"Yes, these are exactly the three legendary treasures."

The female monarch did not deny it and said it clearly.

However, this made them all a little confused and worried. Why did she bring a few people here directly when she could know that Qiyu Tower was caused by evil spirits? In fact, she could have told it orally or even not tell it directly.

And this is a national treasure!

Is it really okay to let outsiders like them see it?

Are you trying to find an excuse to kill them?

It's wrong to think so. After all, the entire Ning Kingdom is almost supported by two pillars, one is the royal family, and the other is the Jiang family.

So, she couldn't kill the heir to the Jiang family, right? It's impossible even if you think about it.

But for Meng Fei and Gu Liu, although she couldn't say anything if she killed the Jiang family casually, they were friends of the eldest son of the Jiang family after all, so she had no reason to kill others.

"I don't understand, Your Majesty, why do you want to bring us to see these things? These things may be the secrets of the country." Of course, such doubts were expressed by Meng Fei, who was not afraid of death.

However, the female princess ignored him and explained to them the uses of these things.

This first bronze mirror allowed demons and monsters to reveal their true form, not just as simple as looking in the mirror.

The second Wanling Sinan can find anything. You only need to put items related to the thing you want to find on it, and Wanling Sinan will automatically point in the direction of the thing you want to find.

The last wishful night pearl is not actually able to make wishes, but can peek into the future, and the closer the future is, the clearer it can be seen. In the same way, the farther the future appears, the more blurry it is.

"Wanling Sinan?"

After hearing the introduction from the female king, Meng Fei suddenly became interested in this thing.

If they had this thing, just put the yellow paper on it, then they wouldn't have to look for other yellow papers aimlessly!

Then, I saw Meng Fei touching his chin, his eyes shining.

"We all understand now that His Majesty used these things to know that something was wrong, so he issued a reward order, and he was very prescient and only distributed it abroad. But why are we being followed?"

Meng Fei said without fear of death.

Unexpectedly, the female king suddenly turned her cold eyes in front of Meng Fei. Meng Fei felt very uncomfortable when she stared at him.

"It's because of—you!"


Unexpectedly, the female kingdom leader insisted that she had something to do with him, and Meng Fei was more or less innocent.

"It's you, because after issuing the reward, he was worried that too much time would pass and there would be unrest in the country, so he looked to see how long it would take for someone to solve the problem, and then he saw you and your group."

Of course, these few words could not explain anything, so she continued: "After that, I made another prediction about the two of you. As for the Taoist priest, he did not appear in Ningguo again, but you appeared again later. In Ningguo!"

"So what exactly did I do in the future to make His Majesty so worried?"

Meng Fei was still confused.

At this time, the female kingdom leader walked up to Wanling Sinan and said with some disbelief: "Even I didn't expect that in the future that Ye Mingzhu spied on, although the picture was blurry, due to the prediction The main subject is you, so it can’t be anyone else, and then I saw that you actually brought Wanling Sinan to my palace in Ningguo! "


Jiang Rufeng and Gu Liu were both stunned.

This means that Meng Fei will get one of Ning Guo's artifacts, Wanling Sinan, in some unknown way in the future.

And will you return it in person in the future? !

Meng Fei, on the other hand, swallowed his saliva dishonestly. He did not expect that it turned out that his wishful thinking was known, so he was followed.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty! He is here now, and the things are also here. We will not take Wanling Sinan away!" Gu Liu explained quickly.

However, the female princess was not angry at all and ignored Gu Liu's words. Instead, she stepped forward to ask Meng Fei.

"Has the matter at Qiyu Tower been resolved?"

The sudden question made a few people unable to react. Only Meng Fei, who had nothing in his head, nodded and answered the female king's words.

"Your Majesty, everything is fine in Qiyu Tower, but something went wrong while catching the monster and it escaped." Meng Fei replied.

The female monarch nodded with satisfaction, and then under the gazes of several people who couldn't believe it, she suddenly picked up the Wanling Sinan and came to the two of them.

"Take this Si Nan away," the female monarch said slowly.

"What?! Lord of the country! You can't do it, you can't do it!" Gu Liudu was about to kneel down, he was afraid that something would go wrong.

"Harm, if there is anything I can't do, then I'll thank Your Majesty!"

Meng Fei on the side was in a different scene. He took the Wanling Sinan with a smile, his face full of satisfaction.

"Meng Fei, you are too courageous! Besides, Your Majesty, why would you give him such a thing?"

Jiang Rufeng was also afraid that the princess would do something bad, so she blamed Meng Fei on the surface, but in fact, she asked the female monarch protectively.

At this time, the female princess smiled. Her smile seemed to have a kind of magic power. Maybe she was of noble status, and coupled with her cool temperament, her smile looked very kind and had a special temperament.

"Your Majesty?" Gu Liu also expressed doubts.

The female king said with a kind face: "Since the prophecy said that he would take away Wanling Si Nan, then it must happen. In addition, he is the benefactor who helped Ningguo solve the problem, so I don't think he is a hidden danger. Moreover, over the years, the most used thing is this night-light pearl. It doesn't matter if he takes Si Nan. The prophecy also said that he will return the artifact in the end, so don't worry. I think this young man is not an ordinary person. Instead of making a big fuss, it's better to make a personal favor."

After she said this, the three of them were deeply shocked by her open-mindedness.

Jiang Rufeng even swept away the bad impression he had of her. Meng Fei and Gu Liu admired her mind and open-mindedness. It was not unreasonable for a woman to become the head of a country!

"Gu Liu."

Meng Fei called Gu Liu beside him and winked at him.

Gu Liu understood quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he made a summoning talisman, a black and white talisman paper, and respectfully presented it to the queen.

"Your Majesty, please accept this summoning talisman. With this talisman, if the country is invaded by demons again, you can tear it up and call us!"

"Okay, then I'll accept it."

The queen did not refuse and accepted the black and white talisman paper.

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