Like a sharp blade capable of cutting through space, the demon-slaying sword in Xu Zhengyi's hand swept past him.

That represents the powerful power of the gold element.

Another sword strike.

Wherever the demon-slaying sword passed by, little trees sprouted. This was the power of wood.

Another extremely beautiful sword passed by. This sword was extremely gentle, but occasionally it would burst out with terrifying power, just like the majestic and mysterious waves of the sea. This was the power of water.

Then, an extremely fast sword carrying infinite heat passed by, and all the weeds on the ground were burned away. This was the power of fire.

The last sword! That sword brought up countless dust flying in the air, and then it condensed into a wall, melted into mud, and kept condensing and melting, as if under his control. This is the power of earth.

"I actually learned it so quickly..."

Looking at Xu Zhengyi who had already learned the Elemental Breathing Sword Technique, Gu Liu felt a hint of envy in his heart. You must know that he once wanted to learn this sword technique but always failed.

But genius is genius, and for talents like Zhengyi, one should still appreciate them.

"Justice, are you ready to fight?"

Although Zhengyi has learned the swordsmanship as expected, he has never participated in actual combat, and the time is indeed too hasty, so Gu Liu is naturally uneasy.

However, after Xu Zhengyi took a deep breath, he showed a determined look and said, "Don't worry, I'm ready!"


Gu Liu nodded to him.

Then he looked at Meng Fei and Big Yellow Dog, and shouted at them: "Meng Fei! Give Justice a chance to use that blow!"


Meng Fei responded loudly.

"What does this mean?" The big yellow dog couldn't turn its head.

"Silly dog, although Zhengyi has learned swordsmanship, his physical strength is still not comparable to that of the ooze monster. It is naturally impossible for him to directly confront the ooze monster, so we can only help him use that move. ! Well... please step back first, I will do it alone!"


Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog didn't have any other ideas after understanding the meaning, and walked away so straightforwardly.

Meng Fei was speechless for a while, but he didn't care. Then he loudly preached to Xu Zhengyi, who was running towards here with his sword in hand: "Don't worry, wait until Brother Meng Fei gives you a chance to show off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Fei changed the momentum of his attack. When he was facing the ooze monster head-on, he took advantage of it not paying attention and did a forward somersault directly onto the ooze monster.

He grabbed the two muddy arms of the ooze monster and tried to control it in place.

"How naive, do you think you can control me like this?"

The slime monster let out an extremely sarcastic laugh, then first its two arms softened and turned into mud and fell to the ground. Then the rest of its body also softened and fell to the ground, immediately blending into the bare land.

"Damn it, it's another one of those cowardly tricks." Meng Fei couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

What's even more troublesome is that this guy can no longer be attacked, and things seem to have become an endless loop again.

"Ge Lao Tzu! Come out!"

Meng Fei stepped hard on the bare land under his feet.

The bare land was almost that guy's natural territory, and the area was as large as a courtyard.

"Meng Fei! Get out of the way! Let justice come!" Gu Liu's voice appeared.

Meng Fei said in disbelief: "Is it okay to hide underground?"

Gu Liu nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

So, Meng Fei jumped to Xu Zhengyi's side to prevent him from being attacked by the ooze monster.

"The second secret power of elemental breathing swordsmanship, the power of wood - life."

As the voice of justice fell, the demon-slaying sword began to dance in his hand.

Riding under the bright moonlight, the moonlight shone on the body of the demon-slaying sword, seeming to be integrated with it. Then, led by Xu Zhengyi, the demon-slaying sword passed one place after another, and those places were exactly where it was. The place occupied by bare earth.

And that was almost the territory of the ooze monster. As the sword light passed by, signs of life appeared on the dry and dead land.

The sprouts of life are constantly growing, eroding the originally dry and lifeless land bit by bit, and the ooze monster will be restrained bit by bit by this force, and will be suppressed under it forever.

"No! This is useless, useless, useless, useless!"

On that land, in addition to the green life that is growing, big bags are also bulging out.

That was the ooze monster. At this time, it was thinking about breaking free from everything that was restraining it little by little.

"not good!"

Everyone knew the motive of the ooze monster, but they couldn't think of any way to stop the ooze monster's movements.

But they know they must not let the ooze monster succeed!

Once it breaks through, it will be even more difficult!

"Is there any other way? Gu Liu?!"

Meng Fei, who had no clue, could only call Gu Liu now.


After pondering very urgently, Gu Liu patted his head, and then took out a black and white talisman paper from his body.

Then I saw him throwing the black and white talisman paper in the air, and then using one hand to make a seal, and with the other hand, he wrote a big word "福" on the black and white talisman paper in mid-air.

"I use this talisman to ask for blessings from heaven, and use the power of a sword to grant blessings!"

Then, the black and white talisman suddenly emitted a strange light and surrounded it.

At this time, Gu Liu pinched it between his two fingers, and then threw it towards the demon-slaying sword in Xu Zhengyi's hand. The black and white talisman was instantly attached to the demon-slaying sword.

"Justice, use another sword!" he shouted loudly.


Zhengyi nodded, then danced, and took advantage of the moonlight to pass by with his sword.


After this sword strike, the green beings in front of them grew like crazy. In the blink of an eye, they were fully grown!

The strong fluctuations in the ground suddenly disappeared at this time, and the ooze monster was finally completely eliminated at this moment.

Things here finally calmed down, and everyone was a little tired.

But Gu Liu was the one who was the most tired. After Zhengyi dealt with the ooze monster, he suddenly knelt down and was even unable to support his body.

"Are you okay?" Meng Fei hurried to him to help him up and asked.

Gu Liu shook his head, indicating that he was fine, and explained: "This talisman is the blessing talisman in the Qimen Talisman. It has the power to make wishes. It was my wish just now that strengthened justice." The ability, but this is very harmful to the vitality..."

At this point, Gu Liu actually lost some strength.

Meng Fei then found a resting place and put it down.

It's late at night and we won't go any further tonight.

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