Since Mount Fire.

There will be no follow-up to that huge body.

According to their guess, the giant should have been killed, and its body was transformed into a road blocker. As for the giant, they had not seen it before. Although this one was bigger, it was not unusual.

But how did the dead fox pass here? Although they were curious, but with the rune bamboo stick, maybe it did something they couldn't think of.

After all, it is a powerful and strange thing that can control living creatures.

After this advance, they followed Wanling Sinan to a small town.

At night, this small town is brightly lit and bustling.

"Xiaoyang City."

Looking at the three big characters on the plaque above the city gate, different thoughts appeared in everyone's minds.

For Xu Zhengyi, who is still young, such a small city that never sleeps is full of novelty.

As for the big yellow dog, it is natural to satisfy its unsatisfied stomach all the way.

Seeing such a city, Meng Fei and Gu Liu, the two busiest people along the way, wanted to take a break.

"Oh, I remembered."

Gu Liu suddenly touched his chin, as if he suddenly remembered something, and then he explained to them: "Xiaoyang City, this is named after Yangcheng, one of the most prosperous cities in the world. This Xiaoyang City It looks like a prosperous place.”

After hearing the popularity of Gu Liu, several people became interested and even wanted to quickly enter it to find out.

As soon as they stepped into Xiaoyang City, the comfortable feeling immediately hit several people's senses.

Lanterns, small streams, stone arch bridges, children in colorful clothes holding candied haws, children and pedestrians listening to storytellers on the roadside, old people playing chess, and the constant sound of hawking like a stream of water...

This kind of scene really makes people feel very calm. The feeling is calm and comfortable, making people feel as if their mind is like water.

Compared with the exaggerated money and prosperity of Ningguo, the prosperity of life in Xiaoyang City is easier for people to accept, and they even want to devote themselves directly to it.

"How many of them are from outside?"

Walking on the street, the waiter at the roadside inn was very discerning and noticed a few people who couldn't find their way.

"Yes, waiter, can you rest comfortably here?"

Meng Fei saw that his business didn't seem to be very good, so he asked deliberately.

Hearing his words, the waiter smiled, but stepped forward and whispered to Meng Fei: "You don't know, since the last time there was a monster, we in Xiaoyang City have started to keep away from outsiders, and our family Liangdi, which is close to the city gate, has always relied on people from outside the city to make a living, so you should probably understand why our inn doesn't mind..."

"A monster?"

Needless to say, they also knew that it was the fox demon who was causing trouble.

But think about it, that guy probably wouldn't dare to have an idea here. After all, this place is so prosperous, and all kinds of people come and go. It's not weird for Taoist priests to come and go, so it's just a small fuss at most.

And looking at this prosperous area, it is clear that this place has not been greatly affected.

So, Meng Fei and the others simply entered the inn. Under the guidance of the waiter, they first served some food on the table.

"Come on, gentlemen!"

The waiter came to everyone with a large plate.

"Waiter, can you tell us what the monster is doing?" While the waiter was putting food on the table, Meng Fei continued to talk to him.

After all the food was served, the waiter also responded to Meng Fei's words.

"Speaking of that monster, it's so cunning! It pretended to be a human and entered Xiaoyang City. It seemed that it was seeing the bustling city and probably there would be many extravagant and lustful people, so it transformed into the beauty to seduce the city. man."

"and after?"

"Later, it turned into a beauty, but I didn't expect that the people in Xiaoyang City would not accept it at all. Not long after it was in the city, some people said that it had ruined the city's reputation. Soon there were more people, so it He started to drive it away, and then the guy became so angry that he revealed his true form and wanted to kill people. However, he was caught by a Taoist priest who came to the city to play. However, the guy didn't know what kind of magic he used, which made the Taoist priest unable to move. , and then just when we thought we were certain to die, something suddenly appeared on the guy's face, and then he muttered a few words and quickly left Xiaoyang City with a dark look on his face. "

After hearing this, there should be no follow-up.

But several people heard a very important message, that is, the fox demon's sudden change of face, which was obviously very wrong.

So, Meng Fei immediately asked: "What did that guy say in the end? Did you hear it?"

The waiter shook his head, everyone was a little disappointed.

Then, the waiter suddenly remembered that someone seemed to have heard it, so he immediately said to them: "I know someone who was not far from the monster at the time. He might have heard something!"

"Who?! Take us to find him quickly!" Meng Fei was a little excited.

The waiter was a little confused and afraid and said: "No, I still have to watch the inn..."

Meng Fei didn't waste any time and directly took out a piece of gold and put it on the table. The waiter's eyes suddenly bulged. He was not blinded by the money, but was surprised that this group of people could be so rich.

Of course, this was Jiang Rufeng's credit. When Ning Guo left, Jiang Rufeng took a lot of money for them, and most of them were extremely valuable things. It was said that it was easy to get them, and at the same time, they could have so much money that they could almost never use it up.

"The shopkeeper's!"


"Come down and check out the store!"


After hearing what he said, the store owner rushed out from upstairs with a look of disbelief on his face.

But after seeing the gold on the table, his eyes were bulging, and he instantly understood what he meant.

So he nodded and told the waiter: "You have to take good care of the guests! I'll take care of the store! If you need anything, go quickly, don't miss the time!"


The waiter quickly agreed, and then led a few people to the person he was talking about.

This is the favorite liar in Xiaoyang City to join in the fun, but even a liar is an enthusiastic person under the influence of the good environment of Xiaoyang City.

So he also answered Meng Fei's questions seriously.

"I remember what the guy said at the time: No, that guy actually got a little closer. Damn it, he did so many tricks! It seems that I have to leave right away! These idiots consider themselves lucky!"

While he was talking, he was still making gestures, which looked extremely funny.

"That guy should be talking about me, right?"

Meng Fei said in disbelief.

After all, this also told them a terrifying fact, that is, not only did they know the location and movements of the fox demon, but even the fox demon actually knew their movements!

In this way, even if they knew the location of the fox demon, it would be difficult to catch it. After all, it also knew their movements. Wouldn't this become an endless loop again?

"It actually knows that we are chasing it. This is not good news." Gu Liu also shook his head worriedly, and then asked: "What about the place where you escaped? Can you take us to see it?"


After all, the liar was extremely upright, and he and the waiter led several people to the scene where the incident occurred.

"Reveal yourself!"

At this time, Gu Liu took out a piece of black and white talisman paper and chanted the incantation. However, when the talisman fell, nothing strange appeared.


Gu Liu believed that this was because his talisman paper was not powerful enough. After all, he firmly believed that there could be no abnormalities.

Therefore, under the blessing of the power of the two talismans, the blessing talisman strengthened the appearance talisman, and the power of the appearance talisman exploded.


There was a sound like a fire being lit, and a burning unknown object appeared in front of them.

They walked up to it and saw everything clearly.

"A pool of blood? Is there fire on it?"

Meng Fei didn't understand what was going on, so he looked at Gu Liu habitually.

Gu Liu lived up to expectations and explained: "Blood fraud! It is a thaumaturgy that uses blood as a carrier to hide it underground. Once someone steps on it, the location will be exposed to the person hiding the blood."

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