The skeleton is supported by previously massive spinal connections.

Then a half-circle of large white bones bent down on both sides, but the bones were still burning with red and green flames.

The entire skeleton is surrounded by a dark road that is burned by scorching flames, and it is not difficult to imagine the temperature on it.

If someone walked in rashly, they would probably be treated as raw meat and roasted directly.

But fortunately, this scene didn't look as black as the previous ones. I simply let Xu Zhengyi's restraints open and saw this scene. Besides being shocked, this scene was still shocking.

Unexpectedly, such a strange scene actually exists in this world. Thinking of the cold and snowy Hanyue State, Xu Zhengyi may feel that this place is the complete opposite.

And there are still people alive in Hanyue State, but looking at the scene in front of you, how can this be a scene where people can survive?

Needless to say, even if there are any here, I'm afraid there are only some monsters and ghosts left.

However, Wanling Sinan pointed out that this was the only way to pass, which also made everyone feel confused.

"How about I give it a try?"

Xu Zhengyi took out the demon-slaying sword and said.

"Hey, that's right, can we give Justice a try?!" Meng Fei poked Gu Liu with his elbow.

However, after some observation, Gu Liu just shook his head and said: "This place is too big. It can't be compared with the ooze monster. This place is really too big. Even with the blessing of my blessing talisman, the water of justice The power is not enough!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became a little desperate.

"Then you wait here first, or I should go take a look first."

No one had any objection to this, so Meng Fei stepped forward alone and entered the endless sea of ​​fire.

"I'm sorry! It's too hot!"

Unexpectedly, even Meng Fei, who was physically so strong, felt the burning sensation like a knife after entering the Fire Frame Road.

Unexpectedly, before he had walked a few steps, he kept retreating.

"No, I can't leave at all."

If even Meng Fei said this, it would be even more impossible for them to walk through with flesh and blood.

"I can only try this!"

The person who said this was naturally the guy Gu Liu. He knew almost everything, so he still had to do it at this moment.

"Fire-avoiding charm!"

A piece of black and white talisman paper, with the two characters "Avoid Fire" written on the white side.

Then, Gu Liu was seen holding the fire-avoiding talisman with two fingers, and a golden barrier immediately appeared on his body.

"Then wait until I go in and take a look."

After saying that, Gu Liu walked inside with the fire barrier.

Everything was fine at first, and Gu Liu had indeed traveled further than Meng Fei.

The rest of the people looked at his retreating figure, with excitement on their faces.

"It seems okay!"

they said excitedly.

However, just when Gu Liu was about to approach the exit, his movements suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

They were watching in trance from behind, feeling strange about this sudden scene.

And on Gu Liu's side.

He couldn't restrain the excitement on his face when he saw the exit just now, but what he didn't expect was.

He originally thought that the middle position would be where the flames were the most intense, but the reality was completely different.

The fact is, the closer to the exit, the stronger the bastard fire becomes.

"what is that?!"

Gu Liu couldn't help but take two steps back after seeing something.

In the flames in front of him, he saw two flames like eyes staring at him, and even roared as the flames suddenly increased in size.

With this sudden movement, the fire-proof barrier surrounding Gu Liu opened a terrifying hole.

Bursts of thick smoke slipped in through the gap, directly bringing a huge amount of heat and an extremely choking feeling to Gu Liu.

"No! Ahem...Transformation Talisman!"

Seeing something bad, Gu Liu immediately took out another talisman and used two different Qimen talismans together. He rarely did such a thing.

But now is the time, and as a last resort, you must do it even if you don’t know how!

And people are often inspired to have strength beyond normal times at this time.

Under the stunning mirror, Gu Liu held the fire-avoiding talisman in one hand and the shape-shifting talisman in the other hand. He kept reciting two sentences in his mouth with a solemn expression.


As he roared, his figure finally disappeared.

Finally, he appeared in front of the other people feeling extremely exhausted.

"Gu Liu? Are you okay?!"

Meng Fei quickly went to help him up. Gu Liu's body felt hot and there was a lot of black dust.

"I'm fine, just a little bit injured." Gu Liu motioned to Meng Fei to let go of his hand, and then he supported his body to show that he was fine.

"Damn it, even your talisman doesn't work?" Meng Fei said somewhat unconvinced.

Gu Liu also shook his head helplessly, but then he suddenly thought of something, and then said to a few people with some excitement: "You don't know, I just escaped death, but it is true that if you survive a disaster, you will be lucky." , just now, I mastered the ability to use two Qimen Talismans at the same time!"

"That is to say!" Meng Fei also became excited.

"That's right, one blessing talisman is not enough, then two!"

Gu Liu then took out two blessing talismans and held them in his hands, and then he staggered.

"Hey! Can you still hold on?" Meng Fei immediately supported him and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Gu Liu just said this lightly, and then said to Xu Zhengyi: "Zhengyi, get ready!"


Xu Zhengyi saw that he was weak, so he didn't dare to delay and quickly took out his sword to dance.

"The third secret power of the elemental breathing sword technique, the power of water - sweet rain!"

With Xu Zhengyi's call, the last sword pointed at the sky, and then looked at the bright and sunny sky, and dark clouds began to gather, but the number was extremely small, and it seemed a bit of a pipe dream to want to extinguish the fire.

So, Gu Liu quickly pinched the formula, and the two blessing talismans immediately flashed with golden sacred light.

Then, Gu Liu threw the two blessing talismans flashing with golden light very accurately at Xu Zhengyi's sword.


The moment the blessing talisman reached Xu Zhengyi's sword, the dark clouds above the sky immediately surged several times!

The sky immediately became gray!

The dark clouds gathered and rubbed against each other, and in an instant, thunder and lightning struck, and a storm followed.

The heavy rain was pouring down, like a river pouring down from the sky, and only such a violent rain could put out the fire!

After a while.

The rainstorm finally eroded the fire clean, and everyone took advantage of this time to plunge into the road ahead.

At the exit of the road.

The pair of flaming eyes that Gu Liu encountered finally showed their true form.

"It turned out to be just a small monster."

After Meng Fei solved it with a punch, there was still some disappointment on his face.

Gu Liu stepped forward and patted his shoulder, reminding him:

"Go quickly, there will always be a time for you to take action in the future!"

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