A female ruler is indeed rare.

Even in Meng Fei's knowledge, when it comes to female emperors, there is only Wu Zetian, and that has always been a shining moment in history. But now if he wants to meet the female emperor in real life, he can't help but Some inner restlessness.

As for how to meet the king.

In fact, this is not an easy task for Jiang Rufeng. After all, he is interested in someone else's little girl, so even if he has a distinguished status, it is really embarrassing to do this.

The main problem is embarrassment. Fortunately, the Jiang family has so much face that even the head of the country has to give some face.

So, under Jiang Rufeng's personal leadership, the two of them successfully arrived at the palace where the king was.

The imperial palace is more spacious and grand than the Jiang family, and the decorations and sculptures are almost all decorated with dragons and other mythical beasts. This may be the difference from the Jiang family. The rest of the magnificence is actually on par with the Jiang family.

Nothing happens on weekdays, so the female princess is resting in the palace at this time.

So Jiang Rufeng ordered a eunuch in the palace to call the king.


The eunuch who ran very fast rushed to the outside of the palace and shouted.

Then, a voice like an ice sculpture came from the palace, "Speak."

As for the king, he doesn't have so many rules, so he seems to speak very casually.

"Your Majesty, the eldest son of the Jiang family, Jiang Rufeng, along with two friends, said they wanted to see Your Majesty. What do you think of Your Majesty?" the eunuch continued.

"That kid Jiang Rufeng? Let them come, I'll wait for them here." The originally cold voice of the female monarch finally changed a little.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The eunuch saluted and then summoned Jiang Rufeng and his party.

When several people came to the door of the palace, Meng Fei leaned forward and asked, "Do we need to kneel down?"

Gu Liu replied seriously: "Of course, she is the head of the country!"

Afterwards, both of them put on their posture and knelt down.

Jiang Rufeng on the side showed an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and then knelt down as well.

"Long live your majesty!"

"Okay, Jiang Rufeng. In the past, when you swaggered into the palace and harassed the princess, I never saw you being so polite. Please get up quickly."

At this time, a noble woman in simple clothes walked out of the palace. She had a cool temperament. Meng Fei looked up and looked like a strong professional woman.

At this time, she turned her head slightly and waved to the maids behind her. The maids also understood and retreated one after another.

She began to look at the few people in front of her. Jiang Rufeng naturally glanced at them. But after she took a look at the two people after them, they became calmer without any change.

The corners of Meng Fei's mouth rose slightly. Such calmness is actually unrest. People with different personalities and identities will have different judgments. For a female princess with such an identity and personality, meeting two acquaintances brought about two strange things. People, there is even an obvious Taoist priest who behaves so calmly.

This is abnormal.

It's often just covering up something.

"Jiang Rufeng, why are you here, and are you here to harass the princess?" Although the cold face of the king was cold, it could not be called cold.

But her behavior was like an ice thorn piercing Jiang Rufeng's chest. Jiang Rufeng could only shake his head suddenly and said: "No, no, my two brothers came here today mainly because they want to talk to the king."

"Oh, is it so?"

With the same ice-like voice, Jiang Rufeng's face was filled with black lines.

There was always a reason why he didn't want to talk to the king. He only talked to him once. After that time, Jiang Rufeng silently swore in his heart that he would never communicate with him again.

Like today, it was also to help Meng Fei, but there was really no other way, and the king said that he was usually rude.

That was because he had no choice. After all, he didn't want to see the female monarch, and at the same time he wanted to see the female monarch's younger sister, the third princess. As a scholar, how could he not be polite? In fact, he didn't want to see the female monarch. Just the Lord.

At this time, Jiang Rufeng felt relieved as he saw the female princess walking towards Meng Fei and the others.

The female monarch walked up to the two of them. On her cold face, there seemed to be a strange light in her eyes.

She said in a very calm tone: "I heard that you two have something to do with me. What do you do for me?"

Meng Fei didn't hold anything back, and told her everything he had said to Gu Liu before, including some of his guesses.

At this time, after listening to his story, the female king's eyes flickered a little strangely.

Meng Fei noticed this, so he said in an indifferent tone: "Your Majesty, if you really don't want to tell us, that's fine. We don't dare to force it. Let's say goodbye."

After saying that, Meng Fei turned around to leave. Seeing his move, Jiang Rufeng's eyes shone with hope.

"Wait a minute."

The voice of the female monarch sounded behind them.

Meng Fei immediately stopped, while Jiang Rufeng stumbled unprepared.

At this time, they noticed that there was a sudden relief in the eyes of the female monarch, and then she said to the two of them, "I will tell you what you are wondering about."

Then, she turned around, then turned her head to the side and continued to say to several people: "Follow me."


None of the three people dared to disobey and followed him honestly.

Led by the queen, the three followed through the palace and finally came to a secret room.

They walked down. Perhaps because this place was confidential, the queen did not bring any guards.

There was a dim light in the secret room, but fortunately everything inside could be seen clearly.

The walls around were made of stone, with a square hole in the middle, where an oil lamp was placed, and the oil lamp tried hard to shine.

It illuminated the things placed behind the corner.

"What is this?"

In front of the few people, there were three sets of instruments that had never been seen before.

The three sets of instruments were placed in turn on the half-person-high stone platform, and they were almost all very clean. It can be seen that they have been carefully cared for, that is, these three things have been under care.

The first one from left to right is a bronze mirror supported by a golden bracket, and the one in the middle is a phoenix-headed Si Nan, and the one on the far right is a night-shining pearl that can only be fully held in two hands.

"Bronze mirror, Si Nan, night-shining pearl. I seem to have heard of these three things somewhere?" Jiang Rufeng touched the back of his head, his mind working rapidly.

"Oh, I remember, according to legend, Ningguo has three treasures, one is the bronze spirit mirror, the second is the Si Nan of all spirits, and the third is the night-shining pearl of wishes! Could these three be it?!"

Jiang Rufeng, who remembered everything, looked at the three artifacts in front of him with a shocked face.

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