The two people in the cave didn't know what happened.

Because they were too deep, they didn't hear the big yellow dog's voice.

At this time, only two people were seen holding torches, lighting up the dark cave.

The two looked around and finally came to the end.

There are a lot of debris on the ground, and they are all valuables.

And most of them are swords and the like, and there are even some historical records and books, which record things that happened at an unknown time and place.

"What does this monster want to do with these things?" Gu Liu asked in confusion.

Meng Fei's brain was running rapidly. He remembered what happened to the old man with human skin when he was in Huaicheng, so he said speculatively: "I have an idea. The old man with human skin made an imitation. After this fox demon got this power, , Naturally, I crave this power crazily, but it backfires. I can’t find it anymore, so I wonder if I can imitate it.”

Hearing his guess, Gu Liu nodded in agreement, "But this guy's abilities are limited and he couldn't make something like that. If he really made it, it would end badly."

"Don't worry, that kind of thing cannot be imitated. Even the old man with human skin and the piece of yellow paper cannot be considered a real imitation. It can only be said to be a small trick. In my opinion, such a thing, Neither the yellow paper nor the rune bamboo sticks can be truly copied," Meng Fei said with great certainty.

As for his affirmative view, first of all, he believes that this may indeed be something formed by the laws of heaven and earth, so it will not be copied. In addition, Gu Liu's third senior brother, Taoist Baixiao, has not been able to achieve it after so many years of hard work. It can be seen that it is almost impossible to make something like that.

How can the creatures in this world have the ability to violate the laws of heaven and earth?

"I hope so." Regarding Meng Fei's speculation, Gu Liu could only say this. After all, if something like that can really be copied, it is indeed not a trivial matter.

"But here's the question. If the yellow paper controls ghosts, then the rune bamboo sticks should control monsters. But why are people also controlled by the rune bamboo sticks?"

"Can people do it too? How do you know?"

Gu Liu was a little shocked by Meng Fei's words. After all, this was an important issue that Meng Fei had not told him before.

Meng Fei then told him all his previous experiences. Only then did Gu Liu understand, and at the same time he fell into deep doubts.

This rune bamboo stick can even be controlled by people. This is indeed a question that makes people think deeply. They even wonder if they have made a mistake in their thinking?


Suddenly, Meng Fei opened a historical material, and a string of words in it immediately attracted his attention.

However, when Gu Liu stepped forward, he found that he could not understand the words on it at all.

"Can you understand this word?" Gu Liu asked with surprise on his face.

Only then did Meng Fei realize that what he saw in front of him was a bunch of weird words. What was even more strange was that these words actually had specific meanings in his mind.

"How is this going?"

Even he himself is a little incredible.

In his impression, he never thought that he could have such an ability? In other words, the previous resurrections should not have such abilities.

If there is an explanation, it would probably be that after his resurrection, his head also belonged to the physical body, so his ability to understand unfamiliar words instantly became stronger.

Although it is a bit far-fetched, there is really no other way to say it.

"Forget it, let's not dwell on this issue. Please tell me what is written above and get to the main point!" Gu Liu didn't want to waste too much time on this issue.

Meng Fei also agreed, so he started to talk about the above content, and the main thing was the content they needed to know now.

The main thing above is that there were once two strange books in charge of yin and yang, a yellow book to control yin, and a bamboo stick book to control yang.


Unexpectedly, Meng Fei's words ended here, and Gu Liu was a little surprised.

The feeling was as uncomfortable as when the storyteller died when a story was about to reach its climax. Meng Fei had nothing to do. The story was almost over here, and there was no useful information elsewhere.

"It seems we have to question this guy carefully later."

Meng Fei immediately put down the historical materials in his hand and began to look for other things and rune bamboo sticks.

During the boring process of rummaging, the two of them chatted with each other to pass the time.

"Tell me, does the fox demon know what the historical data says?"

"Probably not. It shouldn't be able to understand."


At this time outside the cave entrance.

After the fox demon escaped for a while, the big yellow dog immediately regained its ability to move. It collapsed to the ground, feeling a little afraid of that kind of power.

Seeing the fox demon scurrying into the deep forest again, the big yellow dog shook his head helplessly, and then slowly approached the cave, and relied on his strong sense of smell to look for the two of them.

At this time, the two of them were still searching.

Suddenly, Meng Fei stood up and found that where Gu Liu was, there was a huge shadow in the shadow cast by the torch.


Meng Fei turned around suddenly, and directed his fist towards the shadow's owner with the power of breaking wind.

This punch was directly seen by the big yellow dog, and its pupils dilated again. At that moment, it even remembered the scene when it had just practiced.

"Big yellow dog?!"

Fortunately, before the punch fell, Meng Fei could clearly see the visitor's face.

But this came a bit suddenly, and his eyes widened as well.

"Why did you get in? Didn't I let you look at the fox?"

Although Meng Fei was mentally prepared, he still asked.

The yellow dog was a little embarrassed, but under Meng Fei's lust, he still confessed everything honestly.

"My darn thing!"

Meng Fei just wanted to be angry, but he quickly calmed down. After all, he had not thought carefully about this matter, and he could not blame the big yellow dog.

"My question is, I didn't expect that guy to bet that it wouldn't be me who was looking at it, and then it would have a chance to escape!" Meng Fei also blamed himself a little, and he was indeed tricked into this matter. .

"Let's go."

In this situation, Meng Fei had no choice but to catch the duck. He even began to regret why he didn't attack the fox demon directly with the demon-slaying sword before.

If it were a demon-slaying sword, maybe there wouldn't be so many problems.

Therefore, they have no need to stay except to leave here. The fox demon is naturally not stupid and will definitely not look back.

"Alas." Meng Fei sighed as soon as he came out of the cave.

Then, Gu Liu comforted him and said, "It's okay. It's not like I gained nothing. At least I know the information about the Yin and Yang books, so I didn't run away in vain."

Meng Fei nodded reluctantly, and then the two of them and the dog headed back towards the original road.

Back at Qiyu Tower, an even more shocking news emerged.

Fairy Huang is dead.

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