"Why is this happening?"

Meng Fei looked at the cold body lying on the ground in disbelief.

He rushed forward quickly. Although there were people gathered around him, it was not difficult for Meng Fei to squeeze in.

As he got closer, he could see it more clearly.

Fairy Huang's body was intact. She had not suffered any injuries such as blows, and there were no fatal wounds, which naturally ruled out the possibility of homicide.

"Is it suicide?"

Meng Fei tilted his head and said, hoping that after the people around him heard it, the insiders could tell him something.

"She has been dead for a while. Some people came to see her and said she died of poisoning." Someone around explained to him.

"Then why has no one collected the body for so long?" Meng Fei asked again.

"Because we don't know why she died. Some people who know how to see her even say that she has an evil spirit in her body. They are afraid that she died of evil, so they don't dare to act rashly." Someone else said.

"Suicide by taking poison?"

After roughly understanding the situation, Meng Fei focused on this issue.

Then, he stepped forward and carefully observed Fairy Huang's body to see if there were any other problems.

At this time, someone around recognized Meng Fei and started talking.

"Hey~ This kid looks familiar?"

"Looks familiar? Hiss~ It seems a bit too much for you to say that!"

"Isn't this the boy chosen by Fairy Huang?!"

"Yes! That's him!"

"He's actually still alive!"

"He was alive, and then Fairy Huang died?!"

Almost everyone who knew Meng Fei was dumbfounded, because the usual situation was that Fairy Huang was alive and then the man died.

But the man in front of him was completely different.

As for the voices beside him, Meng Fei didn't pay attention.

He carefully recalled what had happened with Fairy Huang before, and Meng Fei finally had an idea.

Fairy Huang may have wanted to die for a long time. She seemed to be paying attention to every such opportunity, but failed almost every time. And this time, taking advantage of Meng Fei's trouble to find the fox demon, she may have seen hope again. After all, Meng Fei But people who can still live even if their essence is sucked dry.

This time, she finally succeeded. When Meng Fei confronted the fox demon, the fox demon had no choice but to release his control on her in order to escape successfully.

Looking at Fairy Huang's last expression, she was so peaceful, so Meng Fei stepped forward and hugged her body.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, Meng Fei took him to a quiet and beautiful hill, where the mountains were good, the water was good, and the air was very fresh.

"Meng Fei."

Gu Liu appeared from behind him.

Meng Fei nodded, and then while burying Fairy Huang's body with soil, he said without any expression: "Do you know? She is innocent, and even very pitiful."

"Of course I understand. I can guess it since I heard about the rune bamboo stick." Gu Liu said with a face as calm as water.

"Things like rune bamboo sticks or even yellow paper must no longer fall into these evil hands."

"Yeah, we have to work hard."

The setting sun.

The two stood quietly in front of the newly made grave without saying a word.

After standing for a long time, Meng Fei said to Gu Liu, "I want to see someone."

"Meeting whom?"

"Lord Ning."

"Why? That's all. Regardless of why, we can't just find the king if we want. It's best to go to Jiang Rufeng first. He should have a way for us to meet the king."

"That's fine."

Just leave.

The two arrived in the city. As for knowing where the Jiang family was, this was a very simple matter in Ningguo.

All he had to do was ask a passerby from Ningguo where the Jiang family was, and the two of them quickly arrived at the door of the Jiang family.

The moment they saw the Jiang family's door, the two of them were dumbfounded.

In front of the door, two golden lions sat there like earth gods, and the door was as dazzling as the starry sky. When I looked closer, I found that it was inlaid with various gems.

The guards at the door stood in two long rows, with a total of exactly twenty people.

Both of them were almost frightened by this battle. When they entrusted Xu Zhengyi with it before, the inn was also magnificent and frightening. However, compared with the Jiang family's mansion, it really pales into insignificance.

The Jiang family, if Ning Country has no master, they should be the master.

The two of them couldn't help but walked forward with some anxiety.

"Stop! Please explain your purpose."

Undoubtedly, they were stopped by the two leading guards.

This is also their responsibility, and the two of them understood it, so Meng Fei said, "I, Meng Fei, have some friendship with your young master. I am here to ask you for something. Please let me know."

"Meng Fei?"

The guard who spoke seemed to have thought of something important, and then exclaimed: "Are you Meng Fei? In other words, this person next to you is Taoist Gu Liu?"


They both answered at the same time.

"Hurry up! My master has an order. If Meng Fei and Gu Liu come to visit, they must be treated as distinguished guests! Come with me as soon as possible!"

The guard immediately showed a very enthusiastic expression and kept greeting the two of them.

The two of them entered the huge Jiang family under his leadership.

As for the big yellow dog who was with us just now, Meng Fei ordered him to go back to the inn to look after Xu Zhengyi. If he followed him and said something suddenly, it would probably scare ordinary people, so he simply stopped following him. .

The Jiang family is so big that it's like a small city.

The two were arranged by the guards to sit in an extremely luxurious carriage. This was definitely not to show off, but because it was too big. Without a carriage, it would take too much time to get to the East Courtyard where Jiang Rufeng was.

Finally, after several twists and turns, the two finally arrived at the East Courtyard.

This is where Jiang Rufeng was.

After the guards reported again, Jiang Rufeng also came to greet the two in a carriage with an excited look on his face.

In the East Courtyard, they actually had to rely on a carriage to get to the reception area.

So to make a long story short, Meng Fei told Jiang Rufeng a lot at this time, almost all of which were key points.

Jiang Rufeng also nodded in understanding, and then asked in confusion like Gu Liu before: "Why do you want to find the king?"

There is nothing to hide about this matter, Meng Fei explained: "Since we entered the city, we have been followed. The dead dog has noticed it, but those people did not have murderous intent, so it did not care. Later, after I went in and out of Qiyu Tower, no one followed me. In addition, the previous bounty order, I think these things may be related to the king, so I want to verify it. If this is true, then there may be some unknown secrets behind this king."

"Is that so? Okay, I will help you meet the king, but there is one thing you have to pay attention to. Our king is a little special..."

"Special? What's special about it?"

"She is a woman."

"Female king?!"

Meng Fei and Gu Liu exclaimed almost in unison.

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