in the dark secretly protecting him. They just didn't want to be recognized by others.

However, as soon as his voice appeared.

Meng Fei suddenly realized that the fat man in front of him subconsciously looked over. The moment he saw Jiang Rufeng, he looked panicked. Then he pulled off the corner of Meng Fei's clothes and whispered excitedly: "Boy, help me. Hold the seat, and if anyone asks, tell me you haven’t seen me, and I’ll give you the money when you come back!”

After saying these words, I saw his fat body running very fast as if he had stepped on wheels, and the servants beside him quickly followed suit.

Meng Fei shook his head and ignored him.

Jiang Rufeng obviously didn't pay attention to this matter, and came straight to Meng Fei. When he took a closer look, he discovered that Jiang Rufeng was carrying a small box on his back.

Jiang Rufeng took off the small box and handed it to Meng Fei. Meng Fei opened it and saw that there were some jewelry inside.

"Brother Meng Fei, I heard a lot about Fairy Phoenix after I got home, so I came a little late, but I brought some jewelry, I think you should need it!" Jiang Rufeng explained to Meng Fei, and told Meng Fei The value of these jewels was enough for him to be among those two hundred people.

Meng Fei, who was originally excited, suddenly became disappointed. Jiang Rufeng did not notice one problem, and that was the problem of the number of people.

Jiang Rufeng followed his words and found that he had indeed neglected this serious issue.

So, he patted his head and said: "Look at my brain, I'll go back and get it right away!"

The moment he turned back, Jiang Rufeng seemed to suddenly remember something important. He turned around and said to Meng Fei: "By the way, brother Meng Fei, if you can, help me keep an eye out for a short man with a mustache." A fat middle-aged man, dressed very gorgeously, may be bringing a servant, and may also be carrying a lot of treasures. That is my second uncle. I heard from my family that he disappeared recently with a servant and some treasures. Everyone in the house I’m very worried. If you see it, please tell Brother Meng Fei!”

Meng Fei nodded in agreement, and then showed a mysterious smile.

Jiang Rufeng came and went again and again, and he didn't know how long it would take. He couldn't order his servants to do it without a servant. Seeing that the number of places was getting smaller and smaller, Meng Fei couldn't sit still and wait for death.

"Are you leaving? Oh, I was really scared to death. Why did this kid Ru Feng suddenly come back!"

On the side, the fat man with a mustache, Jiang Rufeng's second uncle, finally appeared again after seeing Jiang Rufeng leave.

When Meng Fei saw this, he made way for him.

The fat man stood in with a satisfied look on his face, then smiled at Meng Fei and said, "Okay, boy, tell me, how much do you want?"

Meng Fei was also not modest and mincing words, and directly pointed to the box in the hand of the fat man's servant.

"What? This?! This is not okay! Don't push yourself too far!" the fat man said anxiously.

Meng Fei, on the other hand, leaned close to the fat man and said in a low voice with great threat:

"Don't think that I don't know. You are the second uncle of Jiang Rufeng, the eldest son of the Jiang family. You thought you could hide it from the family and go out to fool around. But now people are looking for you. Let me tell you another secret. The eldest son of the Jiang family and I We are friends with Ru Feng. If I tell him about your visit to Qiyu Tower...hehe~"

Meng Fei held his earwax with his fingers while smiling uneasily and kindly.

"You! How dare you threaten me! You know I'm from the Jiang family and you dare to threaten me?!" The fat man still refused to compromise and still insisted on resisting Meng Fei.

Meng Fei patted the fat man on the shoulder with a disdainful look, and said angrily: "You still know that you are from the Jiang family? If this matter spreads, I guess you will not be able to do it in the future. Ru Feng’s second uncle!”

"You! Okay, remember it for me!"

"Oh, I'm so scared, bring it to you!"

After that, Meng Fei snatched the box from the servant into his own hand. How could the servant twist it past Meng Fei? Then the heavy feeling in his hand made Meng Fei feel relieved.

The fat man stomped his feet in anger while Meng Fei tilted his head and said angrily: "Go home quickly, Dashu, your family is still waiting for you!"

"That's unreasonable!"

I saw the fat man trembling with such an angry look on his face, and then he walked towards the Jiang family with his servant. On the way, he even kicked the servant in anger and cursed him as a waste...

"This guest, is there gold and silver in this box?"

Suddenly, a tall, thin man dressed simply appeared next to Meng Fei.

Meng Fei glanced at him, then nodded.

Seeing Meng Fei nod, the tall and thin man made a guiding gesture and said, "Please come this way."

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