After a while.

Meng Fei was led to a secret place by him.

This is an underground location, which is the location that goes around the back of Qiyu Tower. This is a hidden place in Qiyu Tower.

In the narrow space, in the dim light, you can only see that there is nothing else placed here.

It's like a cave specially made for something special.

Meng Fei looked around and found that there were about three or four people carrying treasures like him.

But judging from the decoration and size of the box, Meng Fei's is better, which makes him feel relieved and he doesn't have to worry about not being able to compete.

In terms of wealth and billions, the Jiang family is indeed trustworthy.

And the tall and thin man is the boss of Qiyu Tower. Every time those who want to go through the back door, he will silently pay attention to them, and then secretly bring them here personally. Of course, even he can't interfere with what Fairy Huang does, so he can only let about three people go through the back door at a time, and there are many problems worth noting at the same time.

So, he warned the people who came here very seriously: "Please remember, what happened today must not be told to anyone, otherwise you and I will both be in bloody disaster!"

Some people thought he was too much after hearing this, so they said with a very disdainful look: "Isn't it just a small backdoor? It's not like you can spend a good night with Fairy Phoenix directly, is it so serious?"

The others nodded in agreement.

Only Meng Fei thought deeply about the reason inside and didn't say anything.


The boss angrily hit the wall beside him with his fist and shouted: "That's because you don't understand at all! Fairy Phoenix's move is to follow the will of heaven and earth, and our behavior is equivalent to destroying the root cause. If she knows, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The few people saw that the boss's reaction was so intense, and they became a little timid, and one person even gave up directly, and he decided to leave here.

The boss did not make any move to stop him from leaving. Instead, he walked up to him and asked coldly, "Don't tell anyone about what happened today. Can you do that?"

"This..." He suddenly hesitated and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Meng Fei shook his head silently.

At this moment, the boss took out a dagger and cut the man's throat in an instant.

The man fell to the ground and became a cold corpse.

This made everyone except Meng Fei dumbfounded. They even trembled with their legs. The boss walked up to them and said with murderous intent, "Now there is only one thing you should do, that is, forget everything here, and then happily try to touch the damn Phoenix Fairy opportunity!"

"Yes, yes, we know!"

In a voice of begging for mercy, the storm finally ended.

After that, the boss took away all the treasures, and Meng Fei and several others were taken by him to a secret path directly to the place where they finally hit the opportunity.

It was like a relatively small arena placed in the whole room, and then the others surrounded it, covering the entire arena.

Since the Phoenix Fairy had not appeared yet, everyone was discussing it, and the whole place was noisy. Some people even fainted on the spot because they were too excited...

This also gave Meng Fei and his team the opportunity to sneak in. After the boss sent them to the front, he disappeared directly on the spot.

It seemed that it was not easy for him to show up here.

The boss's various actions made Meng Fei determined that he had to ask him some questions, regardless of whether he found anything abnormal with the Phoenix Fairy.

And if the Phoenix Fairy was really abnormal, it would naturally not escape Meng Fei's eyes.

"Hehe, it is said that every time when the Phoenix Fairy personally chooses a partner, the test she sets is different. I don't know what it is this time?"

"Well, but looking at the posture of setting up the ring, this time it won't be a martial arts competition, right?"

"Martial arts competition? Then I'm done for, right?"

"Don't be discouraged. After all, in our Ningguo, almost only the poor know martial arts. Why do the rich need that stuff? So everyone is actually the same. It almost depends on who is stronger. For example, it's too difficult for a fat guy like you to beat me! Just give up the Phoenix Fairy to me!"

"You monkey, why are you yelling?!"


The voice of the person next to him attracted Meng Fei's attention again, and also made him think.

Looking at the ring in front of him, Meng Fei was in a trance.

This won't really be a martial arts competition, right?

And looking at these rich people in Ningguo, my goodness, almost all of them are fat or skinny. They are really fat because of greed and skinny because of lust!

If it was a physical contest, Meng Fei didn't know how he would lose. It felt like he could beat these guys even if he was a cerebral palsy.

While Meng Fei was thinking, the whole audience suddenly fell silent.

When he turned his gaze to the same place as the others.

He was surprised to see.

It was the Phoenix Fairy!

She finally appeared!

She was wearing a three-color skirt, which made her figure look more slender and graceful, and her fair shoulders were extremely attractive, but her face was covered by a veil, and her eyes with a bit of resentment occasionally sent waves of love to the people below, which directly gave the people below the stage a lot of reverie.

Just as the people below the stage were indulging in endless reverie.

She stretched out her slender hand and then dragged down a long banner.

On the banner were two clearly visible characters: duel.

When the people below saw these two characters, they instantly boiled like boiling water, and the roars were like the roaring waves.

They rushed forward, with no rules in their eyes, just wrestling in a ball.

It felt like a tribe without a leader was fighting to produce the last king, cruel and bloody.

And Meng Fei, at this time, was still in the audience, he was observing the so-called Phoenix Fairy above very carefully.

At this time, Meng Fei's eyes seemed to have a penetrating function, and everything would be directly revealed in his eyes.

Even the Phoenix Fairy, at this moment, was like being X-rayed by Meng Fei, and the whole person and bones were seen clearly by him.

However, after a while of observation, Meng Fei was stunned. He did not see anything wrong with the Phoenix Fairy. At first glance, this was a person, a living person, and he did not see the existence of evil things at all.

"No way..." Meng Fei couldn't believe it.

Then, he looked at the Phoenix Fairy, and then looked at the fierce arena.

He took a deep breath, and then said confidently: "I really don't believe that you, the Phoenix Fairy, are not guilty. Let's meet in the boudoir!"

After that, he stepped on the ground and landed on the arena in an instant.

He looked disdainful, and the people around him were not even shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

So, Meng Fei just used a few simple moves to instantly solve all the people on the arena, and even flew out of the arena in unison, forming a mountain of people.

There was an angry look in the mountain of people, and Meng Fei said helplessly: "I am doing this for your own good. With your body, you will die if you go there?!"

Then, he ignored those guys, but took advantage of no one's attention and turned his eyes to the Phoenix Fairy.

This caught Fairy Huang off guard. Meng Fei caught a glimpse of her fleeting greedy eyes, and then she immediately changed to a resentful and seductive expression and stared at Meng Fei.

"Come on." Fairy Huang stretched out her hand to signal Meng Fei, and her voice was also very attractive.

Meng Fei showed a mysterious smile, and then jumped in front of Fairy Huang under the envious and jealous eyes of others.

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