The trip to Ningguo finally comes to an end here.

Taking Xu Zhengyi, who had been waiting for a long time, and saying goodbye to Jiang Rufeng, the three of them and one dog finally embarked on the journey again.

As soon as I left Ningguo, I felt that the world had become calmer.

In the countryside on the roadside, there is no luxurious and exaggerated atmosphere like Ningguo, but more pure and natural beauty.

Even the air seemed to become fresher.

"Brother Meng Fei, where are we going?"

I saw little Zhengyi sitting on the back of the big yellow dog and talking with his head tilted, and his body was shaking.

Of course, if he could sit on the big yellow dog, Meng Fei's intimidation would naturally be indispensable.

And the current big yellow dog itself is relatively big. It is probably bigger than the two of them when standing, let alone sitting on Xu Zhengyi. Its big back is completely enough.

At this time, Meng Fei held Wanling Sinan in his palm, but he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Go find a dead fox, but before that, we must get something related to it. So we have to go to the previous cave first.”

As for the location of the cave, Meng Fei only needs to put it in his hands. After all, he has had contact with the cave.

So, after briefly imagining the appearance of the cave, Sinan's Ten Thousand Spirits in his hand really moved.

The phoenix finally stopped in a clear direction, and they immediately headed in that direction.

Soon they arrived at the cave, which was still the same as when they left. There were no other abnormal changes. It was obvious that the fox demon was not a devout thing, and he still didn't turn back to do anything.

At this time, Meng Fei walked near the entrance of the cave, looking for something.

Then, he picked up a throwing knife with blood stains on it with a satisfied look on his face.

"Just use this flying knife."

Meng Fei placed the flying knife in the free space of Wanling Sinan, and then imagined the appearance of the fox demon in his mind.

Wanling Sinan moved again and once again pointed out the direction for them.

Meng Fei and Gu Liu nodded to each other, and then asked Xu Zhengyi to hold the big yellow dog's hair firmly, and they were about to enter a hurry.

Time is running out, after all, if this trouble is not solved early, who knows what the fox demon will do, and they must get the bamboo stick that can control living creatures.

Under the sunlight, the figure of the group of people disappeared in place like the wind, passing near the people, really like a cool breeze blowing by.

"I can't believe it's actually here..."

As Wanling Sinan's crested beacon returned to its original position, they knew they had reached their destination.

But everything in front of me seemed a bit dreamy.

A sea of ​​flowers?

Is this actually the hiding place of the fox demon?

It is really impossible for people to believe that the fox demon can be so elegant and find such a place to hide in it. This statement is really dramatic.

"Big yellow dog, do you smell it?"

Because the smell of fox was really too unpleasant, Meng Fei let the big yellow dog smell it.

However, the big yellow dog has never had any treatment on its nose since it came here. However, even after coming here, it still doesn't smell anything abnormal.

So it could only shake its head and said helplessly: "I have never smelled it, including along the way. To be honest, I can smell the residual smell, but there is really nothing along the way. smell."

"Hey, that's weird." Meng Fei, who was still a little unconvinced, opened his spirit-sniffing nose. He was a little worried and became confused after sniffing twice.

There really is no smell at all? !

"Then why?" Meng Fei shook his head helplessly.

This can't be a problem with Wanling Sinan, right?

But in the previous use, at least Wanling Sinan has not had any problems, so there should be no need to worry about this.

Then this kind of problem has been eliminated, and that kind of problem has also been eliminated, so what exactly is the problem?

"very strange?"

Suddenly, Xu Zhengyi exclaimed and immediately attracted the attention of several people.

They walked up to Xu Zhengyi, who was staring at a purple flower in confusion with a puzzled face.

"Zhengyi, what's wrong with this flower?" Meng Fei stepped forward and asked.

I saw Xu Zhengyi approaching the purple flower and smelling it vigorously, and then said with great certainty: "I know this flower. It is a flower with a particularly strong fragrance. However, when I got so close to smell the flower in front of me, it didn't smell. A little bit of flavor.”


Meng Fei, Gu Liu, and even the big yellow dog began to smell the flowers here.

Gu Liu also discovered that in this sea of ​​flowers, none of the flower seeds that he knew had a strong and fragrant smell had no smell.

"What's even more strange is that some flowers have harsh growing conditions and cannot grow normally under the conditions here!" Gu Liu came to this conclusion after looking at many flowers he knew.

They were still wondering, but Meng Fei understood something at this time.

He stepped forward silently, and without the other people paying attention, he pointed his toes at the sky, and then fell heavily, causing the entire sea of ​​flowers to scatter petals with his shock.

"What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of disturbing the situation?" Gu Liu asked Meng Fei inexplicably. Then he became unsteady and half-knelt on the spot.

Xu Zhengyi was leaning on one side. Fortunately, there was a big yellow dog leaning on the side, otherwise he would have fallen directly.


Meng Fei didn't explain too much, but pointed directly at the ground where the petals were scattered.

I saw that the land was covered with petals scattered in a thick layer, and then disappeared immediately.

"Is this an illusion?"

Gu Liu said in confusion.

However, Meng Fei shook his head and said: "Not entirely, there is only a tasteless miasma here, which caused us to have illusions at the same time, including this one."

After saying that, Meng Fei took out the Wanling Si Nan again.

The crest on the top was returned to its original position before, but now there are residual images of the crest pointing in another direction from time to time.

"That's enough."

Seeing the three people who were still confused, Meng Fei shook his head helplessly, and then led them away from here.

Meng Fei took out Wanling Sinan again, and the phoenix head on it was no longer pointing to its original position, nor was it pointing in the direction to turn them back.

The three finally believed Meng Fei's words at this time, and they couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"This damn fox! You actually tricked me again! Don't you bite it into pieces when I see it!"

Among them, the most angry one is the big yellow dog.

"Okay, continue on your way, and you must be careful. This dead fox is also very cunning and terrifying. He actually did so many tricks on the way to escape. His thoughts are really scary!"

Meng Fei thought, he must be here, otherwise this fox demon would probably have killed this group of people countless times.

Even if it's not strong.

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