early morning.

The rising sun gently illuminated several people's faces.

Several people sleeping in the open air took advantage of the sunshine and opened their eyes.

"Ah~ Do you want to get up so early?"

No one expected that it was Meng Fei who said these words.

After all, he can be regarded as the boss in this career.

But I never thought that this guy was actually the one who "stayed in bed".

Looking at those piercing eyes, Meng Fei suddenly lost his sleepiness.

He immediately sat up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "It's okay, let's go, let's go."


The others were speechless for a while.

Meng Fei also didn't expect that when he fell asleep, he immediately forgot that he was still in this world. Remembering that when he was on Earth, staying in bed was a common thing. After all, there is a saying for never sleeping for five minutes.

So, he took out Wanling Sinan and put the flying knife on it. Wanling Sinan continued to move around as before, so they only needed to keep moving forward. When Wanling Sinan stopped moving, it meant that they were on the path. That's right.

But this way forward, there is really no other danger. The previous slime monster was just as Meng Fei thought, it was just an "accident".

Therefore, they soon passed this journey.

As for why? That was naturally because Wanling Sinan finally stopped moving around at this moment and began to point motionlessly in the direction of the road ahead.

"Very good."

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more comfortable.

"You still have to be careful ahead. That guy has a rune bamboo stick, so he can almost pass by the locations of various monsters at will, but we can't, so we must be more careful."

Although he was not afraid of anything, Meng Fei was still worried about them.

And with them around, Meng Fei's things will be easier to do. Just like the slime monster before, success will ultimately depend on everyone's joint efforts.

Now, whether it's Meng Fei to them or they to Meng Fei, all of them trust each other immensely.

So under the sunshine, their steps became more determined.

"real or fake?"

"Are you sure we have to go through here, Meng Fei?"

"Gouzi, let me see, what is it?"

"I advise you little brat not to look at it, otherwise you might end up pissing on my back. My back can't bear this!"

The voices of several people each shouted with different voices.

The big yellow dog also used magic to make its tail longer and larger, so it was like a huge dog hair barrier, covering Xu Zhengyi's face.

So what exactly is in front of them?

Meng Fei stared at the Wanling Sinan in his hand. After rubbing his eyes several times to confirm, he raised his head in despair.

In front of them was a strange-shaped hill, which faced them straight.

That's a huge head!

His mouth was opened wide, with teeth carved into it like bricks, a huge tongue with extremely sticky mucus on it, and his eyes were like two large beads placed in a large round hole, plus A flat nose, with a few strands of hair scattered on the top of the head.

The scene was extremely weird for a while.

However, what is even more terrifying is that no matter how he looks or turns, Wanling Sinan is always pointing in the direction of his mouth.

There aren't even any other routes.

Here, it is the only way to step on the horse!

This is probably the truest portrayal of everyone's hearts when they see this scene.

"Oh, there's no other way, just bite the bullet!"

Meng Fei said extremely helplessly.

Then he signaled to the big yellow dog, and the big yellow dog also clearly used some magic to completely blind Xu Zhengyi's eyes.

"Eh? Why can't I see? Gouzi, what did you do?" Xu Zhengyi said in a panic when he suddenly lost sight.

The big yellow dog said with an innocent face: "You can't blame me, uncle, this is all for your own good! Be obedient! Brat!"

"Oh..." Xu Zhengyi said with a naive face again, and the feeling of being naive all the time may be mainly due to his facial paralysis...

So, Meng Fei and the others had no choice but to bite the bullet and head towards the mouth.

Teeth half as tall as a man.

It sounds outrageous to say, but the fact is right in front of them.

They climbed over it carefully and couldn't help but look up, because they were always afraid that the top row of teeth would fall off, which meant that the mouth would suddenly close.

But fortunately, that didn't happen, so they stepped on the tongue again with trepidation.

At that moment, the sticky feeling of the mucus and the soft feeling of the tongue, as soon as they stepped down, the disgusting numbness immediately rushed from the soles of their feet to their Tianling Caps like an electric current.

This is not an exaggeration, the nauseating feeling is so strong.

The two of them and the dog didn't even want to tilt their heads down even a little bit.

The big yellow dog may be the most uncomfortable one. After all, it has four legs, which is super doubled.

Fortunately, nothing strange happened during this journey, which gave them some comfort.

But when it comes to the throat, the problem comes again.

With the huge and bottomless throat in front of them, it was naturally impossible to move forward, so they stopped.

"What about up there?"

Meng Fei looked up, and with his eyes that could hide all evil things, he immediately saw bursts of strange gas that was out of place. There must be something strange above it.

"It's better not to go up there, I decided to open up this place!"


Gu Liu couldn't believe his ears. This guy actually said he wanted to get through here.

It means that he wants to break the back of the head directly. Anyway, Wanling Sinan has been pointing straightly, so this is indeed a way to do it.

So Meng Fei asked them to step back and breathed into his right fist. Then he jumped from the throat with one step, and his whole body was shot to the back of the head like a bullet.


That punch immediately burst out with huge power, punching directly through the back of the head.

However, Meng Fei, who had just flown out, felt an emptiness under his feet.

"This horse riding... cliff... ah..."

"Meng Fei!"

"Brother Meng Fei?! What's wrong with him? Dog?!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, it's a small problem, a small problem...at least that's what I think..."

Under the incredulous looks of everyone, Meng Fei suddenly fell into the air, and his body disappeared in front of several people.

What none of them expected was that there was a cliff at the back of their heads!

They certainly couldn't rush forward and keep up with Meng Fei's death march. They could only wait where he was for the guy to resurrect.

The cliff was also frighteningly deep. Meng Fei didn't know how long he had fallen. Gu Liu only felt that he was a little sleepy.


When Gu Liu was feeling sleepy, he finally heard the sound of Meng Fei tapping on his shoulder.

"Damn, this is too deep!" Meng Fei couldn't help but cursed his mother.

"So there is a cliff ahead, how should we get across?" Gu Liu came back to his senses and asked this important question.

Meng Fei touched his chin, then took a small step forward, then raised his head and looked diagonally upward, then he stretched out his hand and pointed to where he was looking and said:

"I saw it when I fell. There was a white bridge on top!"

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