"How can this be?!"

The fox demon turned around in shock and stared blankly at Meng Fei, who was standing upright in front of him.

Meng Fei showed an extremely confident smile and said, "I told you, you will regret it if you kill me."

Seeing this scene, the fox demon immediately panicked, and then frantically touched his body, as if trying to find something important.

Then, the eagerness in its eyes disappeared, and it was seen that it was taking out a strange object.

That's a bamboo stick!

There is a bamboo stick as long as two adult fingers. There seems to be some runes and writings engraved on the bamboo stick.

"What is this?" Meng Fei said in surprise.

The fox demon suddenly looked confident. Holding the bamboo stick, it became arrogant again as if it suddenly gained confidence.

With a sinister smile on its face, it held up the rune bamboo stick towards Meng Fei, its head held high as if announcing its success in advance.

However, a scene that shocked the fox demon appeared.

The human Meng Fei in front of him showed no reaction and even walked in front of it with an indifferent expression.

Then, before the fox demon could react, Meng Fei quickly kicked the fox demon away. The fox demon was shocked.

Why was the man in front of him suddenly out of control? What was even more strange was why a human being had such terrifying power.

Meng Fei also didn't expect that if he didn't control the strength of his kick, the fox demon would fly directly outside the cave entrance, which might give it a chance to escape!

"No!" Meng Fei immediately realized his mistake and rushed towards the exit quickly.

The fox demon in flight also grinned and laughed, and even said with endless ridicule: "I didn't expect it! Stupid human beings, this is my way of escaping!"

"It's useless! You can't escape anymore!"

Meng Fei shouted loudly after him, and then he took out the demon-slaying sword from his body.

But soon Meng Fei put the demon-slaying sword back, because using this thing might directly kill the fox demon. If he wanted to ask about the rune bamboo stick, he would be dead without any evidence, and it would be impossible.

The fox demon is still trying to speed up its flight. If this continues, even Gu Liu and Huang Gou who are waiting at the entrance of the cave may not be able to react.

At this time, Meng Fei leaned over and picked up something from the ground. He touched it slightly and the sharp feeling directly created a burst of pain in his hand. It turned out to be a flying knife!

“It’s really a perfect path!”

Meng Fei didn't expect that he could pick up an extremely sharp ordinary flying knife when he picked it up casually.

So, he stopped running, then put the hand holding the flying knife behind his back to accumulate strength, and finally exerted force, and the flying knife came out smoothly!

The flying knife suddenly made a terrifying sound like it was breaking through the air and flew directly towards the fox demon who had flown to the entrance of the cave like a bullet!



At the moment when the fox demon flew out of the cave, Meng Fei's flying knife also arrived, and the force was so terrifying that the flying knife actually penetrated the fox demon's waist directly, leaving a transparent and terrifying hole. Human wounds.

The fox demon was rolling on the ground in pain, and then the two guys at the entrance of the cave saw something flying out.

"What is that? Why does it stink?" the yellow dog said with a disgusted face. After all, you can smell it with your nose stuffed, which is really scary.

At this time, Gu Liu also smelled a very clear scent of fox and demon, so he exclaimed: "This is the fox demon!"

As soon as he said this, he and the big yellow dog rushed to the fox demon and prepared to subdue him, as if they had ten years of tacit understanding.



Just when Gu Liu was about to take action, Meng Fei stopped him.

Gu Liu looked at him puzzled and said: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"Don't worry, there are still important things to do!"

"whats the matter?"

Gu Liu was confused.

This is normal, after all, Meng Fei left in a hurry before, and Meng Fei hadn't told him the specifics yet.

So Meng Fei briefly told him about the rune bamboo sticks, and at the same time searched the fox demon's body.

"That's it." After understanding everything, Gu Liu also joined the search.

However, after some searching, they found that there was nothing on the fox demon.

"Where's the rune bamboo stick?!" Meng Fei kicked the fox demon and asked sharply.

The fox demon gradually recovered from the pain just now, but suddenly he was kicked again, and naturally he screamed in pain.

Then, it said to Meng Fei with a sneer on its face: "I just threw the bamboo stick in when it flew out!"

"Big yellow dog! Find some sticks to light a fire and prepare to find something! Gu Liu, do it!"

Meng Fei ordered Gu Liu and the big yellow dog, and each of them did what Meng Fei asked them to do.


When he heard that he was going to solve it, the fox demon immediately panicked, and then said to Meng Fei: "I can't die!"

"Give me a reason why you can live?" Meng Fei looked at it with disdain.

The fox demon tried his best to point to the entrance of the cave, and said with difficulty: "The entrance to the cave was created by the formation I set up, so as soon as I die, the entrance to the cave will return to its original appearance on the hillside."

Formation is not a sorcery, but something that can be learned by monsters, humans, or ghosts, so Meng Fei couldn't tell whether there was a formation here.

So, Meng Fei could only ask Gu Liu if he could see through it.

However, Meng Fei just shook his head helplessly, he didn't have the ability.

"Yellow dog, is the fire ready?" Meng Fei asked the yellow dog.

The yellow dog picked up a few sticks with his claws, then used his claws to grind sparks on the ground, and then used his magic to ignite the sticks.



Meng Fei said with satisfaction, and then said to the yellow dog, "Yellow dog, you just watch it here first, and we two go in to find things!"

"Without it, it's not easy for us to find it!" Gu Liu said to Meng Fei.

Meng Fei shook his head and said confidently: "It's okay, I can smell it too!"

"???" Gu Liu had a question mark on his face, but Meng Fei's words were always trustworthy, so he didn't say anything else and followed Meng Fei into the cave.

"Hey, aren't you a monster? Why are you colluding with people?"

Outside the cave, the fox demon was bewitching the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog listened to it, but just said slowly: "Whether it's a human or a monster, why can't we live together? For me, there is only the difference between life and death, good and bad. As for race and the like, I don't care."

"Humph. You dead dog is really interesting. Don't you want to have the ability to control all life?" The fox demon continued to say to it.

"What do you mean? Do you want to bewitch me?"

The big yellow dog seemed to hear something wrong, so it said in shock: "Could it be?"

The fox demon showed a mysterious smile on its face, and then it bit its shoulder, and blood gushed out directly.

But it tried its best to endure the pain without making any sound. It was found that there was a bamboo stick in its shoulder.

"Not good! Uncle Meng Fei! Donkey-faced Taoist! Get out...!"

Before the big yellow dog finished speaking, it could no longer move.

At this time, it could only watch as the fox demon turned into a normal-sized fox, then dived into the nearby woods and disappeared.

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